three - sweet guy

Wished For A Boyfriend, Stuck With A Gangster
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You peeked out the window that night. The snow was moderately falling from the sky and people were strolling merrily on the streets. You suddenly wanted something sweet to eat. You left the room and ran down the stairs.


Your dad was watching TV while your Mom was on the sink. “Where are you going, dear?” Your Mom asked.


“Can I go to the convenience store?” You smiled.


Your dad laughed. “You’re always going to that store. What’s in it anyway?”


“Sweets.” You replied. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” You ran out of the door.


You were almost arriving at the store when you suddenly realized you had no jacket on. “Aigoo.” You rubbed your hands together and placed them on your arms. “Why do I have to forget my jacket?”




The shop’s door rang it’s bell again when you entered. Ahjushi saw you and greeted you with a smile. “Hello, dear. Came back for another ice pop, I presume?”


You shook your head. “I just want something sweet for now.” You went around the shop and searched for something sweet that appealed to you. Your eyes fell upon a very big lollipop with all the swirls in the center. You picked it up and went to the counter.


“Ah…” Ahjushi breathed. “Many kids really like this lollipop.” He swiped the candy on the scanner and told you the price. You reached for your wallet in your pocket, then gasped. “What’s the matter, dear?”


You clasped a hand on your mouth. “I forgot my jacket at home. And my wallet is in my jacket pocket. I'm sorry-”


“Here.” Someone placed money on the counter. “I’ll pay for it.”


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Chapter 23: Nice story...i rrally like this one. Ljoe is soo sweet ^^
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 22: chappie 22: such a nice story.......
sadly it has come to the end.........
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 20: chappie 20: i'm glad that l.joe and l will not fight......
and,, l.joe!!! please save ____
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 17: chappie 17: woww!!!
such a fate that they met there .........
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 14: chappie 14: i think there will be some hot fight..........
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 11: chappie 11: will there be some hot fight between l.joe and l ???
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 6: chappie 6: woowwww.....!!!
they're really not suit to be called gangsters .............
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 5: chappie 5: which kind of gangster is kind???
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 3: chappie 3: l.joe is very kind ........
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 1: chappie 1: i think i know who is the owner of the beanie......