My Homeless Boyfriend


It was a very simple, yet ideal situation for the both of them. She would let him stay in the extra bedroom of my apartment, just until he was in a good enough financial situation to rent an apartment, or at least pay for dormatory fees. Although with every agreement, there would have to be mutual understanding.

She wanted to fall in love and never get hurt, because as you all know, love is pain-filling.

She wanted to freely love, knowing that he would too in return, even if it was just pretend in his case.

She forced him to be her boyfriend.




It's the art of loving when you have the time, and falling in love when you don't.




  1. Lynnryan | Starshine Graphics - Thanks for the awesome graphics! Be sure to request from them. :)
  2. Review : Secretseven@Changtastic Review and Rec Services (Before rewriting)
  3. Review : After Rewriting (to be requested)



Look forward to an update everyone~ Tomorrow's the day


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Chapter 6: This is a great update. they're so sweety!
Chapter 6: I totally adore the new version of this. But of course the old one is amazing also, just as you mentioned, things worked too fast and it seemed a bit unrealistic. I look firward to the next chapter. :)
Love, Megan xoxo
Chapter 6: Yay~ Good job once more author-nim! <3 ;3 Mijong couple all the way~ ,3 hehe Ei~! Men and their pride! tsktsk Anyways! Can't wait till the next update! ^-^
Chapter 6: Silly Guy you should just ask for help. That was so sweet what Mi Joo said about being there for him.
Chapter 6: Waaaahhh~ So sweet with each other:">
notelights #6
Chapter 6: Thumbs up! :D Interesting update! :D Update soonnnnn~ PLEASE!~
Chapter 6: Wehe update~! Taking it the professional way I  see. Very well then my friend / imaginary beard and realize how stupid i'm being right now/ oh jonggie, I find clueless "big boy" jonghyun to be adorkable X3

update soon! O u O
I literally laughed at '' She forced him to be his girlfriend '' I just pitied him like '' HAH HAH HAH JONG! '' but yes i will start reading c: