No Identity


Based in Toronto, the protagonist of the story Gaven is an illegal immigrants (II) from Favela, Brazil. Favela is a slum area within the urban area. Gaven's life was hard back then in Brazil, and he moved to Toronto for the sake of better wealth. In Toronto, he struggled to live, as well as earning hard-earned money for his family in Brazil.



This story is about the hard lives for immigrants in a foreign country. Gaven, as an immigrant, has had a difficult life even he left Brazil. This shows how the transnational world that we are living in is such cruel: rich people get richer, while people in an inferior position remains poor. Not only are they inferior in terms of conomic power, but also how their digity is also undermined. 

As an immigrant who moved to Toronto for university, I experienced how difficult it is for new immigrants to blend into a new culture. This story is inspired when I had no medicial coverage before I could get my health card. 


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