Just a Nudge

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Sometimes a sure thing just needs an extra little push. And, really, isn't that what best friends are for?


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j-a-nuary #1
Hello everyone, Iggy here.

I'm done. My life has changed a lot and I am handing over creative rights to all of my stories to a friend. I'm not sure yet if they will just take over this account or open a new one. I trust that their writing will be just as good as mine, since we've collaborated on pretty much every story here. They have drafts that I've unfortunately been too busy to check over, and we've now come to an agreement that I will be stepping back.

I will be checking back here to answer some questions, and I understand if you have questions for them as well.

Thank you for supporting our writing this far. Even without me as the face, I am sure the writing to come will be just as satisfactory.

❤ Iggy
darknessnlight #2
Chapter 8: You're back!!! *3*
I really missed this fic :'3
144 streak #3
Chapter 8: Omg I'm so happy you updated!! Thanks for posting again :) Although T.T poor Wonho, ugh he's getting hurt so much. That was an interesting proposition, and I can't wait to see how it turns out. So utterly, completely #TeamWonho in this fic even though I love Jooheon so much!
144 streak #4
Chapter 7: Ugh, my heart. I really don't like love triangle stories, but got pulled into this one - and I'm glad because it's so good! I really, really hope she can get with Wonho, but I guess we'll find out. I know it's been more than a year since the last update, but I really hope that you can continue. Nice work!
Chapter 7: Wahhhhhh. This story is good. Poor Wonho. :( I hope he will find his happiness in this story. O.o
Chapter 4: Here I am reading this at 2 am and I have school tomorrow. Oh well. I can still sleep for an hour.

GADDEYM I love jooheon but wonho in this story is so... Irghh i can't even explain it T-T
jiyoung17 #7
Chapter 7: I read everything again and read the newer chapter and I wish u could update pls I really enjoy your story!
Chapter 6: are you still working on this story?
Chapter 6: You know... If she won't date Hoseok, I definitely will
Chapter 6: Omg.... i need next chapter T.T