A New Start

Smoke and Mirrors

A/N So we're all aware this first chapter is taking place in the US and will be in English for the most part. Every other chapter will be based in Korea and Korean being spoken so the English bits will be written like this.


"Well... That's it I guess..." Hawthorne looked down at the rejection letter in her hand. What comedy club gives out rejection letters anyways? She couldn't believe that this was it. She said she was going to give up if this didn't work. Hawthorne had dedicated most of her life to trying to make it in comedy, trying countless clubs and joining groups just trying to make it work. This had been the last comedy club in her town. 

Feeling utterly depaired by the absolute failure she had just endured, Hawthorne headed back to her apartment to tell her roommate and best friend about what had happened at the club. She ended up sitting in her car for few minutes just staring at the paper for a little longer letting out sigh after sigh. She finally worked up the motivation to move again and began the walk to her door. Hawthorne swung open the door setting her keys and bag on the table by the door.

"Hey Kaylee I'm home," Hawthorne walked a little further into their apartment and found her best friend sitting on the couch.

"Oh, hey! How'd it go?" Kaylee smiled brightly at her turning off the TV. As soon as she saw Hawthorne's face her smile dropped. "I guess it didn't go so well then?"

"No... They actually gave me a rejection letter. Can you believe that? An actual rejection letter," Hawthorne walked over to the couch and plopped down onto it with a sigh handing the letter to Kaylee on her right.

"I didn't know that comedy clubs did that... Well what are you going to do now?" Kaylee reached over to pat her best friends shoulder comfortingly.

"I have no idea. I don't have any other options in this town and I've gone to the places within an hour of here too. I need something but there's not anything left here. I guess I have to find a different job then. Maybe I could find an office job. I can't go back to the grocery store now. I kind of screwed myself over... Maybe screaming that my boss was an Asshat wasn't the best idea after all," Another deep sigh was all Hawthorne could manage to find to express how exasperated she felt.

"I don't think you should do that."

"Whatcha talkin' 'bout Willis?" Hawthorne tossed a pillow at Kaylee's head after her off the wall statement.

"Well as much as I would miss you, maybe you should just move. Go somewhere that your comedy would be appreciated," Kaylee curled herself around the pillow that had been thrown at her.

"Where do you think would 'appreciate' my comedy, hmm?" Hawthorne quirks an eyebrow at her.

"Well you know you put on an act like they do on GagConcert adn you did major in Korean language in college. Why don't you just try to go to Korea?"

"Hahaha! That's a pretty good joke! Are you sure you're not the comedian in the house? Do you have any idea how long that would take? I'd have to get a visa and actually have money to buy a plane ticket and get a place there. How do you expect me to do that?" Hawthorne rolled her eyes reaching for the remote only to have it slapped out of her hands.

"Don't you do that! Don't you give up before you even really try! Why can't you do that? You have plenty of money to do it! Just go! You've always wanted to anyways, why not just do it for a few weeks at least get yourself away for a while and just clear your mind at the least. Maybe it'll all just work out once you get there."

Hawthorne huffed and ruffled her hair making it a mess of mousey brown. She stood and walked towards the corkboard that they had hanging in the middle of the wall as a dream board. She reached up and touched her small collage of Korean landmarks. She had stared at it everyday when she had been going through school. Everytime she had ever doubted herself before an exam. Maybe Kaylee was right. Maybe she just needed a change and maybe Korea was the right change. Hawthorne huffed one more time.

"I guess you might be right. I'm going to try for a few weeks I guess.. But what money are you talking about?"

"Ummm... Well don't be mad, okay? Your brother dropped by and he told me to give you this envelope and left but I set it on the counter while I was washing dishes and it got wet so I opened it up so that it would dry because I wasn't sure what was in it and apparently your parents sent you a check... and umm.... it's for a load of money... Like a couple hundred thousand.... I'm sorry..." Kaylee cowered behind the pillow she was still cuddling.

"WHAT?! Why would they send me that much money? What the hell...." Hawthorne picked up her phone and walked over to the counter to see that Kaylee had been right there was a check for $280,000. She immediately dialed her parents house phone listening to it ring a few times before her mother finally picked up.

"Hello! Haven't heard from you in a while how have you been sweetie?"

"Momma! What the heck is this check for? Why are you guys giving me so much money?"

"Well sweetie, you remember when you started college? Your dad said that if you went and showed grades that he would pay for it out of pocket and let you keep your college savings account that we set up for you. It finally matured this year so we just got it out for you since it was still under our names. That's just from your college fund."

"How the heck did it accumulate to that much though?"

"Well we put about $1000 every christmas and birthday until after you graduated and we had a really high interest rate. To be honest you had a lot of bonds put in there after you were born too since all those news shows used your image and everything. You probably got about $75000 just from them. You really were a popular New Year's baby sweetheart."

"Oh.... Okay then..."

"Well what do you think you're going to do with it?"

"I guess I'm going to Korea... I can't believe this.... It seems too good to be true..."

"Oh well that'd be good! You did always want to go there. Make sure to bring us back some souvenirs!"

After a little longer of a conversation, Hawthorne finally got her mom off the phone though she didn't have the heart to tell her it might be a permanent move. She stood there staring at the check in her hand. She could just go. She could finally just pick up and leave and not worry about anything for at least a little while.

Kaylee sauntered over to her and leaned her head against Hawthorne's shoulder wrapping her arms around her waist in an awkward side hug.

"So... You're going right?"

"I guess I am... I never really thought this would happen," Hawthorne leaned her head on top of Kaylee's in acknowledgement of the support she was trying to give.

"You know you're going to have to skype at least once a week right? And if you ever meet any idols that you think I'd like you have to bring me over there and introduce me...." Kaylee giggled a bit at her own stupid remark.

"It's not like comedian's automatically get to meet idols over there Kayls... It's the same as it is here pretty much... Besides it's not like I'm going to go over there and immediately get signed to a company... It's gonna take some time if it's going to happen... Well we gotta tell Angie and Cate I guess too... Are they home yet?" The question had barely left Hawthorne's mouth before she heard the front door of the apartment next to them slam. "Well I guess one of them is now..."

Kaylee giggled as she followed Hawthorne out of their apartment and over to their other friends' apartment. Without even knocking they entered to see Angie going on a slight rampage. Even without asking they knew it had to be the asshat of a manager down at the store that she worked at, he was the only person that could get her this mad ususally.

"That eating thinks he can say that to me!? Ooohhh you chose the wrong person dip ! I will burn everything you love to the ground! How do they even keep such a misogynistic piece of human garbage at that damn place?" Angie was ripping off her uniform trading it for some more comfortable clothes while stomping around the apartment in search of something, pausing every now and then to let out a yell of anger.

"Well, hi Angie... What'd he do this time?" Hawthorne made her way to the couch being sure to stay out of the line of fire as Angie finally found what she was looking for, the dart board. Kaylee went to the kitchen and started rummaging looking for something to cook to help calm Angie down while they waited for Cate to make her appearance.

"That douche canoe had the nerve, neigh the audacity to tell me that I should leave my female problems at home when I told him that a creepy customer kept staring at my and making really inappropriate comments to me. Because it's asking too much apparently to not feel like I'm just there as another piece of meat to drool over! I'm going to kill something if I don't get out of here soon," Every sentence was emphasized by the loud thud of a dart slamming into the board. 

"I know Ange... That's why I left, remember? Why don't you just leave already? He's not worth the irritation," Hawthorne reached up and the TV and Apple TV to watch some GagConcert. 

"Well a degree in Korean and English language doesn't do much for you in this small back woods country town, in case you forgot," Having exhausted all her darts and not caring to go dig them out of the dart board, Angie went to join Hawthorne on the couch.

Before anything else could be said the front door opened to reveal Cate back from her long shift at the local animal hospital. She looked worn out but that wasn't much out of the ordinary, as she came to join the girls on the couch looking quickly to the kitchen to see Kaylee only lift her hand in greeting before returning to cooking dinner.

"So what's up guys? Did the idiot do something stupid again?" Both Hawthorne and Angie sent Cate a look that screamed 'Do you even need to ask?' and Cate simply nodded. "Alright then. Anything else I need to be caught up on?"

"Well actually I was waiting for you so I could tell both of you at the same time. I'm going to go to Korea. At least for three weeks but I might just move there honestly. It'll be a while before I do, I've got a lot of stuff to get prepared but I'm hoping to maybe find a way to be a comedian there," Hawthorne looked up to see both Cate and Angie's shocked faces before Angie managed to find her words.

"I'm coming with you then! No better place to look for a decent job with my degree is there? I'm calling and quitting my job right now!" Hawthorne probably should have expected it honestly. She had known Angie since college and they had both worked hard together to pass most of their courses. Angie was actually the entire reason that Cate became her friend and Hawthorne the reason that Kaylee was thrown in. The four had become very close very quickly, having still been the outcasts even at college and had been inseparable ever since. Angie was the type of person that if she set her mind to something she was going to do it come hell or high water just like Hawthorne, whereas the other two were fairly meek and laid back. The four had always just been a perfect team and now they were going to part ways.

"I think that's a good idea. You can keep each other in check and you won't be alone. Being somewhere new can be scary and I don't want either of you giving up just because you don't know anyone out there," Cate ever the voice of reason spoke while getting up and heading to her room to take a quick shower and change.

"I guess it's settled then... Angie, we're going to Korea!"



A/N So I'm going to leave it here for now... I'm going to work hard on this but I am also still working on my other fanfiction so updates might not be all that frequent. I will try my best! Hwaiting! Thank You for Reading! Kamsamnida!

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Chapter 13: I was scared for a bit XD Thank god it didn't get too crazy XD
Chapter 12: Hahahaha! That author's note though! XD But for real, I'll cut him, real quick.
Chapter 11: Angeliqua is my defense tactic XD It's how I get out of awkward situations XD
Chapter 10: My ing mama bear is fighting to come out like...HOLY ING ! I'm trying to contain it but...! My poor baby, Junhyukie, that cute little bean thing. TT.TT
Chapter 9: That last line was so corny, holy ! XD I can't XD BUT THORN IS GOING TO BE I GAG CONCERT!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaas!
Chapter 8: Ugh! My heart! XD Damn...I'm a XD I snapped my fingers and said 'Darn' when I read what happened XD And that note was too cute but my heart broke! And Giriboy calling Sungwoon and Junhyuk 'little ers' made me laugh harder than I probably should have XD And when he got Junhyuk's name wrong XD I felt bad but was laughing too hard. Ugh, my heart though DX Junhyuk is going to need a hug soon V.V
lemondrop99 #7
nice. seems cool.
Chapter 7: It's too ing cute!!!! I'm dead! Poor Junhyuk though...I feel so bad for him! I just want to give him a hug!!!! And why did San and I get red.....hmmmmm???? ;) XD But that bet though! So ing cute!^^ Giriboy and Thorn are adorable af!!!!
Chapter 6: I ing ship it!!! Mad Clown is me XD I would've been laughing my off...if I was witnessing it but if it were happening to me...flustered as . What is speaking? XD Ahhh! So cute! I can't with this story! I ing can't! Giriboy is so squishy!
Chapter 5: I couldn't stop smiling XD First of all...what the hell Sungwoon?! XD Like Junhyuk, I see how he might end up in Thorn's bed...but where'd Sungwoon come from?! XD I wonder what happened after truth or dare that they ended up in Thorn's bed! XD And where the hell is Yoonsan, hmmmm ;) And Giriboy is just an awkward turtle! I love him! I nearly died when Mad Clown appeared XD But when Junhyuk kissed Thorn's head...my soul!!! DX