
Once Upon a Spell


Lee Seung gi was never one to pay attention to his neighbours. In large metropolitan areas like his, people moving in and out with suitcases and few pieces of furniture is never a sight to notice.

He couldn’t imagine the one moving in that day in early summer would be of any importance in his life.

“Watch out!” a woman in a very wavy green and blue dress cried out as she carried the painting and swung it, barely missing his head. Turkish rose and patchouli became prominent as she passed him.

He glared as he moved to the right to allow her to pass. The end of the frame greeted the side of his stomach, and she didn’t show any sign of sorrow. Grumbling, he went down the stairs, avoiding a woman in similar clothes, most likely her relative, who ran up to the direction of his apartment.

He feared the vast possibility that that girl would be taking the apartment across his own.

“Sujelle, dear, where’s the rest of the kitchen?” Mrs. Baellruth called out as she inspected every part of the place she could set her eyes on. There wasn't much to see.

“It’s Suzy now mother”

Suzy sighed in exaggeration. She considers herself lucky for getting an apartment near her intended university, and yet she knew her mother would never be satisfied.

The Baellruth family is one with outstanding history of magic crafts. Uryleus, Merlin’s unheard-of tutor, was reportedly a Baellruth. They had respect, outstanding powers and a massive influence on the magical realms. For Sujelle to abandon all and take the petty life of a human was most irrational to her mother, but she supported her in all she seeks, mostly knowing this is only a phase of youth.

She watched ‘Suzy’ panting as she rested on a step. “Honestly, a swift wave of your arm and all the luggage will go right where you need it, why tire yourself out?”

“Because mother,” Suzy turned around, “I’m no longer doing waves, or winks, or charms or anything of the sort for that matter.” She whined. “And we’ll no longer speak of the subject.”

As she climbed down the stairs again to get the last of her brown boxes, high structures of the city came to her view from the window. She stopped to watch the beds of roses a distance away, the street vendor in front of her building selling a type of food that looks like a stick, and the group of children playing hide and seek in the huge park between the buildings. Humans could do it without magic, she pondered, and so will she.

Tired, but with extreme excitement, she promised herself sweat, blood and tears is the only shortcut for her in this new life.




Suzy groaned at the loud sounds so early in the morning. Having spent most last night unpacking, she wanted a nice, quiet beauty sleep. She glanced at the clock which read eight forty and tried to block out the sounds.

Eight forty.

Nine o’clock is when her first lecture starts.

“!” she jolted in bed.

‘No, no, no, no, no, no!’

Seung gi heard the cries from apartment 42B. He was locking his door when a bang was heard, and the girl from earlier came running down the stairs, pushing him to the side. He shook his head. Why are the peaceful ones so rare?

He needed all the peace he could find. He was going through the awkward phase of mid-twenties, when every decision he makes affects the rest of his life. A job to settle to was a priority.

The multiple files he’s been carrying around the past few days clearly show his determination. Combined with an excellent university, a degree with honour, an elegant suit and his previous experience, he couldn’t imagine facing any difficulty. However, reaching a happily ever after position proved to be much harder than he’d expected.

Despite the theoretical advantages he has, something about interviews always defeats him. He wasn’t the best conversationalist.




Suzy ran through the corridors trying desperately to reach her destination, or find it.

She stopped near an apple tree and rested a hand against it as she gasped for air. She took the campus map from her bag and stared at it.

Based on her touch, the tree was nineteen years of age, and it liked her.

Leaves close to her started moving.

“No!” she raised a finger threateningly at the tree. “I can’t” she looked at her map again. Path C is supposed to be near here, and from there take the third turn to the right… she read. “Oh why is this so complicated?”

A branch tangled with the straps of her bag. She shook it off only for it to reach her hair.

“Alright fine, but that’s the only time” she warned the tree. “Intendus” she whispered, holding her skirt in place.

Apple trees are, after all, the best guide for lost knights. Wind blew violently through the square. Leaves fell from the tree to form a star with the top pointing to the lecture room.

“Thank you.”

With eager steps, she made her way to the hall. She opened the door with caution and quietly took the first seat she could reach. The light was directed at the stage, and there stood a man with a small beard. He looks just like her uncle Aklalethar!

“Welcome to your first course of chemistry.”

He sounds just like her uncle Aklalethar!

“Chemistry is a fairly new science. We all know it came from the attempts of turning lead to gold, an unrealistic desire”

An unrealistic desire?

“No one has been able to achieve it.”

“That’s not true, professor.” Her soft tone broke over his analogue. It sent the note writing of the students to a halt as they now turned to her. “It is possible; you need only the dust of a midnight fairy”

With confusion, she watched as her classmates broke to chuckles.

“Does this lecture amuse you, miss?” with his shoes making a rather unsettling sound on the floor, her professor frowned. “Does my subject appear as a laughing matter to you?”

“Oh…” She tucked a hair behind her ear. Is it possible humans didn’t know? “I didn’t mean to disrespect you, sir.” Sinking back to her seat, she did her best to avoid occasional glares from him. She will need far more studying on their lives.




Throwing his briefcase aside in sheer anger, Seung gi leaned over his sink. It’s been almost a month without any result. If this keeps on he’ll need to ask his parents for rent money again. He didn’t want to think about it. His mother’s reprimands and insistence to come home and take over her business was too much for him to bear.

A familiar warmth and soft fur ran against his foot. Despite his aggravation, he couldn’t help but smile.

“There you are” he reached to pick up the feline. “Hungry?” he asked its white fur. It was quick to purr, as always. “You’re the only one on my side, Donna”

Donna, his cat, freed itself from his arm to take its usual position on his shoulder instead.  Seung gi picked up a can of cat foot and a pack of ramyun. Just as he was opening the can, his doorbell rang, sending Donna running over his shoulder and into the living room, then under the sofa.

That was where it often hides whenever he has visitors. At times, he finds it below the bed, behind the curtains and inside a vase once. Being a shelter cat once, Donna was terrified of humans, save for him.

“You know we talked about this. You can’t keep hiding”

With a sigh, he opened the door.

Bright eyes that show a glint as the kitchen light hits them were the first he saw, a beam of full, pink lips followed. He was sure he doesn’t know the girl that stood before him with wavy hair that cascades to touch her lower arm, where a scarf hung to keep her warm.

Why she shoved a dish in his face was a mystery to him.

“I made this for you,” she offered. He took the dish, the sweet aroma enveloping him. “My name is Suzy. I live across the corridor,” she continued, the smile never leaving her lips. “I’m getting to know the neighbours.”

“Right.” She was the one that shoved him? Twice at that? She didn’t look vile. Perhaps it was an accident? Upon noting her silence, he regained his sense. “My name is Lee Seung gi.” He offered his hand and watched her eyes widening in confusion.

Did she not know how to shake hands? He slowly retrieved his offer.

Suzy’s gaze fixed on the cat that lazily approached her sandals. “Hello there” she kneeled to the floor to pet it.

“Oh?” he exclaimed. “Donna…”

“Donna is its name?” Suzy asked.

“Um… it is” he replied. “Be careful, she doesn’t like people… usually,” his warning went unnoticed as the cat purred with her embrace and giggles. “Not this fast anyway.” He mumbled.

Something mystical was at work for Donna to trust her, he thoughts

It was indeed.



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tohid_333 #1
Please update ..
Chapter 3: I loved her name, Sujelle! and yaaahh cant wait for more updates author-nim <3
adiezty #3
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update
namie27 #4
Chapter 2: Hello dear authornim, I know I'm being demanding but can you please update this story. Kamsahamnida :) I am a fan of your stories.
Chapter 2: amazing per usual... I'm so READY for more writing from you omg
Chapter 2: She's such a dork, I wonder what's the cat's secret?
Chapter 2: She's so cute <3 I can totally imagine her with her 4dness, even grumpy Seunggi hehe
farabigail #8
Chapter 2: Hihihi suzy and her magic is so cuteeee xD
Chapter 2: Oooh , they are becoming friends ‎<3‎
karmakyungsoo #10
Chapter 2: Wonder whether it will work with seunggi.thanks authornim.