Running away from desolation


After partying it up one evening the life's of 8 individuals change drasticaly.Now stuck with the notion of one of their best friend being gone,how will they cope with their loss? Will things ever go back to normal? Will this tragedy make their friendship grow stronger or will it do just the opposite of that?,Follow the life's of (Y/N) and Bangtan boys as they struggle to find something to bring them back from that agony,and dark place they now find themselves in after loosing one of their loved ones.

A/N: guys this is my first ever fanfic and I'm not the best writer so please don't be too harsh with your comments.I got inspired to write this after watching their Run MV and I'm not sure where I'm going to be taking this story yet,and since writing isn't my forte I'm not sure I'll be updating very often.Thanks again for being so understanding ,and can't wait to see what you guys think. Love you guys :)


"Best summer ever", Jungkook said still looking at the window. "You know...... sometimes I think that he's still in Paris." (A heavy silence fell between you guys,before he continued.) "In fact I sometimes convince myself that he's out there, having the time of his life".You looked at him surprised, you hated seeing him being so miserable.Now that you saw him clearly,you noticed the dark bags under his eyes,and the way his hair was disheveled from him running his hands through it continuously.

 Your thoughts where suddenly interrupted by his rough voice "And other times it just hits me....that this time he's not coming back, not because he is in Paris, but because he isn't here anymore."

 Your heart felt heavy as the reality that Jin was indeed not in this world anymore hit you.Sitting up from where you where laying you replied,"Yeah it's easier to imagine him as he was.... I sometimes get scared that I'll forget what he looks like" You let out a sad laugh before you continued to say,"I should've gone with him that night".


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