As We Drown


the 100 au

an au where minji is clarke griffin and jongin is bellamy blake


for those who is not aware of this show and their relationship, also what they have done, take a look at this video and you will get the gist of what is happening. 



Helpless being that needed to be saved. The blood that stained their hands would not wash away. The deaths on their shoulders rose and they were sinking deeper into their own hell. The people they killed, they saw them behind closed eyes and haunted them every time they sleep.


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ADDF26 #2
It's been a long while since the kai minty tag is updated. Thank you for this story! I have heard of Bellamy but I never come around to watch it. I probably should understand what the show is about before coming here. Seems like a tense show judging from your writing.

All that aside, it's sadly short. I wish I would know what or who are they gg against? Why do do what they do. I'll probably just have to start watching the show. Thanks for sharing this story. It is much appreciated.