



A lost prince fighting for his kingdom, fighting for justice for his father's death, fighting for her and for her love...


            On my way to school, I remembered my dream last night. I saw someone whom I knew a long time ago. Yet I cannot recall her face. I ran towards her I’m my dream calling out her name…




            She looked at me and said with a smile…


“Welcome home.”


            Something about those words made me feel like home, however her smile tells a different story.


            Distracted by my dream I almost hit the post in front of me, luckily someone pulled me, it was my beast friend Witzy.


“Louise, are you alright?”

“Yeah I’m fine thanks.”


            As we reached the academy, I noticed the day seemed to fly fast. My chair is by the window, as I was admiring the view I over heard some girls talking ‘bout two new students from the other class. You may call eavesdropping but I call it listening. So as I was listening to those two I got more information. One of them was a girl. A thought came to me that one of them could be Mina, but it’s only a 50-50 chance. Later on the bell rang followed by the change of there conversation.


 I decided it was too early to go home so I stayed for a while watching the sunset. Suddenly an image flashed in my head, a boat with the name Aniya written on its side. I tied to get more things from that picture but the more I try to recall my head hurts. So I decided for me to head home.


As I reached the door a girl opened it and started to hug me. I notice she was crying. She wiped her tears away and managed to smile.


“Hey E, it’s been a long time. How are you?” a guy said as he entered the room.


            Confused, I couldn’t say a word. Then the girl pushed me and yelled…




            Guess she knows im confused.


“I hate you for... for  ...for forgetting!”

“Come on Liz, it’s not his fault for forgetting.”


            He turned to me and said…


“Come to the roof top at 5:30”


It was already 5:15. Shall I go to the roof top? Or wait a till pass 5? Or should I go home?


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