
you'll always be in my heart no matter what happens

- In the dorm –

Jung ah: oh it's getting late…

Nana: hmm… yeah i'm tired…

Jung ah: you don’t need to stay up with me

Nana: it's okay i don’t mind

Jung ah: go to bed, i'll be going to bed soon, after i finish drying my top *smile tiredly*

Nana: ah okay, i'm going to bed now. Don’t wait for appa to come home, as we have no idea when she will be back.

Jung ah: i won’t

Nana gave Jung ah a kiss on the forehead and slowly walked to her room and went to sleep. Jung ah stayed and watched a bit of TV, then got up and went to dry her top. Suddenly the door opened, Kahi walked in.

Kahi: i said i was going to dry your top...

Jung ah: welcome back *smile*

Kahi: … I’m sorry I wasn’t back for dinner.

Jung ah: it’s okay… have you eaten yet? *smiles*

Kahi shakes her head, Jung ah walked towards Kahi and grabbed her hand pulled her towards the dinner table, sat her down and walked to the kitchen to cook some food for Kahi. Kahi could see Jung ah cook from where she is, she was looking at her. It reminded her of when she was looking at her in her room earlier and once again analysing the outline of her perfect shaped body. Jung ah unexpectedly turned around as she could feel someone looking at her. It made Kahi jump a bit, but this time she did not look away, this time she looked into Jung ah’s eyes and smiled.


[ Jung ah’s POV ]

Why is Kahi unnie looking at me?... Her smile is so nice especially her dimple keke… wait… wait why is Kahi unnie walking towards me?! *blush*


Kahi walked up to Jung ah and Jung ah moved back a bit, while placing her hand on her chest to stop her heart from beating so fast.

Kahi: jung ah yaa~ *leans towards Jung ah*

Jung ah: wh-what? * heart beats even faster*

Kahi: *points at the food* I think the food is going to burn soon, you don’t have to cook for me. Go to sleep, you should be tired.

Jung ah: *looked at the food* ahh!

Kahi: shhh… the kids are asleep *smiles*

Jung ah: *whispered* I’m sorry *pouted*… Kahi unnie sit back down the foods ready * smiles back*

Kahi walked back towards the table and sat down, Jung ah placed the food on the table and sat opposite Kahi. Kahi started eating the food.

Kahi: jung ah yaa~ go to sleep, your tired. your going to look like a panda tomorrow.

Jung ah: haha it's okay unnie i'll be fine. so how was Dambi?

Kahi thought about what happened when she went to Dambi's and touched her lips gently, remembering Dambi's kiss. Then looked at Jung ah feeling a bit guilty but stil blushed, remembering what Dambi said about her in love with Jung ah.

Jung ah: *looked confused* so what happened?

no response

Jung ah: *waves her hand in front of Kahi* Kahiii unnieee?

Kahi: oh... right... sorry i'm a bit tired and a bit worried about Dambi.

Jung ah: so why was she drunk?

Kahi didn't want to say, so she ate quickly and changed the subject.

Kahi: Jung ah thanks for the food *smiles*

Jung ah: err... no problem *smiled back*

Kahi went to wash the dishes.Jung ah stared at the table.


[ Jung ah's POV ]

was Kahi unnie avoiding my questions? or am i imagining stuff... aiigoo i'm so tired...


Jung ah's head started so get closer and closer to the table and then she fell asleep. Kahi finished washing the dishes and turned round and saw Jung ah asleep on the table. she walked towards her.

Kahi: jung ah i told you to go to sleep and let me cook instead, but the food was nice.

Kahi leaned towards Jung ah and kissed her on the cheek.

Kahi: thanks *smile*

Kahi some how manged to get Jung ah in her room in her bed without waking her up. She tucked her in, sat beside her and looked at her for a while.


[ Kahi's POV ]

Jung ah, your so pretty *caresses Jung ah's hair gently* i looked at her lips, somehow it reminded me of Dambi... it shouldn't do, but it reminded me of her saying that i love Jung ah... i looked at Jung ah and i suddenly notice that i always "check her out" *blush*. i put my hand on my face, feeling the temperature   of my cheeks is starting to rise. i wonder if Jung ah notices me checking her out....if she does i wonder if she finds it i actually in love with her? more than a friend?....


Kahi slowly got lost with her thoughts and fell asleep.

- to be continued -

please enjoy and sorry about not updating lately >_< i really love the gif :') the way how Kahi looks at Jung ah and they kinda hold hands :P

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woah!! *dies* JungHi & LiNa <3333 I loved it *-* I'll read your LiNa fanfic since this one was so good ;D
yunheelove #2
Cutee~~ <3 :D love the couple anyway :P xD
thanks i just updated my LiNa fanfic have a read if you have time :)
You are such a great writer!!Pls write more fanfics about AS!!
hmm... not a bad idea i might think about that :) i'm writting a LiNa fanfic atm if you have time hope you will have a look at it ^.^
DarkestAngel #6
how about vampire kahi??
thank you for the comments and thank you for reading my fanfic :D i think i might start a new fanfic but I'm not sure when yet and i don't know what about yet >.< any suggestions?<br />
@andremiyuki I'm not really sure if the pic was edited but i presume so but i do find the context interesting ^.^
Yeay!!! kahi and jungah are together<br />
the pic was edited right?? haha<br />
Dear writer please do write more ^^<br />
thnx for this fic <33
DarkestAngel #9
yeayyy... appa and omma together..<br />