Continuing to Love You (season 2/ sequel to Long-lasting Love)


Author: Mewzikk

** I OWN NOTHING of this fanfic, all credit goes to the rightful owner/writer/author

** I re-post it here due to site closed down

** No plagiarism intended

** Purely sharing to all readers and fans


Original owner/ writer/ author (by Mewzikk)


Link to: Long-Lasting Love??



Hi readers! This is a sequel to Long-lasting Love ( For the fore words I'm just going to do a brief summary of the cast. For the cast in some of my stories their not really important there's going to be different antagonists in the story but I don't know how to settle with just one. OK! here it is... Sequel to Long-lasting Love!

Gui Gui:
Engaged to Jiro
Still in college
Just remembered

Aaron Yan:
Not a player anymore(who changed him?)
Going out with Rainie
Still in college

Jiro Wang:
Engaged with Gui Gui
Still in college
"Three weeks till marriage! YES!"
"Jiro, SHH! We're still being interviewed."

Rainie Yang:
Going out with Aaron
Still in college
Cunfused in the meaning of love
My poster and cast will change from time to time so hang on there.
I'm still new at this writing and making thing.
Keep in mind...
I'm just a 6th grader.


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