Chapter 2

The Scarlet In Her Eyes

Moonbyul was not looking forward to Math class.

She had gone on a hunting trip the night before, so she wasn't about to go ripping off anybody's head off for blood. She was usually in complete control of her vampiric urges, and after many centuries of walking among humans, she had gotten used to the scent of them, as compared to her earlier days of being a newborn vampire that rampaged across towns to quench her thirst. But yesterday was a completely new ordeal, one she did not expect to spend hours thinking about. The whole experience was completely foreign to hermind-boggling, even.

"Come on, it's the final lesson of the day. Get through this and you're done for today," Moonbyul mumbled to herself, pulling her math textbook out of her bag and sliding it onto her table.

"Hello, class!" Miss Kim beamed at the class as she walked in and placed the large stack of papers on the teacher's desk. "I've graded your tests, so I'll be giving them back today."

"How did we do?" a student echoed from the back of the classroom.

"Most of you did fine, some of you need extra practice, and some did-" Miss Kim's gaze locked onto Moonbyul's for a moment, before her eyes flitted away once more. "-much better than I expected."

A freezing shiver crawled up Moonbyul's spine, and she quietly gripped the edge of her seat when Miss Kim slid her test paper across her table, whose lips curled up into a smile towards her, along with a silent nod.

She looked down at her paper.

A large '100/100' was written on it with red ink, plus a smiley face.

"See me after class," Miss Kim mouthed towards her.

"Not again," the chrome-haired girl muttered breathily. She absolutely did not want any complications to happen while she was here. Not for now, at least. She had a lot more things to be wary of, and a 'wanted' sign over her head was definitely not going to help out at all. Don't breathe, Moonbyul. Not right now.

But she couldn't help herself, and so she told herself, just one.

And so she ever so slowly, took in a single, deep breath.

There was the scent of normal teenage boys and girls around her, but that didn't musk the irresistible aroma of Miss Kim that pierced through the air and into her nose, even though she was all the way at the other end of the class.

The scent was... indescribable, really.

It was like how a flower was like to a bee, how the sun looked to a blind man, how food smelled like to someone who hadn't eaten in days.

Add all of those together and multiply them by a thousand, perhaps a millionthat was how intense the feeling was.

"Miss Moonbyul?"

The same silky-smooth, mellow tone of voice softly wrapped around her body and climbed down her spine, waking her up from her trance.

"Uh, yes?" Moonbyul grunted softly, still slightly distracted.

"Can you come up here and solve this question?" Miss Kim grinned, motioning her towards the front of the class.

The girl complied, albeit a little reluctantly, standing up and shuffling to the front of the class.

"Here's the marker."

Moonbyul shifted a little closer towards the teacher, and hastily took the marker from her, accidentally brushing her fingers against Miss Kim's in the process.

The feeling was explosive, like the feeling of electricity crawling up her finger, then shattering and zapping throughout the rest of her body. She would be lying if she said she didn't shiver in the slightest, and for some reason the thirst in for this woman in front of her subsized ever so slightly. Again, another completely foreign feeling to her.

She stared into her teacher's eyes for the quickest of moments before looking towards the board to read the question in front of her. Out of the corner of her eyes, as she mumbled the equation and rapidly solved it on the board, she noticed Miss Kim's sharp gaze that seemed to bore holes into her skull. Their eyes somehow met, and Miss Kim simply blinked a few times, like a deer in the headlights, before turning to the board to read the equations.

"Done," Moonbyul mumbled breathily, carefully handing the marker back so as to make sure their fingers didn't touch once again. Miss Kim paused without a word and nodded before taking the marker back, and Moonbyul couldn't help but wonder if the other woman had felt that too. Anyway, the nod was a cue for her to go back to her seat, and so she made her way back.

"Now, class, your classmate has shown an excellent way to solve this..."




Sometimes, Moonbyul wished that vampires had special powers like in books, because she had spent the past forty-five minutes staring at the clock in an attempt to perhaps speed up time.

"Class dismissed," Miss Kim beamed at her students, who were slowly filing out of the class one by one. Her line of sight shifted onto Moonbyul's back, who could clearly feel a certain pair of eyes on her.

"Miss Moonbyul?"

"Yeah?" The girl stepped to the front, albeit a little warily while tapping a rhythm down the side of her pants as she stood in front of the teacher's desk.

"I have to admit, you really weren't kidding when you said you already learnt the material. Even so, it wasn't exactly an easy test. Good job."


"Anyway, how has school been for you? I know it must be a little overwhelming from switching schools right in the middle of the year," Miss Kim grinned, shuffling her papers together while simultaneously putting her pens and markers back into her pencil case. "I went through the exact same thing when I was your age, and it was a little tiring for me. Just wanted to know if you're feeling left out or anything?"

"I'm-" Moonbyul chewed on her bottom lip, hesitating for a moment. She usually didn't enjoy talking to humans in general, but for some reason, she couldn't act normal when she was with Miss Kim. "-okay. Everyone has been really nice to me, and Eric is being less of a than I thought he was. He's actually pretty nice, and I'm feeling great."

"Language," Miss Kim laughed, and wiggled her finger teasingly. "Alright, that's good to hear," she smiled once again, before looking down at her wristwatch. "Unfortunately, I have a meeting coming up in about ten minutes, so I really have to go," she added, standing up in the process.

"Okay," Moonbyul said and started to turn away, but something caught on her tongue, and she blabbered it out before she could think. "Are you going for the football game later?"

The school had a football game versus their rivals school this evening, and a couple of her new friends had invited her to go. Considering that it was an important match and that she had nothing to do anyway, she decided to just go for it.

Miss Kim blinked. "The football game?" her brows furrowed in thought, and after a few moments, her face lit up. "Ah, that match. I'm not really into football, but I have to be there to support someone," she rolled her eyes and huffed jokingly, walking forward before accidentally knocking against Moonbyul's shoulder.

Boom. That same electrifying feeling travelling and scattering throughout her body again, within a matter of seconds. The urging thirst in completely subsided, and she felt the bright shade of red beneath her eyes fade to a mellower hue.

"Sorry," Miss Kim muttered, an apologetic frown on her face. "I have to rush. Have a good day, sweetie."

"It's okay. You too," Moonbyul managed to blurt out, watching Miss Kim's figure disappear from sight.

What the heck was that? Nearly an hour ago, she was the most irresistible human with a scent that would've charged the vampiric side of her into overdrive if she didn't stop breathing. Now, the thirst in was gone, and she felt no need to run up to the blood bank.

Moonbyul heaved, and knocked her edge of her palm against the side of her head a couple of times. She didn't like things that were foreign to her. She didn't like experiencing things that she didn't experience before, for she felt weak, and she didn't know what to do. She had a fear of the unknown, and that was exactly what this mysterious Miss Kim was to her.

So why did it seem that whenever Miss Kim touched her, it felt so right, yet so wrong?




"Yo, Moonbyul!"

The girl turned towards the familiar voice, and caught sight of her new friend in football gear jogging towards her.

"Hey, Eric."

"Great to see you at the game! Didn't really expect you to come, considering it's practically your second day here."

"Well, gotta start building up that school spirit somewhere. I thought this might be a good time-"

"Great choice! I'm looking forward to getting cheered on by someone as pretty as you in the stands. Did you come with anyone else?" he tilted his head and looked across her shoulder, shaking his head. "Guess not. Ah well, that's fine, too."

Moonbyul snorted and pinched her tip of her nose. "Are you seriously like this to every girl in school?"

"Not really-" Eric rubbed the back of his neck and huffed. His ears flared a shade of red, and he was obviously a little embarrassed. "Did Yongsun say that?"


"Oh crap- I meant Miss Kim. Did Miss Kim say that?"

"Uh, yeah. Wait, how do you know h-"

"Oh, !" Eric cussed, turning away and running towards the football stadium. "Look, I'll chat with you later. I gotta run, have to get ready for the match. Be sure to be seated in ten minute's time! See you!"

"I-" Moonbyul huffed, and shook her head. "Okay!" she yelled after him, a small frown appearing on her face.

Yongsun, huh.




God, were humans stinky. Hundreds of them packed together in the stands would undeniably form a land of stinky body odour, and there was even the occasional splash of coke from a random student, who obviously earned a sharp glare from Moonbyul when the drink nearly landed on her head. She decided that she definitely needed some fresh air, so she somehow managed to squeeze herself out from the stands to go grab some very much needed fresh air.

She shoved her hands into her pocket and absentmindedly walked across the stadium to one of the food stands, just to see what they were selling.

A familiar voice echoed from the side, and Moonbyul swirled around expectantly.

"I'll get some nachos with extra cheese and a Sprite, please!"

"Miss Kim?"

"Oh!" Miss Kim cracked a bright smile in front of her, turning back to hand the grubby-looking cashier the money and thanking him before carefully taking the snacks. "This stadium was larger than I thought, didn't expect to bump into you. I kind of got here late, so I'm preparing myself for the next half of the game."

"Preparing with snacks?" Moonbyul joked and raised a brow comically, a tiny lopsided smile forming on her lips.

"You got that right," the brunette winked.

Jesus, was it just her or did Miss Kim seem like she could be a model for an international agency with that wink? The person she came to support was extremely lucky- Wait, Eric knew her name, and he was one of the football guys. Did this mean-

"Are you planning to buy anything?"

"Me? Oh, no. I'm just here to take a breath of fresh air." Moonbyul shrugged, shaking her head. Vampires could eat human food, but they didn't have a need to. Food also tasted bland to them, so what was the point, right? She hadn't had actual food in years, and whenever someone commented on it, she would just reply that she was either on a diet or that she wasn't hungry.

"The stands can get a bit... overwhelming, huh?"

"They stink."

"I know how you feel. Anyway, since we're here, why not I buy you something to eat? A prize for doing so well on that test."

"I really don't-"

"Aw, come on! Look, just pick whatever you'd like. I'll pay for it."

Moonbyul narrowed her eyes, but huffed and for some reason unlike her, simply gave in to the slightly shorter woman. "A hotdog would be nice."

"A hotdog? Sure."

A few moments later, Moonbyul had a massive hotdog in her hands. Great, just great. Human food. Can someone remind her why did she agree to this, again?

"... Are you sure you should be eating that many nachos? I don't think that's good for your health." Moonbyul looked down at the sheer amount of nachos in her teacher's arms, and looked back at her with a questioning stare.

"Hey, like I said yesterday, I'm not as old as you think. I have a good amount of years left before all this kicks in. Let me enjoy myself."

"How old are you?"

"How old do I look like?"

"Uh... twenty-nine?"

"Really, now? I'm twenty-three."

Moonbyul tried masking the surprise in her voice, but the look on her face probably gave it away, anyway. "Aren't you a little too young to be a teacher?"

"I skipped a year, and graduated early from high school. Do I look that old to you?" a slight crease appeared on Miss Kim's face, which turned to a grin nearly a second later. "Just kidding. I'm really not that much older than you, am I?"

"You're not," the chrome-haired girl replied. "Miss Kim?" she added, pointing towards the stadium.


"Second half of the game is starting."

"Oh, right. I got to get to my seat. The person I'm here for would kill me if they didn't see me during the match."

A certain hotness began to rise up in her chest, and Moonbyul didn't like it.

"Okay. I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then, Miss Kim?" Moonbyul started to turn away, but paused after she heard her name being called. "Yes?"

"Between us two, it's Yongsun, okay?" the brunette placed a finger inbetween her lips, a smile peering out behind her fingers.

"Okay... Yongsun."

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Astrae_17 #1
Chapter 8: This is such a good story! I really enjoyed reading it! Please consider starting it again!
Kdyc16 #2
Chapter 5: Loved the fic :((( er for vampire stories. Would like an update even though chances are slim. Stay safe!
Chapter 5: hey author!i really,really enjoyed this fanfic and i have seen that you aren't seeming to want to finish it,,maybe can i try and finish it using either this website or wattpad(my account is )
i would give full 100% credit to you(obviously im not going to steal this amazing writing without permission to finish it)
but,its all up to you,as its what do you think?
Farras_AZ #4
Chapter 8: God this is soooo good. I hope you're back :(
Laayy_15 #5
Chapter 8: wooah this story so good, it's so shame if you didn't continue this fic
Wandapul #6
pleaseeeee update this story juseyooooo
moonbyulyi08 #7
Chapter 8: this fic had SO MUCH potential. :’(
serendeuphoria #8
Chapter 8: It's been 2 years(?) but we still need the update :(
Chapter 8: no omg what pls update :((