twenty three.

❥ #HappyMiruDay — 161014



TODAY’S THE DAY ❤ HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! IMMA DO A LITTLE REMINISCING ; U ;  HEHE - I remember before we didn’t really talk much? ; u ; i think well — it was cause I was too shy and imma approach you everytime i have a question — though like one thing i really remember the most during that time was when I approached you about the event? haha ; ; if I could skip a category — the iasdjakfelakf category ; ; cause i really didn’t know ; u ; sobs. - there were so many times too— like remember that time i posted something about my throat hurting and then you commented something KFSJFLAIFJCOIEKL— ohghad oAo but then i think you were the first one between the two of us who opened up and I was so happy ; ; cause I never thought i’d be close to you cause i really really wanted to but then i just didn’t know how to approach ; u ; ❤ 

Thank you for always being there for me Miru through thick and thin ; u ; for always listening to my rants! for reminding me about important things! ; ; thank you even for trusting me when you open up to me ❤ it makes me feel real important! thank you for sharing the things you like with me ❤ like well — ofcourse your group! im learning a lot! ; u   I like sayaka — and you know that already haha ❤ Thank you for everything! 

You are so important to me! ❤ And I really hope you enjoy this day! You deserve all the best today ❤  Always remember that I’m here for you always, i’d listen to you all the time and more birthdays to come with all of us together ne? o/ YAY ❤ HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!! ^^

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