not your typical


So, I read about Jay Park and Stefanie Michovia and the song that is rumored to be written about her. 

I read this song's lyric and the type of girl thay Jay expect her girl to be. 

But this story is mostly about you, the dull girl who can hardly stand any cigar smoke and the mighty rapper, Park Jay Beom.


I hear the rustling sound of him taking off the shirt behind me.

"How long can you stay with me?", I whisper.

He climbs up the bed and move right behind me, spooning me with his bare chest. 

"Why are you asking so?", his hand intertwined with mine right on the top of my heart.

"I wonder, how long it takes until you leave me for good"

He turns my body slowly. I can see from the strand of moonlight the questioning face he puts on his face.

"Why are you asking this suddenly?"

"What would you do, if I am not you missing bone?"

"And what if you are?"

"Truthfully, I don't think I am your missing rib. Yours are made with sparkling colour, while mine was so dull and grey scale"

He stares at me in utter silent. 



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qylateukbiased #1
Update pls!! :)
soldier-light #2
Love this very much continue pls