eighteen - the worst happens

Wished For A Boyfriend, Stuck With A Gangster
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“Myungsoo…” You muttered slowly. L.Joe and L gave each other cold hard glares.


Seohyun looked at her friends and at her cousin. “You guys know each other?”


“Um…” You didn’t know what to say.


“Yeah.” L.Joe replied without taking his eyes off of L. “We know each other.”


Seohyuh, still being naïve, clapped. “Then, that’s great!” Someone tapped her and pulled Seohyun away for a while.


You gulped and looked at L and L.Joe, who was having a staring contest in the midst of the party music. “Uh, hi, Myungsoo.” You tried to smile. “Wow. What a coincidence. Seohyun’s your cousin.”


L’s gaze lingered at L.Joe for a while, and when he looked at you, it was replaced with a soft grin. “You’re right. Coincidental.” He looks at you and at L.Joe. “So… he’s your date?”


“Yes.” L.Joe butted-in. “I am. Problem?”


L shrugged casually. “Not that I said that there is… _____ could have found a better one…”


L.Joe was about to lunge at L but you pulled him just in time and shook your head. You pushed L.Joe away before they start a fight. You faced L. “Myungsoo… Please… don’t start anything… um… scandalous…”


He smiled at you. “I’m sorry, _____. I promise, I won’t. Anything for you. Better tell that to him, too.”


You nodded and headed off towards L.Joe. He was leaning on one of the wall post, glaring at L. You held his shoulders. “Please. Calm down. I don’t want anything to happen tonight. Or even in any other time. Please…”


L.Joe pushed himself off the wall and softly smiled at you. “Okay. I promise.” He sighed. “I’m sorry. I said I should be treating you like a princess…”


You shook your head. “No. You don’t need to.” You smiled. Just then, slow music started to play in the gym.


L.Joe grinned. “Care to dance?” He held out his hand for you to take. You nodded and took his hand. He led you to the center of the hall along with the other couples.


L.Joe took your hands and put it over his shoulders, and then he wrapped his arms around your waist. You felt yourself weaken. L.Joe smiled. “If there’s one dance I know, probably that’s slow dance.”


You chuckled. L.Joe was guiding you as he swayed you along with the music. He leaned closer and rested his forehead against yours.


Your heart raced. You were just hoping he wouldn’t notice you blush.


“Your cheeks are cute up-close when they’re pink.” He said as he gazed at you. You pursed your lips ad looked down.


L.Joe held you closer as the music continued. *I wish we could stay like this…*



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Chapter 23: Nice story...i rrally like this one. Ljoe is soo sweet ^^
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 22: chappie 22: such a nice story.......
sadly it has come to the end.........
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 20: chappie 20: i'm glad that l.joe and l will not fight......
and,, l.joe!!! please save ____
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 17: chappie 17: woww!!!
such a fate that they met there .........
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 14: chappie 14: i think there will be some hot fight..........
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 11: chappie 11: will there be some hot fight between l.joe and l ???
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 6: chappie 6: woowwww.....!!!
they're really not suit to be called gangsters .............
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 5: chappie 5: which kind of gangster is kind???
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 3: chappie 3: l.joe is very kind ........
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 1: chappie 1: i think i know who is the owner of the beanie......