#Drabble Eleven - Handling a Company pt. 2

Tfibb/tfipcy drabbles

171029        Happy early Halloween!

The suitcase is ready at the door. Chanyeol’s hair is nicely gelled as he fixes his suit and then walks over to the door with his long legs.

“How long this time?” A voice behind him asks, and Chanyeol turns around to find his small boyfriend staring up at him, and at this moment in time, he looks smaller than ever.

“Probably two weeks.” Chanyeol replies, grinning at the small frown on the smaller’s face, and a teasing tone creeps up his voice. “What? Missing me already?”

“…Bye.” Annoyed, Baekhyun turns around and walks off towards his bed, then picks up his slipper and throws it towards Chanyeol’s head.

“I’ll miss you~” Chanyeol says, grinning as he grabs his suitcase and wheels it out the door. With a final wave to the smaller, Chanyeol sets off. On the way down the hallway, Chanyeol plans the day in his head, knowing that he needs to communicate his needs and wants to Lee Mansu as soon as possible.

“I might as well walk you out.” A familiar voice sounds next to him, scaring him enough to make him yelp. The smaller is walking in pace with him, staring straight ahead.

“Baek …” Chanyeol stops in surprise, letting go of his suitcase as he turns around to face the smaller. Baekhyun stops too, but before he can react, Chanyeol has wrapped his arms around the smaller, hugging him tightly.

“I knew you’d miss me.” The younger whispers as he captures Baekhyun in his death hug. “But you have class in a few minutes, you should go back.”

“You won’t see me for a few weeks, you .” Baekhyun complains.

“I’ll be back ASAP, I promise!” Chanyeol lets go and grabs his suitcase, rushing off quickly as he turns back to wave at Baekhyun, who looks surprised then slightly annoyed. “Go to class! Bye bye!”

The smaller says nothing, and Chanyeol watches as he shoves his hands into his pockets, watching as Chanyeol leaves.

In the car, Chanyeol greets the driver, then sinks into his own thoughts as he stares out the window, wondering why he’s not making conversation with his driver today, like he usually would be.

When he closes his eyes several times and reopens them again, that’s when he knows. It’s the memory of seeing Baekhyun, looking so small and vulnerable amongst the crowd, looking so alone.

How could Chanyeol bear to leave Baekhyun like that? But that was exactly what he did.

And now that Chanyeol thinks back to it, his heart twists.

I’m going to make up to you. Chanyeol thinks to himself, determined. For leaving you by yourself.




















“Master.” Lee Mansu greets when Chanyeol enters. “I have your schedule outlined for you, and in the meantime, I also have a few documents for you to look over.”

“Sir.” Chanyeol says, interrupting the other. “I have come to a decision.”

“Yes?” The older man looks up and pushes up his glasses carefully.

“Regarding quitting studies to focus full-time on Golden Parks, I decided that I’m not going to do it.” Chanyeol’s words seem to surprise Mansu. “Golden Parks was my parents’ dream, which they put everything they had on the line to achieve, and I’m also going to chase my own.”

“As for finding an heir, I don’t need to marry someone for that.” Once again, Mansu looks shocked, even more so than before “Like how I was picked up and taken in as an orphan, I want to do the same to other children. To me, bloodline doesn’t matter at all.”

“… Master, I know that you want to give orphans a chance, and I know you want to give your own dream a chance, but your parents gave everything they had for Golden Parks.” The man argues passionately. “You mustn’t take this so lightly. This means everything.”

Chanyeol can see how much this means to the old man. A few decades’ of work and dedication won’t easily be reduced by Chanyeol’s wishes. After all, he spent Chanyeol’s entire life continuing Chanyeol’s parents’ business … anyone with that amount of dedication won’t let this go easily. Yet, Chanyeol knows that even though his parents and their dreams mean a lot to him, they aren’t everything to him.

“I can help you manage Golden Parks while you are finishing your studies, Master, but you must find someone that can bear you a child that will succeed you.”

The silence that fills the air is suddenly tense.

“Sir …” Chanyeol begins calmly. “Have you ever loved someone before?”

Mansu stares at him.

“Have you ever … cared about someone so much, to the point where it didn’t matter if you’re not in his heart, as long as he’s happy and healthy and safe? Until you realise that love is not a need, but a genuine want, where you want him so much that … you feel as if you’re willing not to gain anything else as long as you can have him?” When Chanyeol closes his eyes, he can remember that feeling, that feeling of wanting Baekhyun because he really, truly wanted him. “Because I feel like that. I have gone through so much for him to accept me, and I promised myself that I will cherish him for as long as I cared about him. I will never take him for granted, and I will always, always love him the way he has always deserved to be loved.”

“Love can be temporary, Master.” Mansu’s voice is urgent and exasperated. “You don’t want to throw away your entire future for a feeling that may not even last.”

“Yes, and I completely agree that love may be shortlived.” Chanyeol says, once again stunning the older into silence. “I will even completely accept the possibility that Baekhyun and I might cease to love each other one day.”

“But even so, this is my decision.” Chanyeol declares. “I never want to say this ever again, but Mansu … … but I am your Master and you must do as I wish.”

Shocked into silence, Mansu only stares at his Master, conflict in his eyes.

“You’re going to have to finish your schedule this time, though.” Eventually, the older man gives in with a sigh in his voice. “Then we can re-adjust your future schedules so they don’t clash with your studies.”

“Will do!” Chanyeol promises loudly, determined to make this his best business trip yet.
























After a tiring week, Chanyeol settles into his room, looking over at his luggage that is packed and ready for home. Except he’s not going back yet – he needs to fly to China tomorrow.

Lee Mansu had already flown to China to get things ready. Even though Chanyeol should be resting now, after a tiring week, instead he lies down on his bed and takes out his phone, wanting to check a few things before going to sleep.

Pressing the ‘Home’ button, the screen lights up and there are two new notifications.

(2) Missed calls from ‘Baekhyun’.

Grinning to himself, and the goal of checking things totally forgotten, he presses on the button and presses his phone to his ear as he settles himself comfortably under the sheets. It takes a long time, but eventually someone answers the phone.

“Took you long enough.” The older says.

“Says you!” Chanyeol scoffs quietly, a little too tired to be the big reactor that he usually is. “I nearly hung up on you.”

“What’s the matter?” Baekhyun sure changes the subject quickly. “You sound tired.”

“I am.” Yawning, Chanyeol shifts until he’s lying down on his side, turning the phone onto speaker and letting it rest right on top of his pillow next to his face. “And I have a flight to China at 6 tomorrow.”

“You should be sleeping then.”

“Baek, we know today is probably the best time for you to talk out of the entire week. If I hang up now, the next time I talk to you will be when I go back.”

“It doesn’t kill to think about yourself for once, you know.”

“I’m thinking about myself! I’m too selfish!” Chanyeol exclaims. “Otherwise I wouldn’t be making you stay up so late to talk to me.”

“Let’s talk quickly, then, since you’re tired.”

“You’re such a parent, I swear.”

“Mm, so you have a now? That’s a first.”

“God, please don’t say this stuff.” Chanyeol groans, hearing the smaller chuckle in return.

“Tell me you’re not dying over there.” Baekhyun says.

“That’s exactly what’s happening.” Rolling over, Chanyeol presses his face into the pillow and screams in frustration to let out the tension. Then when he’s done, he lies limp on the bed, unmoving.

“Is there any way to make it better?” Even though Baekhyun is asking vaguely, Chanyeol knows he wants to help in some way.

I want to tell him that my negotiations were successful. But I want to tell him that when I go back. Grinning mischievously to himself, Chanyeol only grunts in reply.

“Yeol, don’t be an idiot.” The concern is there now, Chanyeol can hear it with excitement. “Don’t kill yourself.”

“Mmf.” Chanyeol rolls over now, covering his mouth with his hand, trying not to chuckle.

“Yeol? Yeol?” Chanyeol is still trying not to laugh. “Yeol? Aish.”

“Yeah?” His voice cracks and he coughs immediately, trying to cover it up.

“Are you sick? Idiot, don’t push yourself.”

“Promise.” Chanyeol whispers cheerfully, smiling at the phone even though Baekhyun can’t see it. “So what’re you doing now? … Baek?”

“Mm, procrastinating.”

“Thanks.” With that, Chanyeol shifts again until he’s lying on his back, holding the phone above him in his hand. “Say, how should I thank you for choosing me over your studies?”

“You make yourself sound so great.”

“A cheesy pick-up line? A kiss over the phone? Aegyo?”

“Do it.” The smile slips off Chanyeol’s face when he realises what he had said. “You said so yourself.”



“I ain’t doing that! Forget it.”

“I guess studying really is more important than you after all.”

“No!” Chanyeol shouts, heart racing. “You bastard, come back!”

“The world is all about give and take. There is no kindness and generosity in this world.” God, this bastard was really using this to his advantage.

“’Hyung~ I’m tired~~’” Chanyeol says, voice going up a few notches and lips turning pouty. Silence answers him, and that’s when the embarrassment hits him. He groans and slaps a hand over his face, yelping because he had hit himself too hard.

Then the phone bursts into laughter.

The laugh is light and soft, and Chanyeol has never really voiced it aloud but he had always loved Baekhyun’s laugh, and every time he hears it, he’s reminded of how much he likes hearing it.

“… That was so cringe.” The older replies eventually, words breaking a little by chuckles. “But A+ for effort.”

“Shut up.”

“Don’t tell me what to do.”

“Do you really want to be reminded of what happened the last time you said that?”

“Oh yeah, about that, you were being a big as .”


“Little er.”

“At least you got your payback.” Feeling a little more tired now, he rests the phone back on the pillow. “Give me an aegyo.”


“I’ll energetically wake up for my flight tomorrow morning if you do it.”

“Yeol, your flight is 6am. You should probably go to sleep now.”

“I’ll wake up, I promise! I set an alarm, see?” Taking a screenshot of his phone, Chanyeol sends to Baekhyun.

“The problem is whether you will wake up –”



“Loosen me up, hm?”

“… You better pay me back.”

“Mm!” Silence. “Uh, waiting …” Silence. “Baek?”

“… ‘Don’t be stressed. Fighting!’”

“… … Another one!”

“Don’t be greedy.”

“Another one!”

“… … ‘Kiss me!’”

Chanyeol is laughing in delight now, like a little child that had been given a magic show. “Another one!”

“… … … ‘Buing Buing!’ …”

“Another one!”

“… … … …’ I had a dream … It was a ghost dream’ …”

“Another one!”


“Baek, you absolute cutie~~~~~” Chanyeol laughs. His laugh is heartier than normal. “Cute~~~~~~~”

“Are we moving on now?”

“Yessssssss~” Yawning, Chanyeol pulls the covers over him and closes his eyes. “So what’d you do today?”

They talk until Chanyeol falls asleep.























Chanyeol stretches on his bed after he wakes up, feeling very tired. Is it a miracle that he had woken up before his alarm? Reaching over, Chanyeol presses the home button of his phone to see what time it is, but the screen doesn’t light up.

No battery? Chanyeol thinks nonchalantly as he rubs his eye and sits up. Damn, the sunlight sure is bright today –

Wait, sunlight?


In a rush, Chanyeol tries to get off the bed, but his feet get caught up in the covers and he slips and falls, falling to the floor.

“Ah, !” Chanyeol groans, lifting himself off the floor as he stumbles outside his room, to find one of his drivers standing outside.

“What time is it?” He asks, panting.

“It’s 10:07am.”

“Why didn’t you wake me up?!”

“I didn’t want to bother you …”

“Aish …” Giving up, Chanyeol slumps to the floor. The man looks a little awkward, at a loss on what to do, and then he reaches out his arm. “Do you have Lee Mansu’s number?”

“Yes …” Chanyeol shakes his arm, and the man quickly fumbles for his pocket and then pulls out his phone, then passes it to Chanyeol.

Gulping, feeling guilty, Chanyeol presses the phone to his ear.


“… It’s me.” Chanyeol mumbles, sounding like a kicked puppy.

“… Yes, Master, why aren’t you here?”

“… I slept in.” That’s probably the worst reason ever. Park Chanyeol, you’re such a loser! “… I’m sorry.”

“It was a wrong idea to book your flight at that time. We should’ve arranged your flight earlier.” The older man sighs. “No need to come to China anymore.”

“But then there will be nothing else for me to do.”

“I will handle everything here. You can go back now.”

“…” The other line hangs up and Chanyeol passes the phone dejectedly back to the man. When he stands to walk, the man follows him.

“I’m just … taking a walk.” Chanyeol mumbles, the implication of wanting to be left alone obvious in his words, so that’s what the man does.

Aish you’re such an idiot! Idiot idiot idiot!!! Chanyeol groans to himself in his head, scolding madly. Really, Chanyeol can’t even blame Baekhyun for this, because after all, he was the one who made the smaller stay up with him, thinking over-confidently that he would be able to wake up in time for his flight. Big idiot I am.

Walking around in the streets, he passes by candy shops, watching in curiosity at the amount of sales going on for all the candy.

Is there something going on? Chanyeol asks himself, curious as he enters the shop and sees a large sign on the walls, all anger and frustration leaving his mind.

An idea pops into his mind, and his dejection fades away.

A grin slips onto his face, because now he knows what to do.


















Baekhyun wakes up at 8am in the morning, not remembering how he had fallen asleep the night before. All he knows remembers is talking to Chanyeol for so long that it seemed as if they had talked each other to sleep.

Sitting up, Baekhyun’s thoughts float over to the taller who’s far, far away, and worry clings into his heart. Chanyeol sounded really tired, too tired to even be stressed out, but Baekhyun knows at this rate that Chanyeol will hurt himself.

How do I make it better? He thinks to himself worriedly. He’s pretty sure his cringey aegyo won’t be enough.

Maybe I should get him something. Baekhyun thinks to himself, even though he has no idea where to start. Even by the evening, he has no idea on what he should do for the taller, and in the end, opts to just look around the streets for inspiration.

Having no heart to eat dinner, Baekhyun leaves instead to the familiar streets that Chanyeol always takes him to, except this time he’ll be doing it by himself. It’s still early so there aren’t many people, so Baekhyun starts walking inside one of the smaller, inner streets that are constructed for people to walk in. There are street stalls aligned on both sides of the streets and Baekhyun starts at one side, deciding to look into every little store until he finds something that might peak his interest, or in this case, peak Chanyeol’s interest.

By the time he walks out, he is starving and his search had been in vain. Deciding to take a little break, Baekhyun finds a convenience store across the street and so, hugging his coat around himself, rushes over to the bright little room.

Something hot … Something hot … Baekhyun thinks to himself before grabbing a packet of instant noodles and then preparing the meal right at the little counter somewhere in the store. After paying, he grabs the bowl and moves outside to where the tables and chairs lay, and sits himself onto one of them.

The cool air that contrasts greatly to the hot steam rising from his soup noodles is a great feeling, as well as the delicious scent that wafts into his nose. Baekhyun takes a few mouthfuls because that’s how hungry he is, and when he looks up to take a breath from all that eating, something in the distance catches his eye.

A few people are posing across the street, and if Baekhyun squints, he can see that two girls are on each side of a very tall figure, whipping out ‘V’ poses for the camera. The figure is completely clothed and costumed, kind of like Spider Man except not spider man.

Curious, Baekhyun leans back a little, watching as the girls thank the figure warmly before rushing off, arm in arm. The tall lanky figure seems like a figure of a man, and that’s what Baekhyun is guessing. After all, it is possible that women are that tall – Taylor Swift is 180m, if he’s not wrong.

Is it that time of the year already? Baekhyun thinks to himself as he presses the home button of the phone. Indeed, it is nearing the end of October – the time of the year for a festival for kids and adults (with a young heart) alike!

Shrugging it off, Baekhyun takes another mouthful of noodles in his mouth, munching slowly as he looks up and once again, finds the figure taking pictures with more passers-by, and then handing out something to them, which is too far for Baekhyun to see.

Advertising? Volunteering? Baekhyun thinks to himself as he continues to watch the costumed figure, curious as to what he (or she) would do next. The other side of the street is now quite deserted compared to Baekhyun’s side of the street, and Baekhyun watches the figure bend down to grab his basket of things before standing up again, preparing to stride over the street.

He is diagonal from Baekhyun, so if he walks across the street he won’t be walking directly into Baekhyun. Baekhyun still watches, another mouthful of noodles in his mouth, as the man walks across the street, trips, stumbles, catches himself, and then starts walking again.

Chuckling, Baekhyun uses his chopsticks to grab his noodles, pulling it up into the air twice before letting it slide in his mouth.

As clumsy as Chanyeol, He thinks to himself, shaking his head and still smiling into his noodles, and when he looks up again, wanting to see what the cosplay man (or woman) is doing, he can’t find him anywhere.

Confused, Baekhyun leaves his seat a little, craning his neck. Maybe it’s his eyesight that’s bad, or the darkness is hiding the figure, or the figure’s hiding, or all of them. In the end, Baekhyun gives up, sitting back into his chair to eat his noodles, this time, without any interesting show to watch.

Someone taps him on the shoulder and he turns around naturally, out of reflex. He yelps though, when he finds a masked face staring back at him.

“Uh …” Blinking, Baekhyun moves away from the masked face, and he can see now, that the body seems to be very masculine. The man waves at him then steps back a little. Baekhyun wonders what he wants.

“Sorry … I’m not here to dress up.” He says, then turns back to eat his food, assuming that he’s finished talking to the figure. When he’s finished the noodles, he lifts up his bowl to drink the rest of the soup in, even though he knows it’s unhealthy to do so. The weather is a little cold, so drinking the soup will help him keep warm.

Removing the bowl from his face and setting it down on the table, Baekhyun blinks in surprise when he finds the costumed man sitting in front of him, face (or mask) in his hands. Baekhyun flinches, watches as the figure lifts up his basket and points inside it.

“Sorry …” Baekhyun says as he stands up, holding his rubbish. “I’m busy tonight, I can’t help you.” He waits a little for the man’s reaction, but the man stands up too, holding his basket and still pointing to it.

“Sorry.” Baekhyun apologises again, bowing ever so slightly before he turns around to throw out his rubbish. Realising how much time he had spent eating, he quickly shoves his hands in his pocket and fast-walks back to where all the stores are. Immersing himself back into the crowd again, Baekhyun once again scans carefully at his surroundings where all the products are, trying to find a meaning to each item he sees but knowing that it won’t work. It takes him a while to realise that the costumed man with the basket is behind him, giving out flyers and candy to store owners.

Confused and slightly annoyed, Baekhyun stares at the man in surprise, watching as the taller continues to give out his flyers and candy wordlessly to dumbfounded store owners. Then the man catches his eye (or that’s what seems to be happening) and waves at him vigorously.

In the end, Baekhyun continues walking around, minding his own business, trying not to feel annoyed with the possibility that the man might be following him. After all, what if that man is going the same way as he is? He has every right to do that.

In the end, he’s so distracted by the larger man’s presence that he ends up not focusing on the gift at all. Sighing, Baekhyun leaves the area, preparing to walk home.

Someone taps him on the shoulder again, and Baekhyun turns around and is met with a candy in his face. Instinctively, he reaches out and takes it, and when the candy disappears from his vision, the costumed man appears in its place.

“Thanks.” Baekhyun mumbles, the plastic cover but otherwise not really knowing what else to do. The man points to his empty basket triumphantly, and Baekhyun smiles politely, about to leave, but then the man shakes his head and gestures for him to stop, then for him to stay there. Then the man runs off somewhere.

At a loss on what to do, Baekhyun stays a little out of politeness, but then when he realises that he really isn’t obligated to, he begins walking back to the college.

Still, the costumed man somehow catches up to him, and blocks him on the way home. Blinking, Baekhyun stops in his place, watching as the figure takes a moment to catch his breath, then stand up straight and pass him something. Upon seeing no response from Baekhyun, the man tries again.

“No thanks …” Baekhyun says, grimacing politely and waving his hands in refusal, but then the object is into his hands and then the costumed man jogs off.

Squinting in the dim light, Baekhyun finds a flat, rectangular box coated with velvet.

What if he put drugs here? Baekhyun thinks to himself, shuddering slightly. He doesn’t want to take risks – especially when Chanyeol’s not here to tell him about things and judge whether that behaviour is good or not.

So in the end, he turns around a corner and chucks it in the nearest rubbish bin.












The costumed man, dressed up as Deadpool, turns around and sneakily follows Baekhyun up into the corner, hiding behind it and peeking over to see where the smaller is going.

To his shock, he finds the other throwing something into the rubbish bin, then walking off as if he had not just committed the worst crime in the world!

Dumbfounded, Deadpool watches Baekhyun disappear off into the distance, too shocked to react until he finds a garbage man searching the rubbish bin, as if to find valuables before he throws everything out.

The moment the man holds the velvet box into his hands, Deadpool snatches it away.

“Hey!” The garbage man shouts, but Deadpool salutes and then jogs away.
















A few hours earlier

Chanyeol is sitting on the back of the opened van, wearing a Deadpool costume without the mask and waiting for the papers to arrive. It’s Halloween, one of the most fun festivals, especially for children, and it also might be the best time for Chanyeol to promote his company’s newest project.

The guilt from missing an important meeting with collaboration partners in China had eaten up at him at first, but is now motivating him to do more for his parents’ dream. At Halloween season, what is more interesting than a costumed man walking around giving out candy and flyers? Chanyeol has gotten this all under control.

A man returns with a bunch of papers in his hand, and Chanyeol takes them, placing them with his basket of candy and ready to put on his mask and start his evening, but then a new man comes along.

“Master, the manufacturing of the gift is finished. We have brought it here for you.”

“A-Already?” Chanyeol blinks, setting down the mask in his hand and still sitting on the van, waiting for the gift to come. They bring it in a wooden box, and inside is a sparkling necklace in one of those velvet neck stands.

“Are you happy with this?”

Chanyeol takes the box carefully in his hands, breath hitched as he brings it so close that he almost hugs it. Indeed, Golden Parks’ quality would of course have all its products shimmering even under the dim sunset, except this time it holds more meaning to Chanyeol, because the sparkle reminds him of Baekhyun’s eyes.

“Yes.” Chanyeol whispers, realising that he can hardly breathe. The symbol at the base is the protagonist of the entire thing, and something that Chanyeol had designed himself. It may mean nothing to everyone who sees it, but this symbol is the light in Baekhyun’s eyes.

“I’ll take it. Now.” Chanyeol decides, realising that he can’t part from this necklace any longer.

“But … we have not prepared any materials to gift-wrap …”

“Can someone buy a box for me to fill this in? Please?” Chanyeol says, pulling out some notes and passing it to the man nearest to him. “Anything that’s good enough to keep this safe. I want it with me at all times until I pass it onto someone else.”

Sighing, Chanyeol watches the man jog off into the distance and then he finally decides to let the box go, setting it down carefully on the van.

“Can you all please watch over this … I don’t want anything to happen to it. You must protect it like … like … you’re protecting your pet dog or something.” The men stiffen, suddenly looking very serious and determined to protect this at all costs. Chanyeol picks up his mask and puts it on, then starts his journey of promoting.

Around an hour later, the man calls him to return to the van, and he watches as they place the necklace carefully into the box then pass it to him. Chanyeol accepts it and puts it in his pocket, then lets them all home early and continues his promotions.

It really isn’t going too badly. Maybe it’s because of the Halloween vibe that’s in the air recently that’s putting everyone in a good mood, because everyone he has interacted with so far has accepted his flyer.

His side of the street is becoming deserted so he decides to move to the other side of the street and start his promotions there. He trips, stumbles and nearly falls in the process, but catches himself last minute, clutching onto his pocket carefully and glancing around to see if anyone has seen. After all, he could either catch those little bastards laughing at him and guilt trip them into accepting his flyers, or he could appeal to their pity and have them accept his flyers, but when he looks up, he sees someone very familiar in front of the convenience store, sitting on one of those convenience store chairs and eating some of those convenience store noodles.

Baekhyun? He thinks to himself, watching as the smaller man tries very hard to eat his noodles, and without thinking further, Chanyeol bounds off, walking near the doors and walls of the stores so he blends in with the dim darkness.

Baekhyun seems to have noticed him, he realises, when his lover looks up again, seems visibly surprised, and then cranes his neck, as if searching for someone. That’s when Chanyeol catches himself.

Why am I hiding? He thinks to himself, chuckling idiotically as he starts sneaking towards Baekhyun. After all, he doesn’t even know who I am.

I wonder how long it’ll take before he’ll realise.

Chanyeol finally ends up behind the smaller and taps him on the shoulder, almost laughing aloud when the smaller yelps in surprise.

“Uh …” Baekhyun clearly looks uncomfortable, so Chanyeol steps back and waves at him excitedly. “Sorry … I’m not here to dress up.” Then the smaller turns back to eating as if nothing had happened.

Chanyeol can’t stand it at this moment when he can’t capture the older’s attention, so he waddles towards the front and sits down, watching the smaller eat.

“Sorry …” Baekhyun says politely again, after flinching cutely upon noticing Chanyeol, and realising that Chanyeol wants him to help with sending out flyers and candy. “I’m busy tonight, I can’t help you.”

What’s so important that he can’t help me? Chanyeol thinks to himself, pouting behind his mask as he hears Baekhyun apologise again. But Byun Baekhyun, this man, is really heartless and guiltless as he fast-walks back to the stores of the night market as if he had just not cruelly turned Chanyeol down.

Chanyeol knows he needs to return to his work, but at the same time after knowing that Baekhyun’s right here, so close to him, he can’t bear to go elsewhere, especially now that he realises he might spend another few more days without even contacting the smaller. In the end, his childish urges gives in and he follows Baekhyun amongst the crowd, hurriedly and silently passing out flyers and communicating with only his gestures. Every time he turns to look at Baekhyun, he realises that the smaller seems very immersed in staring at the products before him.

So this is what he’s like when he’s shopping by himself, eh? Chanyeol thinks to himself, huffing. Can only enjoy himself when he’s alone?

He hurriedly passes a flyer to the store manager and the next time he turns to Baekhyun, he realises that the smaller has noticed him. Chanyeol waves vigorously, wanting senpai to notice him, but Baekhyun only passes him the slightest annoyed glare before walking off.

It’s around 10pm at night when the smaller seems frustrated as he turns around completely and begins walking back to the starting point at a fast pace, so fast that Chanyeol almost can’t catch him. Still, thankfully Chanyeol has passed most of his flyers and so he opts to call it a day. With that conclusion in mind, he follows Baekhyun out.

The smaller finally slows down when the crowd is a little more dispersed, and Chanyeol immediately passes the rest of his flyers and candy to customers before jogging to catch up to the smaller man who seems to be in thought as he stands in the clearing for a little while.

Poking the smaller, Chanyeol hands out the last candy that he’s supposed to save for himself, and watching as Baekhyun turns around to accept it, not a hint of a smile on his face. Chanyeol points to his empty basket, wanting to cheer the other up, but Baekhyun’s smile is only there for Chanyeol – a costumed stranger that he doesn’t believe he knows.

Chanyeol doesn’t realise why he’s doing this, but he quickly and hurriedly gestures for Baekhyun to stay and wait, making his gestures slow and careful until understanding dawns on the smaller’s expression. Then he rushes off.

Of course it was a silly move – after all, he had only showed Baekhyun the empty basket, assuming Baekhyun knew that he was Chanyeol. It didn’t work the first time. And now that he’s rushing to get his present for Baekhyun, he doesn’t realise, either, that Baekhyun has to know who it’s from first.

Anyway, Chanyeol rushes back to his car, but then a few seconds later, he realises that the necklace is in his pocket, so he runs back, finding that Baekhyun had disappeared.

He hasn’t gone far though, and Chanyeol catches up to him easily. Still not realising his silly move, Chanyeol pulls out the velvet box and passes it to Baekhyun. No response. He tries again.

“No thanks …”

You’ll love it! Chanyeol thinks aggressively, ing it into Baekhyun’s hands and then running off like an idiotic high school boy that doesn’t know how to confront acceptance or rejection.

And then when he finds the velvet box in the rubbish bin, he regrets not being manlier.




















I’ll try again.

Years of battling with persistent Chanyeol has of course improved his own persistence (not that he didn’t have any before). Baekhyun is determined to get Chanyeol something.

That strange man won’t be here two days in a row anyway. Especially if he has a job like that, he wouldn’t stay in the same place.

He had just jinxed himself.

That same man in that same costume – he realises now that it’s a superhero called Deadpool – is holding the exact same basket and passing what appears to be the exact same flyers.

Baekhyun doesn’t know what he’s doing when he runs behind a tree and hides there.

Wait. He catches himself. Why am I doing this? Childish. Baekhyun moves away from the tree, but then moves towards the walls of the stores instinctively, as if still wanting to hide.

They never pester the same person twice. Baekhyun tries to convince himself, and he really ends up doing that. With newfound confidence, Baekhyun strides towards the same night market, determined to finish his mission once and for all!

Why the same night market? Because this is the only night market that Chanyeol has brought him to, and Baekhyun doesn’t trust himself to go anywhere else.

He watches Deadpool even though he shouldn’t, and the man seems to be handling his work quite successfully, still taking pictures with tourists and handing out candy and flyers to them. Then Deadpool seems to have noticed something interesting, because he straightens his back … and waves.

Towards Baekhyun’s direction.

. Baekhyun’s bodily reflex tells him to either turn around and walk away or wave back, but in the end his mind tells him that Deadpool might not even be waving at him, so he continues walking as if nothing had happened.

Turns out to be the wrong choice, because Deadpool comes rushing over again.

No … Baekhyun thinks to himself, wondering why this man is so persistent when it comes to following him.

Before, he had wanted to skip dinner, but now, dinner might seem like a good idea to get rid of this man. Baekhyun immediately turns around and heads towards the convenience store, wondering if this will be the easy trick to do it, but then eventually Deadpool catches up to him, pacing with him quite effortlessly with his goddamn long legs.

Baekhyun heads inside the convenience store, buying and cooking himself instant noodles again and this time, sitting inside on those high chairs with the tables that gives him the view of the outside world. Deadpool follows him, setting down the basket, as if determined not to move from his spot.

Baekhyun blows on his noodles, about to eat it, but then Deadpool stops him. Blinking in confusion, Baekhyun turns to stare at the man who had quite rudely interrupted his meal, watching as the man makes cross signs to show that it’s unhealthy. Not even trying to think about why or how he can understand the man’s actions so effortlessly, Baekhyun glares at him (not even trying to be polite anymore) and prepares to take the noodles into his mouth.

Once again, Deadpool stops him. Baekhyun takes a deep breath, holding his annoyance in, and watches as Deadpool leaves his seat and grabs fruit and milk and a boxed lunch, pointing at it vigorously.

He nags like Chanyeol. Baekhyun thinks to himself, glaring at the healthier selection of food before grabbing his chopsticks again. Of course, the fact that this man might be Chanyeol hasn’t crossed his mind, because Chanyeol should be busy in China. After all, if Chanyeol’s here his phone wouldn’t be switched off and he wouldn’t be offline for days. He would tell Baekhyun straight away that he’s so close to him.

But still, watching this man nag him is making him wish that this man was Chanyeol instead, because even if Chanyeol is hella annoying for being a nagger, at least Baekhyun can give in easily without feeling annoyed. And this man before him is starting to annoy him a goddamn lot.

Maybe the man feels it, because there’s that tap on the shoulder again, and when Baekhyun turns around, the man is attempting aegyo.

What … the . Baekhyun blinks blankly at the man who’s trying to do buing buing and gwiyomi silently. Am I supposed to laugh … or …

Deadpool is idiotic like Chanyeol, but if he’s not Chanyeol … then that’s just not cute.

Baekhyun grabs his empty cup of noodles and throws it in the bin, then hurries out quickly, wanting to go home now because he doesn’t think he’ll be able to concentrate with that thing around. But of course, Deadpool seems dead set on following him.

“Who do you think you are?” Baekhyun finally blows, but even if he does, luckily his explosion is still quiet as he turns around to address the man politely. “Have I done something to you? Do I owe you? Do you need something from me?”

Deadpool’s body language tells Baekhyun that he’s shrinking, as if he has puppy ears that are pulled back at the sudden lash out. But then how does Baekhyun know that?

He pushes it to the back of his mind, even though all the signals are there.

“I’m sorry, but if there’s anything I can do for you, just tell me. Don’t follow me around because I have something really important to do.” Baekhyun turns, about to walk off again, but out of the corner of his eye he sees Deadpool stepping and attempting to follow him, so he turns back around. “Why are you – ”

“Sheesh, it’s me, Baekhyun-ah.” The familiar deep voice suddenly rings in his ears, stunning him as the mask is pulled off and a very sweaty Chanyeol is staring at him, a little more seriously than normal. “If I never tell you, are you never going to realise –”

“You little er, you.” Baekhyun growls, stepping forward and shoving him lightly. Chanyeol stumbles back, those eyes widening in surprise. “You’re supposed to be in China!”

“What? So you’re that keen to get rid of me, huh?” Chanyeol is wiping his sweat and at the same time trying to avoid Baekhyun’s kicks to his . “What’s so important that you don’t even bother to recognise me?!”

“ you, I thought you were in China!” Baekhyun rushes after Chanyeol’s , attempting to kick it real good.

“So you can do things behind my back?” Chanyeol shoots back, still trying to avoid the kicks, and yelping every time Baekhyun successfully lands a kick. “Tell me, is it more fun to shop by yourself?”

“You think it’s funny to prank me?” Baekhyun fires back. “It’s Halloween, not April Fool’s, you idiot.”

“It wouldn’t be a prank if you were a better boyfriend –”

“You acted like a bastard and here you are wanting to talk about who’s better –”

“Is this how you greet your boyfriend after not seeing him for days?”

“You need to get over yourself.” They continue to bicker until eventually they stop simultaneously, panting to catch their breath.

“Ya know, Baek …” Chanyeol huffs, catching his knees but head lifting to capture Baekhyun’s eyes with his own. “I got something for you.”

“… What?” Chanyeol finally straightens himself, inching closer to Baekhyun who steps back a little, sending a suspicious stare up at him. Immune to Baekhyun’s glares, Chanyeol instead takes a bigger step forward, arm winding around Baekhyun’s shoulder and pulling him in intimately, as if they’re preparing to take a photo together.

“Here.” Chanyeol whispers, and when Baekhyun looks down, he sees that same velvet box in that large hand that he had thrown out yesterday.

“… What’s that smell?” Baekhyun frowns, hand reaching up to cover his nose, and Chanyeol snorts.

“Don’t lie, I replaced the box.” However, the scowl immediately morphs into an excited grin when Baekhyun picks it up, fingers running over the smooth velvet. “Open it! Open it!”

Gaze flitting up to glance at the taller, Baekhyun looks back down, opening the box carefully. He’s met with a sparkling silver necklace that’s glittering prettily even under the darkening skies.

“You like it?” Chanyeol says, proud as he pulls Baekhyun closer, squeezing him.

“… Uh, is today a special day or something?” Baekhyun mumbles, confused as he fingers the symbol, mouthing ‘pretty’ for no one to see, but Chanyeol has caught it.

“Nah. Just suddenly got overwhelmed with feels and wanted to bombard you with them too.”

“Sorry, I didn’t get you anything …”

“… Yet?”

“No, I never said ‘yet’.”

“I heard it though.” Excited, Chanyeol leans down, a glint in his eyes. “Can I request something?”

“… What?”

“Live aegyo from you!” Baekhyun pushes him away.


“Come on, Baek, you said so yourself money means nothing to you and is meaningless. Do something more challenging!” Chanyeol stands in front of the smaller, grinning widely when the smaller scowls.

“Get out of my way.” The smaller successfully avoids him and fast-walks back to their college. And then he starts running. Chanyeol breaks off after him into a slow jog.

“Hey! You’re going to give in and you know it!”


Hope you enjoyed~

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Chapter 15: WAAAHHHHH WHAT A BONUS SERIES! Damn, i rlly missed tfibb and had been rereading everything, and i am damn glad I came across these drabbles. They are the best!!!!!
baekislife #2
Chapter 15: I miss this story a lot. I just read from the beginning - the faults in Byun Baekhyun till here. This will always stay as number 1 story in my heart.
Baekchan199211 #3
Chapter 12: I love these two so muchhhhh 😭😭😭
Baekchan199211 #4
Chapter 5: This is so funny 🤣🤣🤣
Baekchan199211 #5
Chapter 4: I wish you’d continue this 😭😭😭
Baekchan199211 #6
Chapter 4: I really really love reading these drabbles
Chapter 15: I am gonna freaking miss this fic a lot!!!!!
Thanks blehmeh for writing something mind-blowing like this...
Chapter 10: This whole series really fits exo's 'Butterfly Effect'! the lyrics are just perfect 😩
lena6104 #9
Chapter 12: i’m a crying mess right now... i love this story i love it i truly do... i adore it with my every atom... the last paragraph just made my eyes tear up because of the amount of emotions... thank you so much dear blehme <3 i never ever forget how you just beautifully changed my life with tfibbh/pcy and its drabbles :”>
Baekchan199211 #10
Chapter 5: This is so funny!!!! 😂😂😂 you’re a great writer!