Operation Love 101


Lee Yun Hee, a lost princess from BTS planet.

6 human boys with powers decide to help their immortal friend, Tae Hyung, to find the lost princess.

They face hardship and obstacles. Their poor cooperation makes things harder for them.

Will they be able to find the lost princess? Or will she be lost forever? Operation Love 101.



“Who are you?!”Jungkook exclaimed.

“Calm down, human.”a boy said, entering their household.


“Tell us who you are first and we will calm down.”Jimin confidently said.


“My name is V or you can call me Tae Hyung. I have come from BTS planet. I came here because I seek for humans who have powers. My senses lead to you and all of you have powers.”he explained.


“Powers? We are just ordinary humans! I think you are mistaken. Now, please get out of our house!”Rap Monster commanded.


“I will not leave unless all 6 of you agree to come with me”Tae Hyung implied.


“Come with you? What do you need us for? Where are we even going?!”Jungkook questioned.


“Who are you?!”Jungkook exclaimed.

“Calm down, human.”a boy said, entering their household.


“Tell us who you are first and we will calm down.”Jimin confidently said.


“My name is V or you can call me Tae Hyung. I have come from BTS planet. I came here because I seek for humans who have powers. My senses lead to you and all of you have powers.”he explained.


“Powers? We are just ordinary humans! I think you are mistaken. Now, please get out of our house!”Rap Monster commanded.


“I will not leave unless all 6 of you agree to come with me”Tae Hyung implied.


“Come with you? What do you need us for? Where are we even going?!”Jungkook questioned.


“We need you all because we have lost our powerful princess. Her name is Lee Yun Hee. She is the most powerful in our planet! We lost her in a war and we need to find where she is. This mission to find her is really dangerous so we had to recruit powerful people and those powerful people are you guys.”Tae Hyung explained.


“Like I said, we do not have powers! Please get out!”Rap Monster yelled.


“You guys have powers BUT you don’t know you have it.”Tae Hyung lectured.


“Maybe he’s right, guys.”Suga chirped,”We don’t know if we actually have powers.”


“So are you coming, Suga dear?”Tae Hyung asked.


“I guess so…”he answered.


“Anybody else coming?”Tae Hyung asked.


Everybody was quiet.


“If you guys aren’t coming, I will have to force you guys by using my power and my power really hurts so take the easy way out or the hard way out.”Taehyung declared.

“I’ll come then! I feel like you are really going to force us…”Jin volunteered.


“2...anymore before I force you guys?”he asked.

“I’ll come…”J-Hope groaned.


“Hyungs! What are you guys doing?! Are you getting yourselves killed?”Jimin yelled.


The hyungs became quiet.


“Whatever! I’m not coming!”Jungkook whined.


“Oh, you will. Anyways, let’s get going. One of you have teleportation...ah! J-Hope, you have teleportation, please try to use it!”Tae Hyung chatted.


“Teleportation? How do I use that?”J-Hope asked.


“...seems like you guys need power training. Nevermind, I’ll just take you guys there.”Tae Hyung sighed.


Tae Hyung snapped his finger and three of them disappeared in a flash.


“HYUNGS!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM! GIVE THEM BACK TO US!”Jungkook yelled as he dashed forward into Taehyung.


“Bad choice, little Jungkook!’he said as he snapped his finger and Jungkook was chained up.


“Jungkook! You went too far, Mr. Alien!”Jimin exclaimed.


“Oh, how I hate that name! How dare you! You shall be placed in a bubble!”Tae Hyung angrily said as he put Jimin in a bubble.


Jimin yelled out words but the bubble was soundproof so they couldn’t hear words he was saying.


Tae Hyung moved Jungkook inside the bubble by just a snap. He removed the chains and let him go.


“Rap Monster, would you like to go the hard way or easy way?”Tae Hyung asked.


He gulped and said,”E-Easy way.”


“Good! Let me take you there!”Tae Hyung smiled.


He snapped his finger and Rap Monster was gone in a flash.


“Now, you 2 idiots. You guys wanted the hard way.”Tae Hyung glared.

“Anybody want to change their mind? I told you I wasn’t kidding.”he asked.


“EASY WAY!”Jimin and Jungkook both said in sync.


“Okay then!”he smiled as he snapped his finger and the bubble disappeared.


He snapped his finger again and they disappeared in a flash.





Lee Yun Hee(You) (Lost Princess)


Powers : Almost everything! She is really powerful

-Falls in love with one of the 7 boys. (not telling who! x3)



Jeon Jungkook(Jungkook)

Powers : Fire and Flying

Fire represents his burning spirit to strive for things. He works hard but you can’t handle his burning temper!


Kim Tae Hyung(Tae Hyung or V)

Powers : Casting spells and magic

Tae Hyung is like a guardian of the BTS Planet.


Park Ji Min(Jimin)

Powers : Super Strength,Speed,and good fighting skills.

His abs and muscles explain everything… <3


Jung Ho Seok (J-Hope)

Powers: Teleportation,Telekinesis,Telepathy

The Three T’s. He is really powerful, though…


Kim Nam Joon (Rap Monster)

Powers: Communication with animals and aliens

Pretty useful if you don’t understand what those weird aliens saying.


Min Yoon Gi (Suga)

Powers: Frost/Water/Ice, Wind

He’s cold...haha get it? He needs these powers to calm Jungkook’s temper x3


Kim Seok Jin (Jin)

Powers: Morphing,Duplication, Disguising

He’s the mom of the group so he has to duplicate himself to take care of them! Like seriously, there are like 6 of them he has to take care of.



I hope the book is good so far! Please expect more! :D thank you!




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