
Minyoo, Sihan and YiLin are best friends since childhood, they met twelve certain boy at elementary and became a group of friends.

"We'll be friends forever no matter what happens!"

little did they know that the promise had been broken on one fateful day, and when they finally get to see each other again in senior high school it finally dawns on them how their friendship is slowly drifting apart. will the three of them find out the cause of their problems? their source of growing cracks? how will they face it if they found out the truth? 


Hi, this is the authors speaking chatting (?) Okay let me introduce ourselves...

: this is me

M : this is my younger sister

m : this is my youngest sister

sooo, this story is our first FF. please spare us (^_^)"  

the story was our idea, but in this one I (the big bold M) is the one who translates it to english and write it (please excuse my poor grammars too okay?) in this fanfic we made three OCs with names (ofc, duh!) but readers can imagine themselves as one of the OC. we won't tell you who you'll end up with in the story, so choose carefully (unless you decided to be all three of them instead XD ) who knows, maybe you'll end up with your bias. teehee~





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