Chapter 28

Heartfelt Voice

Realizing the light-colored surface was not so bad, Jiyeon and Jaehyun slowed down to a walk. It was quite pleasant actually. The calluses on the soles of their feet offered some insulation to withstand the heat. They walked casually, holding hands, swinging their hands rhythmically. The road was not very busy. A few pedestrians gave them stares as if they were crazy, murmuring amongst themselves. They smiled, enjoying the comforting sensation of holding hands, unaffected by the stares they received.

Jiyeon stole a glance at him, and her smile widened. She felt so damn lucky to have met someone like him; someone who didn't have greed for materialistic things; someone who thought for himself. The ability to think for oneself is a beautiful thing. Her smile died at the sight a middle-aged man and a little boy sitting side by side on a sidewalk bench several feet away. The middle-aged man was blowing up a balloon. She felt her heart pounding a beat that seemed to accelerate with every step she took. She stopped dead in her tracks as he started twisting the balloon into an animal shape.

Jaehyun turned around to face her. A look of confusion adorned his face. "What's wrong?"

She made no response. Her heart was beating fast, and her legs grew weak. Jiyeon crouched down and covered her ears, her eyes downcast. She was so terrified the balloon might pop.

He crouched down in front of her. "Please, tell me what's wrong?" Jaehyun pleaded, worry palpable in the tone of his voice.

"I-I-I'm afraid of balloons," Jiyeon stuttered, her lip trembling, "the of balloons."

His hands cupped her face, making her look at him. His touch calmed her a bit. "When it started?" he asked.

"It...started since I was young. I was blowing one up and it popped in my face."

Jaehyun nodded like he understood and said reassuringly, "It's okay. I'll help you face your fear." He took her hands and helped her to her feet.

A great wave of relief washed over her as she noticed that the middle-age man had finished twisting the balloon. He handed the dog balloon to the little boy then lifted him off the bench and set him on his shoulders. He walked away, singing along with the little boy.

Her heart rate was dropping back to normal. She took a deep breath. "I'm fine now."

"Let's go then."

Jiyeon nodded, but she didn't move. Her eyes followed the middle-aged man as he crossed the street. That middle-aged man somehow reminded her of her father whom she missed so much.

"Dad will return home this evening. I want to meet him and hug him, but if I go home, Mom won't let me leave the house," Jiyeon muttered aloud. She squeezed her eyes shut as she remembered she'd promised to her mother that she would go home after teaching. I'm sure Mom will forbid me to see Jaehyun and lock me in the house if I do go home. Not going home means breaking the promise, and Mom may wait for me all night like she did last night. What should I do? She felt the frustration building up inside her. She inhaled slowly and deeply through her nose, holding it for five counts. She exhaled slowly through her nose. She repeated it until the frustration melted away. She opened her eyes to see his face inches away from hers.

"You don't need to worry, Jiyeon. I'll drive you home this evening and ask your parents for their blessings." Jaehyun's softest voice reverberated in her head. He kissed her forehead so tenderly that tears sprang to her eyes.

Mom will never give her blessings to our relationship, and the probability that Dad will give his blessings is very small, Jaehyun. Jiyeon brushed her tears away with her fingertips. She in a deep breath and smiled at him. "Let's go."

Holding hands, they continued walking without speaking. After a few steps, Jaehyun stopped in front of a store, and she stopped as well.

"Wait here for a minute. I'm going to buy something," he said. She gave him a curt nod, and he quickly stepped into the store. 

Waiting for him, Jiyeon repeatedly tapped her right foot on the concrete. A young pedestrian, dressed in sport shorts, a pink T-shirt and white tennis shoes, stopped in front of her and stared at her bare feet. She shifted her gaze to her face then opened her backpack. She pulled out a pair of white sneakers and handed it to her, saying, "Take this and wear it."

Jiyeon smiled at her. "Thanks for your kindness, but I don't need it. I deliberately dumped my own shoes into the trash can."

"What!" A surprised disbelief showed in her voice. "Going barefoot does not hurt your feet?"

"Going barefoot strengthens the feet," Jiyeon countered softly. "We were born barefoot. When was the last time your bare feet touched the earth? Dirty feet are happier and healthier than being stuffed into dark sweaty shoes. Don't you agree?"

The young pedestrian stuffed sneakers back into her backpack. She shrugged her shoulders and tightened the strap on her backpack. "You're weirdo," she said and continued her way.

Soon enough, Jaehyun stepped out of the store, carrying a small brown paper bag, heading towards her.

"What have you bought?" Jiyeon asked. Jaehyun opened the small paper bag and pulled out a pack of party balloons. She jumped backward and stifled a sigh of annoyance. "Why did you buy it? You already know I'm afraid of―"

"Yes, I know. That's why I bought it," Jaehyun interjected as he put it back into the paper bag. He opened his bag and put the paper bag into it. He then took two steps forward, closing the gap between them. "As I told you earlier, I'll help you face your fear. You have to realize that balloons are harmless; they cannot kill you. What the worst that could happen? The only way to overcome is to blow a balloon. Blow more if you can, you'll get used to it. Trust yourself, okay?"  

He's right. The only way to conquer fear is to face it. Avoiding it only ingrains it further. You haven't yet conquered your fear of balloons because you haven't completely trusted yourself. Jiyeon, it's time to totally trust yourself. With a downturned smile of deep contemplation, she nodded, agreeing with her inner voice. "Okay."

He beamed. "You can blow a balloon while sunbathing."

They continued their walk in silence towards his house, once again holding hands. The warm feeling from his hand flowed across to her hand. He put more pressure on her hand and hung on tightly by his firm grip as his hand held hers tightly when they crossed the street. Jiyeon enjoyed every minute of Jaehyun holding her hand as his date. It was one of the best feelings she ever felt, like she was complete, that she had everything.

After an hour's walking, they reached the gate of his house. He opened it, and they walked down the brick path towards the front door. He reached into his right pocket and pulled out the key. The door flew open before he could insert the key into the lock to reveal a young woman in a plain T-shirt and jeans. In spite of the long dark brown hair, Jiyeon recognized her. She was Jaehyun's sister.

"Sis, when did you come back home?" Jaehyun asked, his surprise evident in his voice.

His sister glanced down at her watch before answering, "We got home about half an hour ago." She opened her arms for a hug. "Did you not miss me?"

"Of course, I missed you." He wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"I was so shocked when our father received a phone call from school, telling him you got involved with your teacher." His sister hugged him tight. "Why can't you wait until you graduate?"

"I'm 18 years old. Our father once told me that once you reach the age of 18 years old, you are your own father. I know what's best for me. Sis, she's the one for me. She's the girl that I've been dreaming," Jaehyun countered softly. "Where is our father?"

"Our father has gone to school to meet the Principal," his sister answered. After a short silence, she continued, "Jaehyun, I'd like to meet the teacher..." Her voice trailed off as her eyes landed on Jiyeon.  

She pulled away and scanned Jiyeon from head to toe, lingering a second longer on her bare feet, then her eyes darted back up to Jiyeon's face. She narrowed her eyes like she was trying to remember something. "I feel like I met you somewhere before."

"I'm Park Jiyeon, and yes, we indeed met before back then in the park when a little girl called Sojung and I watched the sun." Jiyeon bowed politely.

"Ah, that's right," his sister countered, tapping her temple with her index finger. "I'm Jung Eunji. It's nice to meet you again." She slightly bowed. Then her eyes widened a little. "Wait, don't tell me you are―" Eunji paused and looked at Jaehyun, who was smiling from ear to ear.

Jaehyun put his arm around Jiyeon's shoulders and said, "This is the teacher you'd like to meet. We love each other, and we just got married today."

"You guys just got married today?" Eunji repeated, laughing.

"We're not joking," Jaehyun and Jiyeon said in unison, their voices dripping with seriousness. "We've said our vows to each other."

The laughter died immediately and her expression turned serious in a flash. "Let me see the marriage certificate," Eunji demanded, holding out her hand.

Jiyeon and Jaehyun looked at each other. He furled his brow as he nodded as if to say 'speak up.' Jiyeon shifted her gaze to his sister and took a deep breath before speaking, "To us, marriage is a commitment between the two people while a marriage certificate is nothing but a piece of paper. We don't need a piece of paper telling us we're committed."

"We refuse to allow society to dictate how we're going to live our lives. We're certainly not going to get that legalized paper just as an obligation to society. We can live and be together for the rest of our lives happily without having that paper. It means nothing. If you need a piece of paper to feel secure in your relationship, then you don't actually feel secure or trust your partner," Jaehyun added. "We don't need rings. A ring is a representation of several aspects of insecurity―the image of being happy relative to others, advertising the wealth of the husband, and sending the message that I'm no longer lonely. It's got nothing to do with actual love, just the egoic image of it. It actually shows how materialistic is society. Happiness is valued by material goods; possessions equal joy."

His outlook made her heart bloom. A smile emerged on Jiyeon's face, and her eyes sparkled with admiration as she stared at him.

Eunji gave a deep and long exhale. "Your "ramble" makes sense. I appreciate hearing your outlook," she said after a moment's silence, patting their shoulders. She then took Jiyeon's hand and led her into the living room.

"Jiyeon, I'm going to change my uniform. I'll be right back," Jaehyun said as he handed towards the stairs.

Jiyeon and Eunji sat opposite each other on the couch. Eunji watched as Jiyeon placed her bag on the empty space beside her.

"How old are you?" Eunji began. "What you teach?"

"I'm twenty-two years old. I teach mathematics."

"Hmm, the is four years―" She paused and took a deep breath then continued, "At this time, you're supposed to teach. Did you get fired?"

"I'm not yet fired. I'm punished severely."

"You're punished severely," Eunji repeated, nodding as if understanding then gave her a serious look. "You don't need to get fired to be fired, if you know what I mean. Disciplinary―"

"I know what you mean." Jiyeon held her gaze. "I'm ready to quit the profession."

"Do you ever think―"

"Why so serious? What are you talking about?"

Jiyeon cocked her head to the side to see Jaehyun walking towards them, carrying a glass of water. He looked manly in a tight white T-shirt and short pants. He sat on the arm of the couch beside Jiyeon and handed the glass to her. She mouthed 'thank you' and took a few gulps. The cool liquid seemed to bring her body temperature down a notch.

"Sis, you approve of our relationship, don't you?" Jaehyun questioned.

Eunji gave him a smile. "She seems to love you so much to the point she willingly takes the risk of losing her job―" She looked at Jiyeon, who was putting the glass on the table then back at him. "There's no reason for me to disapprove. I support your relationship and give you my blessings."

His face lit in a beaming smile as he got to his feet and moved to sit beside his sister. He hugged her. "Thank you, sister."

"Jaehyun, you're my only little brother. I always love you and support you unconditionally," Eunji whispered slowly as she caressed his hair.

"I love you too." Jaehyun tightened his hug, and they lapsed into silence.

Jiyeon's lips curled into a faint smile at the sight before her. She could feel the strong bond between her lover and his sister. The bond showcased what a pure relationship between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine looked like. It brought warmth to her heart and tears to her eyes. She blinked to keep them at bay.

A moment later, they broke off their hug. Jaehyun kissed his sister's cheek, and Eunji chuckled, ruffling his hair. He smoothed his hair back before he got to his feet and looked at Jiyeon. "Let's go," Jaehyun said softly.

"Where are you going?" Eunji asked.

Jaehyun glanced down at his sister. "We're going to our back garden. Jiyeon said she wants to―"

"I want to try blowing up a balloon," Jiyeon interjected as she leapt to her feet. She didn't feel comfortable sunbathe in the presence of his sister.

"I join then." Eunji sprang to her feet. "Blowing up balloons is so fun." Her voice rose with excitement.

Jaehyun shook his head, a smile adorning his face. "You sound like a little girl," he remarked. Eunji wrinkled her nose, smiling widely. He stepped towards Jiyeon, took her hand then looked at his sister. "Let's go."

They had taken three steps when they heard a motorcycle roar outside. "He's finally arrived," Eunji muttered as she quickened her step.

"Who is he?" Jaehyun asked as he led Jiyeon to the front door.

"He's my friend. He asked me to help him with his thesis," Eunji replied as she stepped into the front porch and stood there with her hands in her jean pockets.

Standing beside Eunji, they watched as the rider, dressed in a black leather jacket cut short at the waist, his long legs wrapped in black jeans, his feet encased in black boots, parked his red motorcycle in the driveway. There was a backpack slung over his shoulders. He killed his engine and hopped off his bike. He took off his helmet and hung it on the handlebars. Jiyeon shook her head in disbelief. The rider was none other than Byun Baekhyun.

"He is your friend?" Disbelief colored Jaehyun's voice. Eunji nodded, waving her hand as Baekhyun walked over to them with a big smile on his face.

"Sorry I'm late." Baekhyun gave Eunji a quick hug. He curled his lips in a mocking smile as he alternately stared at Jiyeon and Jaehyun. "Eunji, she is the youngest teacher in this city," he announced as he pointed at Jiyeon. He put his hand on Jaehyun's shoulder. "This ing boy is her student. And you know what? She's dating him. No man wants to date such a self-righteous like her; hence she seduces this ing boy." He broke into mocking laughter.

Jaehyun shrugged his hand off his shoulder and grabbed his jacket collar. "I've told you Jiyeon never seduces me! You better watch your mouth next time!" he shouted in Baekhyun's face.

Baekhyun didn't flinch. "You now call her what? Jiyeon?" His laughter got louder.  

His mocking laughter fueled her anger. Jiyeon balled her hand into a fist at her side. She'd like to punch him in the face. No, Jiyeon. Don't waste your energy on him. She drew a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

Eunji blew out a whooshing breath before she released her brother's grip on Baekhyun's jacket collar. She squeezed Jaehyun's arm lightly and looked at Baekhyun sharply as she said, "This ing boy is my little brother, Jung Jaehyun."  

His laughter died. Baekhyun stilled and then blinked a few times and shook his head, like waking from a deep slumber. "I'm sorry, Eunji. I didn't know he is your brother." He bowed his head slightly.

Eunji's expression softened. "You don't need to apologize to me. You need to apologize to Jiyeon."

"What? I," Baekhyun said, tapping his forehead with his index finger then pointed at Jiyeon, "apologize to her?"

"Yes, you need to apologize to Jiyeon for humiliating her, or else go home now." Eunji's voice took on a more serious tone.

The right side of his upper lip curled upward as Baekhyun stared at Jiyeon. "Ms. Youngest Teacher, I apologize for humiliating you," he said in a flat tone.

Eunji chuckled, shaking her head. "Byun Baekhyun, your apology wasn't sincere. You better―"

"Sis, just forget about it. I'm sure Jiyeon doesn't need his apology," Jaehyun interrupted.

"That's right. I don't need his apology," Jiyeon chimed in, and she saw that Baekhyun's lips were moving like he was grumbling; his eyes slightly narrowed.

"Just ignore him. He's not worth your energy and time." Jaehyun took Jiyeon's hand and led her to his back garden. Jiyeon glanced over her shoulder and saw Eunji follow two steps behind them, while Baekhyun followed one step behind her.

"Baekhyun, you better go home now."

"What? You want me to go home?" Baekhyun's voice sounded surprised, and maybe just a bit disappointed.

Once they reached the middle of the garden, Jaehyun sat down on the grass, and Jiyeon sat beside him on his right, while his sister sat beside him on his left.

Baekhyun plopped down in front of Eunji. "You said you agree to help me. Why suddenly change your mind?"

"I want to have fun with my brother. I'm sure you will just ruin our togetherness," Eunji replied. "Why you seem to hate them, especially Jiyeon so much?"

He shifted his gaze between Jiyeon and Jaehyun then his gaze focused on Eunji. "I don't really hate your brother―" Baekhyun pointed at Jiyeon. "That youngest ing teacher has been bashing our field and me. She's so goddamn self-righteous."

Jiyeon couldn't help but laugh. He was still so butthurt. Baekhyun jerked his gaze to her and glared at her. "Are you laughing at me?" he snapped.

"Yes, I am," Jiyeon replied, still laughing.

She stopped laughing when Baekhyun balled his hands against his thighs. "You're getting my nerves―"

"Okay, enough." Eunji clapped her hands together. "Baekhyun, don't ruin our togetherness, do you get it?"

Baekhyun blew out a loud breath. "Yes."

"Good." Eunji smiled then nudged her brother gently with her elbow. Jaehyun looked at her, and she mouthed something.

Jaehyun reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of balloons. He took one balloon and handed the rest to his sister, which she took it with a bright smile. He then took Jiyeon's hand and placed it on her palm, saying, "Balloons are harmless."

Jiyeon noticed her hand shaking a bit. Eunji and Baekhyun looked at each other then at Jiyeon and said simultaneously:

"You're afraid of balloons?"     "You have a fear of balloons?"


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692 streak #1
Chapter 40: Congrats on the bid! ^^
Chapter 40: Congratulations on the highest bid and I'll be reading soon!
Chapter 34: Congrats on the ad bid feature!
1832 streak #4
Chapter 34: Congrats^^
Damia_Song123 #5
Chapter 34: Congratulations on winning the bid ^^
31 streak #6
Chapter 34: Congratulations
Chapter 34: Wow the whole story is so overwhelming ,i would likely to digest the gist of it ...Love it as it's been a long time that i read this kind of story before 😍