on the train


Hyuk's train journey is a little more eventful than he'd like, but at least he has Taemin with him to share his pain. One thing's for sure though; he will NEVER pee on a train again!


from personal experience *shrieks and runs away*

2.4k words ~


dedicated to meleodiseu lol


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Chapter 1: Well this was certainly an entertaining misadventure. haha I know using restrooms in public places is iffy sometimes, but watching these boys go through the madness they had to just to use the restroom was both painful and funny. And this is what happens when you wait too long. XD Everything seems so much worse when you finally make that decision to go. lol But I did enjoy reading this. I half expected the bathroom itself to be even worse off than what they found, so that was a small blessing, but my goodness. Between inconsiderate passengers, rude line cutters, and the body's frustrating inclination to make the situation seem even worse under pressure, I'd say that was definitely a lesson learned for them. haha

Thanks for sharing and nicely done overall. ^_^ Not to mention their playful, teasing banter was pretty entertaining too. ;)
Chapter 1: Why can I see this happening to you, Eomma?
Chapter 1: AHHH YAAASSSS bro this was so cute holy crap yaaassss
personal experience ? 0_0
oooo XD XD
Your stalker is back *wiggles brow*