Bride of Suho: Water God
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Haru heard her alarm and got up to turn it off. She clicked the snooze button on her phone and rubbed her eyes. She looked at her phone and saw three messages from Dongwoo. Haru lit up and looked at the time, the first message was sent at 1:34 am. She unlocked her phone and looked at the messages.


“Late night drinking makes me miss you.” -Dongwoo 1:34 am


“I wish you were by my side.” -Dongwoo 1:45 am


“The last thing I think of before I go to sleep is you.” -Dongwoo 2:18 am


Haru wanted to reply but at the same time, she felt like maybe he was drunk. She decided to just leave him on seen. Haru closed the message and pressed the button to turn her phone off. She stood up and stretched getting ready for her day with Joonmyeon. She fist pumped with a determination that she was going to learn how to swim. “Let’s get ready!” Haru cheered. She got up from her bed and began to get changed for the day.


A few minutes later Suho appeared outside of her house gates and with a snap of his fingers, his hanbok transformed into a baggy white shirt and tan shorts. After walking through his plan for the hundredth time Suho lifted his hand to knock on the wooden gate door. He waited for a response and a few seconds later the door pushed open. Suho lit up as Haru was smiling to him, her hair was pulled up into a ponytail. She had a white tote bag hanging from one arm. Suho met her gaze and Haru stepped out from the gate, closing it behind her. “Good morning,” Suho said. Haru turned to look at him, “Morning.” Suho looked at the gate door once again wondering where her family was. Haru seemed to notice that and placed a hand on his shoulder, “we stayed up a bit late yesterday so they are still sleeping.” “It’s almost 9,” Suho said. Haru nodded her head, “then let’s get going, we don’t want to waste this time.” Suho chuckled to himself, he was worried for no reason.


Suho reached his hand and grabbed her bag from her, Haru turned to him not letting the bag go. “I can carry it,” Haru said. “It’s going to be a long walk and your bag look heavy,” Suho said. Haru let her bag go and Suho pulled the strap up his arm to hang on his shoulder. Suho stares at her back and smiles. Haru turns around and Suho turns away in a hurry. “So how was your day? Did I get you into trouble?” Haru asked. Suho turned towards her, “no trouble, I just forgot to go to my meeting.” “Oh, I see,” Haru said. “Why did you guys stay up late?” Suho asked. Haru crossed her arms from the cold breeze, “we had a sweet potato party yesterday. Along with a barbeque outside and a little bit of drinking.” Suho chuckled, “no invite?” “I didn’t even know we were having a party.” Haru noticed they came to the end of the road, there were three paths: straight, left and right.


There was a pole with signs facing the directions of the roads. The middle one pointed to the left and the sign read, “Water God’s Temple.” Suho came to her side and pointed to the left, “to the left.” Haru turned towards him, “I saw the sign.” Haru turned to the left as Suho walked next to her laughing. “What’s so funny?” Haru asked. “Nothing,” Suho said. Haru saw that the road became more rocky and uphill. She saw Suho slowly walking behind her. “You said you live around here, where is your house?” Haru asked. Suho panicked, “I.. I live at the temple but its a separate house where the caretakers live.” Haru nodded her head, “I heard that there are barely any people who pray at the temple since there are only old people here and it's far walking from the town.” “I don’t think I’ve seen anyone come and pray there because I usually pray there in the early mornings,” Suho said. Suho knew that no one pray at his temple because it has been kept in good condition since he came to be the Water God. “Do you mind if we stop and prayed for a bit,” Haru asked. “I don’t mind, that might be good,” Suho said. Suho was glad that the first person to pray at his temple was Haru.


Before they knew it they had reached the temple and Haru stopped walking. Suho noticed this and turned back to her, he saw her expression. Haru looked at the small temple in front of her, the stairs that lead up to the temple were cracked and broken. The outside looked like it withstood through the hard times but it still looks old. “It’s beautiful,” Haru said. “I know, let’s go inside and pray..” Suho said. Haru nodded her head and followed Suho into the small temple. There was a place to take their shoes off and Haru was amazed by how clean the inside was. It was nothing like the outside. She tiptoed behind Suho and sat down in front of the Water God statue. Haru clasped her hands together and closed her eyes. Suho did the same but instead of closing his eyes, he turned his head and looked at Haru. Suho smiled as he heard her prayers to him. “Hello Water God, my name is Choi Haru and my friend Joonmyeon brought me here today. I want to ask you to help me find the answers that I need during this trip. Also, my grandpa had heart surgery and I worry for him even though they said he will be fine after the surgery. Please watch over him and let him stay in good health. The last thing, I am grateful for meeting Joonmyeon. He is a very nice guy and may good things come his way. Thank you, Water God.” Haru opened her eyes and bowed her head, Suho was still looking at her. Haru turned towards him and noticed him. “Did I take too long?” Haru asked. “No, I just finished praying a few seconds before you,” Suho said. “Alright then, let’s get ready to go swimming!” Haru cheered. 


Haru jumped in and felt safe when her feet touched the ground. The water came a little bit below her chest. Suho dived in and resurfaced a few seconds later while combing his hair back. His white shirt became see through and Haru couldn’t help but admire his tone body. Suho turned to her and caught her staring at his body. “I know, it looks good.” “How long did you work out before getting that toned?” Haru asked. “A couple of month but maintaining it is is not that hard.” Suho decided to just take his shirt off, he threw it to the side. Haru walked towards him, “so how are you going to teach me to swim.” Suho held out his arms and looked to Haru, “we can start by floating.” Haru came towards him and grabbed his shoulder and jumped up.


Haru struggled a bit but Suho held onto her and lowered himself so she would be floating. “Okay, now I’m going to slightly let go and let you float. Don’t worry I will just move my arms down a bit but they still be slightly touching you.” Suho said. Haru nodded her head, Suho slowly moved his arms down and let her float. Haru was floating and she couldn’t believe herself. This time it was different, she felt more safe knowing that he wouldn’t let her go completely like her other instructors. They would cancel on her after the first appointment because she couldn't overcome her fear of the water. The thought made her body tense up and Suho could feel it. “You’re starting to tense up, relax a bit.” Haru nodded her head and instead of looking up at the sky she looked at him and he smiled to her. She smiled back unconsciously at him and Suho felt slight butterflies in his stomach.


Suho lifted her back onto her feet and Haru turned towards him

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Chapter 15: ♡♡♡
skylla321 #2
Oh, it’s been a while. I remember subscribing to this one years ago. I need to go back and reread it. Thank you for posting.
Chapter 15: ❤❤❤ Hello!!! So happy to see you back! How has here and there been? 😁

I feel some crazy tension and poor Ryu might just be driven insane by Suho and Yoora.
I have a feeling the old lady in the market might have been telling the future, things will not end happy.
Thank you so much fir the update!!!
Chapter 2: I love the idea behind your story. I'm already hooked on this, the first chapter was great! <3
Can't wait to read the rest!
Chapter 14: Great story, I really like it. Cant wait for more <3
Chapter 14: Hi! Doing fine Where I am. Hope you are too.
Thank you for the update!! It was very enjoyable.
Chapter 14: yas babbeehhhhh
missing this lil treasure of yours :D
Chapter 14: hahahha in quarantine and having online lectures
since he's 100 and he got into trouble when he was a lil boy, does that mean haru is jihyun's reincarnation ? ahahhaha i am blurrrrr
Chapter 13: Buddy
Is haru jihyun?
Maybe jihyun changed her name to haru after the accident...?
Chapter 12: Thanks and please fulfill your promise