Ch. 23: Reality & Intuitions

The Story of Hwayang and Yeonhwa
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Chapter 23: Reality & Intuitions

Time went by fast like the snap of one’s fingers. Soon, days turned into weeks. And weeks turned into a month.

Over the period, Yeonhwa didn’t stop going out of the Flower Palace to see Hwayang. They both became even closer than they were before. They were like two different colored strings tied into a knot, and it was impossible to undo.

Some days, when Dongil offered to accompany Yeonhwa, she would genuinely tell him to just stay behind. It wasn’t because she didn’t want him to leave with her. She only wanted some independent time to herself with no maid or bodyguard by her side and visit the farmboy without any interference.

But during these occasions, she often went alone to meet him.

The secret of Yeonhwa’s true identity remained concealed. As usual, outside of the Flower Palace, only Hwayang and Myungseok were aware of it. However, there was a new addition.

Eunpil wasn’t so happy when Hwayang broke the news down to her. She reasoned with him countless times as to what he was doing and why he was doing it, but he only responded that everything was going to be okay. That she needn’t be worried. That this was his business.

She was furiously upset that he would act so selfish about everything that was going on and keeping the truth from her. Also, she was heartbroken when she heard that he was theoretically dating Yeonhwa, the Crown Princess. Most nights, she would stay up and cry nonstop until her lids finally close because she felt as if her whole world crashed all of a sudden. But the other fact was because she was jealous. Jealous that Hwayang, the guy whom she ever had a crush on, liked somebody else. And that someone happened to not only be the Princess, but she was wealthy, beautiful, smart, and even kind.

Eunpil wanted to hate Hwayang so much for being so oblivious and not acknowledging her feelings all these years. She wanted to hate him for not caring enough to tell her about his relationship. She wanted to hate Yeonhwa for being the lucky girl to steal his heart away. But the Princess was so kind and loyal. To Hwayang and to everyone else. It would make Eunpil look bad if she hated her.

And Hwayang? He might have kept this secret from her, but she couldn’t begin or even afford to hate him. Because she uncovered that she didn’t only like him. She loved him. Truly and deeply with all her heart.

After that night, she never brought up the topic again. She wanted to forget everything Hwayang told her so badly and just wanted to think of it all as a dream, but escaping from reality wasn’t easy. In the meantime, she eventually acted like nothing happened and went on with her life. Although she couldn’t move on just yet, she still needed some distraction to pull her away from the painful truth.

Apart from the dragging friendship, Hwayang and Yeonhwa’s relationship soon became official, and the news spiralled throughout the village. A lot of people were so envious of the new couple and congratulated them. Sometimes when Hwayang was alone, others would ask him questions about who Yeonhwa was and where she was from. Like always, he would just brush it off with a simple answer in return.

Every single day was like an endless dream to both of the youthful adults. Hwayang and Yeonhwa spent every second of every minute of every hour with each other, oblivious of the fact that they were slowly falling in love. All the kisses, compliments, and embraces they shared were only keys that unlocked more of their feelings to spill.

Hwayang would take Yeonhwa out to a different scenery every time she came to see him. He wanted to show what the hometown he loved was like in his eyes. Excited all about their relationship, they were always smiling with love and happiness. It felt as if they were unbreakable.

While the farmboy and the Princess were spending their time together, enjoying all the warmth and joy of their love, in the Flower Palace, Queen Shim was beginning to feel suspicious.

And Her Highness was starting to think that Yeonhwa wasn’t really leaving to see a scholar for books anymore. It looked too obvious. But she had to uncover some details first before she could confirm it and confront to her daughter about everything that’s happened.

An hour had passed after dawn, and Yeonhwa was getting ready to go meet Hwayang again. The familiar, innocent smile on face never faltered to change or be replaced with a worried expression. Everything just felt too perfect to be true.

Yeonhwa walked down the hall, approaching the front gate until a voice stopped her.

“Princess Yeonhwa.”

She turned around, expecting to see Dongil for he was always up the same time she was, hoping to accompany her. But to her dismay, it was only her mother’s maid.

“Jasung,” Yeonhwa said.

The maid walked over to her. “Good morning, Your Majesty,” she greeted with a low bow.

Yeonhwa replied back with the same gesture. “Good morning,” she said. “Is anything the matter?”

Jasung kept her low. “Your Majesty, Queen Shim would like to have a word with you.”

Yeonhwa blinked with an impatient sigh. “I apologize, but I actually have an errand to run. May you please tell her-”

“Forgive me for interrupting, Your Majesty. But Her Highness said you must come to her Quarter immediately.”

The Princess furrowed her brows. She really wanted to leave already to see the man who made her heart thump rapidly, but somehow she was also curious as to what her mother wanted to converse of. “What does she wish to speak about?”

Jasung smirked, but with her head facing the ground, Yeonhwa didn’t detect it. “I don’t know, Your Majesty,” she half-heartedly lied. First, it was true that she didn’t know. But second, she had an idea.

Yeonhwa bowed respectfully as she knelt on the ground. “You wished to speak to me, Mother?” she asked.

Queen Shim exhaled lightly as she grabbed her cup of tea. “I just wanted to

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JongByung #1
Chapter 38: Thank god, you've updated! I've been waiting for this and still believe that this story is gonna continue until the end no matter what.. Thank you author-nim for updating; it gives me courage to read it again and again! ^^
Chapter 37: Oh no! Don't give up!!!!! T_T
JongByung #3
Chapter 37: You're back, yeay! Still waiting for your updates even I thought the chance is pretty thin. I'm glad that you still thought of this story because it just too good to be abandoned. ^^
Chapter 36: This story is simply amazing! had my heart in my throat for the last few chapters! hope his majesty will be back in time to save the day, my heart can't take any more angst and tragedy :(
JongByung #5
Chapter 35: Yass, you're back finally! I've missed your existence and your story so soooo much! I've looking forward for your updates everytime I'm log in and I'm glad you're back! ^^
Chapter 23: Hello, my fellow readers! How have you all been?
I'm sorry I haven't been updating for months. College has been taking over my life, time, and mind that I barely have the motivation to write anymore.
I've been super stressed lately, but hopefully I return soon to give you all the story you want to finish.
Please anticipate and wait for me! Thank you! ^^