The Fallen OVA: Halloween Special


When hinges creak in doorless chambers, and strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls;

Whenever candlelight flickers where the air is deathly still...

That is the time when his screaming is present, expressing his terror without any ghoulish delight!

They find themselves in his greatest nightmare...

Will this horror story end up with a treat, or a terrible trick? With so many options and choices, will he be able to find his way to her? He might need a little help from higher beings...



Please follow these instructions for the best reading experience:

You are helping the hero of this story make decisions to get to the happy ending! Please don't click the NEXT button mindlessly, but click on the option that you choose to progress the story. 

So, remember: CLICK THE OPTION IN THE STORY, DO NOT CLICK "NEXT" as you usually would - this will ruin your interactive experience and the story won't make a of sense ^^;

Be mindful of what you choose, the boys and Jae are counting on you!



Hi everyone!!! SORRY FOR THE BIGASS LQ POSTER...Man, that thing is just right up in yo face, isn't it? ^^;

Guys, I don't think I can ever express how sorry I am that I haven't been able to write here more often and that the OVAs are slow to roll out. I've been working on a Summer Special for months now and it's still not published here OTL. I truly apologize, but I am forever grateful for your patience and support (of which I am not worthy TAT). I will always continue to try my best and check in every once in a while.

It's weird posting a Halloween special in late winter/early spring, but well, there ya go! I hope you'll enjoy reading this experimental interactive piece, and that it will hopefully make up a bit for my absence all this long time. Please let me know if all the links inside the text work and that they're leading you to the right storylines. WARNING: there is some gore and angst in this one, unlike the other OVAs, this Halloween version is a bit more on the dark side, so ye be warned! Remember; Click the links in the story, don't click the usual NEXT button, okay?

Have fun and enjoy some spooky adventures~ .... WHO IS THAT BEHIND YOU?! OAO

Huehuehue, Happy Halloween!!!



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Chapter 32: for a moment i really got scared lmao and i kept making mistakes! im so glad i got the answers correct after the gypsy part! and oh.. of course. it's been years since i first read the fallen and it's only now that i decided to read this after re-reading the story for who knows how many times. your writing is really intricate! no wonder i still become amazed whenever i read the fallen. kudos to your masterpiece author-nim!!
Chapter 32: OMG this is sooooooooo good..I choose wrong option so many time and ended up with dead end..damn..but I enjoyed it so much..thank you for writing such awesome stories...
omg I love your stories keep up the great work
Chapter 31: Oh my god. Those comments below T-T. U guys make me emotional in the middle of night!!. . Huuuaaaa . I really Miss all of this. T-T
Chapter 31: I Got Tao trapped in painting and Only Tao and Jae that escape the house to finally bring all of them out of the madhouse. Fiuhh. Bonechilling unnie and amazing as always. Thanks for bringing back story from Ookami Shinro. Heheh. I really miss them. And as always Kris 'Ain't my style' always got me chuckling. Yehettt. . The happy ending is really nice especially the bantering about jae's kiss. Wuuuaah i really love thiiiisss!! #IcantSavemylifeWithGrammars #
NotWeirdAtAll97 #6
Chapter 32: Oh.My.God I'm such a sjdjndnsm like I kept on making mistakes!! I am so glad that wasn't me.because if it was Jae would've been.trapped and dead and ughhhh T^T I won't be able to sleep tonight T^T
Googleyboo #7
Chapter 32: YAAAAYYY! I'm so happy that you posted this! Woah that was pretty creepy though lol XD the part with Jae and the doctor kind of reminded me of a twisted Beauty and the Beast thing. Good job and thank you for the beautiful OVA!!!! Hope to see more in the future!!!
Chapter 32: oh my goodness that was so well written! Loved it! thank you so much for making this masterpiece