The turtle,and the operatior

Retro and the turtle
On a cold day,where the moon stood still,Retro was running through the forest going home after leaving arbys (XD Lol).She ran and ran,But seemed to get nowhere,She saw a shell in the woods just laying there,and picked it up.It was a turtle.And a turkey ran out of the darkness for no reason (Srsly where am i going with this?XD)."Penny!There you are,why are you out of the house?"She said to the little turkey."Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble-Gobble!"Penny said"Uh,Penny i wish i knew what you where saying,But finding you means that im not too far away from the house!"Retro said still holding that stupid turtle.Penny ran fast and far to the house and disappeared in a instant."Penny!Where did you go?I need to follow you to get home!"retro said.She realized that she must of been going in circles.She pulled out her iphone and tried calling lithex,But nothing.No signal."Stupid phone never can pick up a signal!"As she clicked on the compass app she had on it."Okay if north is this way,Then my house is...IDK!"Retro said getting flabber gased.She turned up from her phone and saw a man in the distance with a suit and tie,With a white face.She couldn't make out what he looked like,So she walked to him."Um sir,Im lost do you-HOLY TURKEY ICE CREAM!"She screamed as she realized this was no man,It was the thing she feared in her dreams.Slender."Hey!Can i get a video with you?Your costume looks so real!"She said Clicking on the camera app and trying to take a video with slender."Hmm....its all static....AHH WHAT?OMG YOU ARE REAL!"She said when his 8 Hands (Slender tenticals) came out."AHH OMG NO FU NO CRAP!"she said running from slender in a blur of a second.She was far away enough to where the coast was clear.Lithex pulled off his mask and the fake hands he had attacked to pull out when he pressed a button on his hand."Hah its too easy to scare her!"Lithex said turning to see the real slender."Lithex was scared to death when he turned around,Almost wishing he didn't."AHHHH!"He screamed before slender grabbed him and dragged him away to a fate not so nice to talk about.Retro heared that scream and called out"BROTHER?"She when and turned around and started running again.When she screamed,It gave slender the location to go when he was finished with lithex....1 HOUR LATER......Retro stooped running and sat on a large rock to rest..."THIS MUST BE A NIGHTMARE!"She yelled...She got up and when to the nearby lake to get a little drink...She turned around and saw slender right in her face."AHHHH AAAHHH OOMMMMGGG!!!"She screamed and ran like the wind.She then ran into a proxy."OH NO"She turned around and there was slender,She was trapped,between slender,and a proxy."OH GAWD NO!"She said running through the only gap she could find,Running straight into a tree and passing out upon contact and bumping her head on the tree.She woke up to being dragged by slender to a cave.When she was inside,Only hope could be her savior...She couldn't see,And was scared as freak.She then felt something pierced into her back."AHH GAWD WHAT IS THAT?!?!NO NO AHHH"She felt herself being ripped apart,Splitting into two.She pulled out a knife,and cut the thing inside her back.she quickly ran out of the cave.And saw a flash light outside,She quickly grabbed that flashlight and ran back in."I HAVE TO FIND MY BROTHER!"she said As she ran back in,and the light."Hello?"She said."Lithex?Brother?"Retro said in fear of what her fate maybe...She stumbled upon a corpse laying there.She was shocked.It was penny laying there dead.She Kept looking in the dark cave,To find a passed out lithex."Oh thank the lord for my brother still alive."She picked him up,And carried him to the outside,She continued to haul him until she saw a light in the distance."Oh yes!I found our house!We found our house!"Retro said approuching the light as fast as she could.She ran to it,and it was her house!She ran inside and locked every door to it."Ugh gawd Oh..."She said laying down on her belly.Lithex woke up and sat up."NO I DON'T WANNA DIE I WANNA LI-Where am i?"Lithex said and looked at his sister,retro,With a torn back."Ugh i don't even know how i ran with this!"Retro said"Sister,Did you save us?" "Yes brother i did."Retro said still laying on her belly."Well,Do you think it's over retro?"Lithex said"Yea,Maybe..."-------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you guys so much for reading,Like and (Sub!)Comment,And i'll see you in the next story,BYE!Oh,and also upvote.
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Chapter 1: Enjoy!And remember to sub!