When it rains


“ When the flying fudges of Hades did my mom's living room turned into Prevent Doom's Day Society's hideout ?”


“ Jeon Jungkook watch your language ! “ Seokjin chastised him in proper Kim Seokjin mode and then continued in a polite tone “ Good evening , Lady Athena. “


Of course, Jungkook thought, please scream at the poor boy with memory problems that has to stop Doom's Day by finding a titan lord with whom he apparently messes around even though he remembers bat about it . It's only fair, right .


I am back with a Greek God AU ! ya'll . This is almost finished so I will upload the entire story in an hour or so, STAT TUNED!!! FEEDBACK IS MUCH LOVED


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Chapter 2: Good solution
joicehayase #2
Chapter 1: muito bom mesmo
Chapter 4: THIS WAS SO GOOD!
I demand more sequals!
alexandra22 #4
I loves it but the ending was a bit confusing like the transition and stuff. I hope this isnt the end
kookiewookie7 #5
Chapter 1: Ahhh, I really love this. But is that the ending or is there more? It just feels like there is more.