Only Heaven Knows

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Jimin lives in a small town that is set on giving him hell for the way his heart loves. He blames God for this and many other's things.


this story is directed for mature audiences.


Genres: Young Adult ficticion, spiritual fiction, angst and drama.

Credits: Heart, Mind and Seoul thanks to Mandy (saki1017) for her quick review. I would like to thank SedBau at her Unbreakable graphic shop for making my poster and background it was worth the wait.

Thoughts of my beta-brainstormer: "I had three possibilities, when I was betareading this fic, of how it was going end, but I never thought it was going to conclude this way!" vetealaporra

Although it's not fully posted those were her words and thoughts as a fellow reviewer. She's the only one who has read it fully. [Perks of being a beta lol]

Review from Heart, Mind and Seoul: "You've created your characters with a lot of thought and planning. The majority of the characters have depth, each with their own little own background story, and none seemed out of place or unnecessary." Saki1017


Playlist: Agnes Obel- Dorian & BTS- Stigma. For full playlist go here.

Update: 17/02/03 fic was divided into chapters.

author's notes: do have always in mind that the story is slow built/slow burn. characters development are painfully slow and my updates will take a while to come UP

This contains more drama than the last kdrama YOU watched. I ❤ drama! I'm a dramatic little so that's why it contains it.
In other notes, I would like to put a disclaimer.


This fic does not intend to insult any religious views! Everything is based on real life events however everything is exaggerated for storytelling purposes. And when I say mature, I don't mean older people. By mature audience i mean that if you are open minded about it you can read it.


Hey, you! i just want to let you know that while this fic has major description of severe depression and suicidal thoughts it is not meant to be triggering as i have made sure of that. However, i do like that you read this fic with precautioN, if necessary, because after chapter nine, which as of now is not posted yet, I believe it's going to get a little bit harder to read. Even for me whom I wrote it; I just want to let you know that it is fully intentional that the story is written THe way that it is.



✋ ⚠ Comments might contain spoilers!




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Chapter 1: It's really interesting to find a spiritual fic here, it's not something I have often seen tackled in fan-fic, so you're brave to tackle it :3 I'm an atheist, but I come from a country where gay marriage still hasn't been legalised, and where discrimination and hate crimes against the LGBT community do still occur often. I am glad to see someone challenging hate crime in this way, through the spiritual perspective that often serves as the justification for such discrimination. I look forward to reading the rest of this story ^-^
Luvya_2P #2
Chapter 4: omg omg omg .. at first I was'nt sure about reading your story ...
But when I read it (well the first 4 chapter) I fell in love ... wow <3
I really like your stil! You can read it without stumbling and .. ah don't know .. it feels like, you choose always the right words ^^
I love the characters. Plus the reader knows: There is something coming. That you have a plan, a good plot, that you know what you're doing! :)
That's why I can't wait to read new chapters of your story!
Hope you'll have a good day~
ChanCartSoo #3
Chapter 2: Oh my GOD. This ff is make me.... Ah, don't know. Make me got a new idea for my own Fanfiction. Sorry, if my english is terrible. This ff so special, great/good job
heonnni #4
Chapter 2: This fanfic is really special and beautiful I love it~ :D great job!

I think you should break the chapters up because then you'll be able to update more frequently and it's a bit more convenient :) I really love long chapters but I feel that shorter chapters would fit this story a bit better :) amazing job, looking forward to the next update~ I really really love this ahhh BEAUTIFUL WORK WELL DONE :))) oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR :D
Hi, this is a message from Heart, Mind & Seoul. There is something I need to discuss with you regarding your request. Please drop me a DM as soon as possible!