Crimson Dreams


College students can legally drink at 21. However, most already start drinking even before that. Partying; clubbing; the list goes on.

Half-bred vampires begin craving blood at age 20. By the time they are 21, they will remain in that body forever; frozen in time.


Hi everyone! This is my first book I've written on AFF so I hope you all give it lot's of love and enjoy it! This is a short story so the plot and storyline may seem rushed, but don't worry, there's a reason for that. :D I also hope you all are open minded about the manipulation of my character Leo (of VIXX) by making him from a Japanese heritage as well as my character Alistair who is a make-believe character of my own creation. If you read through this story and you enjoy what you read, please look forward to my next book! Again, I hope you enjoy this story and thank you all for stopping by to read it. <3


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Chapter 21: This was too short and made almost 0 sense