
Word Challenge

A/N Ok this one was requested by...Gyaaaa. (

This was a lot of fun. I gotta make a little mention for my online Bae Carol for when she finally has time to read this and then of course my RL Bae Heather cause ya know i got all the Baes haha

I hope you enjoy!


Sungmin sat at his desk as he always did. Constantly staring at his screen as he swiped away at his graphics tablet. Letting out a long sigh as he undid his last . He leaned back in his chair, hoping his step back would enlighten him on making his artwork better.


This was the first of three pieces he had to finish by the end of the day. He had tried to work on them earlier in the weekend to no success. Luckily it was only coming up after noon and he had the rest of the day to finish his work before they had to be submitted the next day to three different tutors.


Digital art had always been his speciality and, although he was thankful he had managed to get a place in his course, he wasn’t aware of how much time it took from him. Where most people had been out over the weekend, drinking, socialising with friends, Sungmin had been writing notes and planning pieces and writing essays on how each piece expresses whatever the tutor wanted him to express.


He both loved and loathed his chosen subject. He found it easy, passing each test with ease in his first year. Now it was his second and the workload had increased and, rather than random tests and learning how to properly present their work, he was doing coursework. Pieces that contributed to his final grade. He should be more nervous rather than mildly annoyed.


He was missing human contact. He rarely got chance nor opportunity to go out with friends. Most of the people sharing his course had the same issue. He could never enjoy time out if he was worried about an incomplete piece. He spent the majority of his time in his room, occasionally seeing one of his dorm mates as he made food. That was his only relief.


A knock on his door gave him relief from staring at his screen with judgement. He shouted for the person to come in. Pleased when Eunhyuk peeked around the door.


“Thank god. Save me i'm bored out of my mind.” Sungmin sunk into his chair further as his friend laughed at him.


“Maybe if you left your room once in awhile you wouldn't have to wait for me to come and save you from boredom.” Eunhyuk chuckled before falling onto Sungmin’s made bed.


“As much as i would love to, i have three pieces to finish for tomorrow.” Sungmin replied as he moved back to continue his work.


“Your course takes up nearly as much time as Donghae’s. It would be normal but then he’s learning how to put people in prison and you’re just drawing pretty pictures that will get you nowhere in life.” His friend joked and Sungmin laughed.


“Remind me who makes the most money out of the both of us and who doesn't have to work because they sell their paintings.” Eunhyuk groaned in reply.


“I really don’t want to go to work tonight.” Sungmin chuckled as he moved on to another section, finally happy with the part annoying him.


“At least you get human contact, you get to make friends and meet people.” Sungmin tried to cheer up his friend.


“By meet people you mean serving disgusting drunk people.” Eunhyuk sneered.


“I’d even take that at the moment.” Sungmin shrugged.


“Why don’t you talk to people online? That's what i do when Donghae is in class and i’m bored.” Sungmin laughed, pointing to the second screen on his computer.


His skype was always open, ready for anyone to talk to him when they come online. Unfortunately for him his only contacts were his mum, brother, Donghae and Eunhyuk. All of whom were currently offline. Eunhyuk looked over the screen.


“I thought you had more than this?” He asked.


“I did but they never spoke to me or replied so i deleted them. Unfortunately i don’t have many friends in general and don’t have the time to go out and make some. Which would be pointless since those would be people with real lives who don’t spend all their time cooped up in their bedroom working.” He huffed.


“When i get online tonight i'll send your skype to a few of my contacts and get them to add you. You might meet some more people to keep you company. There is always someone online for me to chat to.” Sungmin nodded his consent as his friend sat back down. Scanning over his coursework sheets and reading Sungmin’s notes in a posh patronising voice. Sungmin was still happy for the company.




Sungmin was in a much better mood five hours later. He had finished two pieces and was halfway through his third. He had decided he could take a break at this point. Eunhyuk had left a few hours ago when Donghae got out of class and Sungmin was now carrying a large cup of noodles into his room with orange juice. The student diet wasn’t the best but he had adjusted to it easily, much to his mother's dismay.


As he sat down at his desk he looked over his work when his computer gave a bleep. Looking to his other screen he was surprised to see multiple friend requests waiting for him. He noticed Eunhyuk was now online.


He made sure his camera and microphone settings were off and quickly accepted all the requests before opening a chat window with Eunhyuk. As he pressed enter to send his friend a message a call came through, making him accidently accept the call.


He was very thankful he had finished his mouthful when a live stream of some guy's popped up on his screen. He took a screenshot with a snicker. Sending it to Eunhyuk who soon replied.


Eunhyuk486: Oh dear god delete it!


Sungmin laughed at his friends reaction as he goes ahead and deletes the person, blocking them in the process, just to make sure. The next message came through right after.


Night_Feeder: Hey

S-Min: Hi ^^

Night_Feeder: What are you up to?

S-Min: Having something to eat and doing coursework. You?

Night_Feeder: to your profile pic ;)


Sungmin sighed with a light chuckled. Once again he took a screenshot and sent it to his best friend.


Eunhyuk486: Seriously?! Why have all my friends suddenly gone creepy?! They never do this to me.

S-Min: Maybe because you’re taken?

Eunhyuk486: Yeah let's just put it down to that and keep my confidence in tact.


Sungmin once again deleted the person. From then a steady stream of people messaged him. Each one showing their true colours in a matter of minutes. Sungmin was fast losing his patience. All he had wanted was someone to hold a conversation with while he worked on a daily basis, not an influx of pics and winky faces. Soon the large amount of people he had acquired was dwindled to just a few. He decided not to message the others incase they saw it as an invitation or interest in whatever they had to offer. Before he could move back to his food another message came through.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Hi


Sungmin by this point had lost his patience and got straight to the point.


S-Min: I don’t want to know you’re , I don’t want to role play and I certainly don’t want to see your .


Kyu-Star-Lord: I’d say you’re big headed but i know the people Eunhyuk has on his Skype and i’d say you’ve been harassed enough tonight lol


S-Min: Yes so please don’t. Please be normal.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Want to know what I’m doing right now?


S-Min: I don’t know. Do I?


Kyu-Star-Lord: Eating a really bad cup-a-soup that i regret buying 4 of.


S-Min: NOOOOO! It’s not the green ones that were on offer in Low Cost right?


Kyu-Star-Lord: Yup, that’s the ones.


S-Min: Oh you poor soul. I did the same last week.


Kyu-Star-Lord: It’s supposed to have real vegetables. I thought i was being healthy. I’m pretty sure there is some cyanide in this.


S-Min: You may be right. I stick to the Shin Cups now. These things are heavenly. Not healthy but...meh


Kyu-Star-Lord: I stock them by the cupboard full haha. I regret wanting a change already. I’m Kyuhyun btw


S-Min: Sungmin ^^ nice to meet a normal person.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Same, i made the mistake of letting Eunhyuk give my Skype out once. Probably had the same people. One guy should not have been showing his to people. Wasn’t much to be proud of.


S-Min: Sounds like the same guy. Do they expect you to get excited by it or something? Cause all i got was that he was a redhead.




S-Min: He must be successful at some point to keep doing it.


Kyu-Star-Lord: That or determined.


S-Min: Probably determined.


Kyu-Star-Lord: So what year are you in and what do you do?


S-Min: Second year. Digital and fine art. You?


Kyu-Star-Lord: Also second year (though probably a few years younger i was home schooled for all but the last two years of high school and skipped a few levels. Nerd yes get over it.) I do software development and general computer stuff


S-Min: Nerd? Wish i managed to skip years of school haha. Eunhyuk does some computer classes doesn't he? Is that how you met him?


Kyu-Star-Lord: Yes and no. I met him through Donghae. I met Donghae on the first day. The one where they shove you all together to force you to make friends and Donghae didn't give me much choice. He started dating Eunhyuk a few weeks later and i continued to not be left alone since.


S-Min: Haha sounds like you’re not a fan of socialising?


Kyu-Star-Lord: I don't mind socialising. Not a huge fan of drinking, though i do on occasion. I guess i have to stay in a lot to work on software and stuff like that so i don't get out much. Those two just visit me on occasion.


S-Min: Same here. I had three pieces of art to finish today when Eunhyuk came over cause he was bored. It takes so long to do and so many different classes want you to do a different piece. I don't get out as much as i'd like to but, the way my dorm mates come back every friday and saturday kind of puts me off leaving haha. Never want to embarrass myself that way.


Kyu-Star-Lord: You have a lot of work to do? Should i leave you be?


S-Min: No it’s ok, i've done 2 and a half now so i have loads of time to finish. For once i'm actually not worried about it haha.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Well then you can proceed to tell me how your dorm mates embarrass themselves.


They continued talking from then. Sungmin had managed to finish his last piece of work and it seemed to go by a lot faster with Kyuhyun to keep him company. He had learnt that Kyuhyun makes apps and software for a small company as work on the side though his family help with his living expenses and he had told Kyuhyun about the artwork he sells. It was way past Sungmin’s bedtime when he finally went to sleep which made waking up a lot harder than usual.


Just to put the cherry on top, he had mistook one of his assignments. The coursework which accounted to part of his grade had asked him to make a piece of art around the word ‘tear”. Sungmin had drawn the face of a woman, half of it normal and beautiful and the other torn apart to reveal beautiful colours. He made it to interpret tearing away the surface to reveal the beauty inside. Unfortunately the word was supposed to be tear. Such as tear drop. His tutor had given him a strong talking to for his mistake yet Sungmin couldn’t see why. It was a honest mistake and at no point had the interpretation been explained to him, even on the coursework paper.


When he had finally finished his lessons he was in a terrible mood. He sat in his computer chair and looked to his Skype to see a message already sent from Kyuhyun as soon as he had signed on.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Evening. How was your day?


S-Min: Terrible. I don’t know if to laugh or cry.


Kyu-Star-Lord: What happened??


S-Min: I have totally failed one of my course work pieces. I had to do a piece of work on the word “tear”.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Tear as in crying or like tear the paper?


S-Min: EXACTLY!!!! I did my coursework in the paper sense but apparently it was very obvious that it was supposed to be the other way even though it doesn’t say this at all on the sheet, nor did my tutor explain it to me. Apparently i was the only one in class to interpret it that way.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Will it change your grade much?


S-Min: Massively.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Thinking about it. My sister did photography and she had to do a coursework on a Dairy. So she started taking pictures in farms, cows, milk. Each process and all that. Surprisingly she did well with what little she had. Some good pictures of cows.


S-Min: Your point?


Kyu-Star-Lord: Oh...well...she misread. It said Diary. Not dairy. It was hilarious but obviously it wasn’t good for her. She had no excuse for it. My dad told her to ask student services if they could help her arrange for a retake. They gave her a week advance for her and she managed to do it right the second time.


S-Min: Can they do that?


Kyu-Star-Lord: Yeah apparently the date you have to take it in is just for your teacher to mark the work. It is submitted to the exam board a bit later and only a few are chosen for marking to ensure the teacher has marked it correctly. If those are fine they presume the rest of the marking is fine too.


S-Min: So you think it’s worth a shot?


Kyu-Star-Lord: Absolutely, especially if it’s the exam boards fault. Go for it.


S-Min: Alright, I’m going to go now. I’ll speak to you after.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Good luck!


Sungmin grabbed his bag and rushed to student services before it closed. He had half an hour to spare when an older student volunteer asked if he could help. He was taken to a table in the large room and explained his situation. He was relieved when the man agreed he should be given a second chance at his course work and even more relieved when he made a call to the exam board. Sungmin waited with anticipation for ten minutes. When he returned with a bright smile Sungmin felt a weight off his shoulder.


“They are letting me retake it?” He asked, almost excited.


“Yep. They said it was their mistake and you have a week extension on your work. They faxed me this,” He handed a pink sheet over to Sungmin, “It’s to give to your tutor to let him know you’ve been given an extension. He can’t refuse it either if he seems like one of those tutors that would. So go give this to him or put it in his pigeon hole and then start on your new coursework.” The man beamed at him and Sungmin couldn’t thank him enough. He rushed to his tutors office and handed him the paper. His teacher seemed surprisingly happy with the arrangement and sent him on his way.


Sungmin went back to his dorm feeling relieved and extremely thankful to his new friend. When he returned he quickly messaged Kyuhyun.


S-Min: IT WORKED! I have a week extension!


Kyu-Star-Lord: WHOOHOO! Was it easy?


S-Min: Yeah i just explained the situation to a volunteer and he arranged it all for me. It was so easy. I’m so relieved! Thankyou


Kyu-Star-Lord: It’s no problem at all. :)


As he began his new piece, feeling much more motivated than earlier, he continued to talk to Kyuhyun. Mostly around their hobbies. He had learnt that Kyuhyun really enjoys his video games and hoped to go on to develop them and possibly work for a large company. Sungmin liked his ambition. He expressed his own in return, wanting to teach workshops and sell his art for a living. He was surprised to find Kyuhyun had been looking at his listings online. Feeling flattered when his new friend expressed his love for one of his pieces.


As it got late he was surprised to hear a knock on his door. He called for the person to come in as usual to see one of his dorm mates. The man was nice, always friendly and built tall and wide. They had only spoke a few times leaving Sungmin confused as to why he was there.


“Hey Sungmin. I was wondering if you fancies going out with me tonight. I thought we could go to the new wine bar together. Just me and you.” Sungmin’s eyes widened as he realised the acquaintance was asking him out on a date. He suddenly felt very uncomfortable.


“Um, Sorry, I have a lot of work to do. I always have a lot of work to do. I just don’t really have time for dating. I don’t really want to date anyone right now.” He felt cruel but tried to let him down gently as he watched the disappointment grow on the man's face. He watched him nod before giving a small smile.


“No problem. You know where i am if you change your mind.” He spoke before leaving. When his door clicked closed Sungmin let out a sigh of relief.


S-Min: The guy who wet himself on the stairs just asked me out on a date…


Kyu-Star-Lord: Oh? What did you say?


S-Min: No obviously. Why would i date someone who drinks so much? That isn’t attractive at all.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Haha. Would you want someone to judge you off one drunken night?


S-Min:I just giggle and cuddle they can judge me all they want i've never peed myself!


Kyu-Star-Lord: Is that the only reason you won't date him?


S-Min: Not really my type overall if i'm honest.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Wait?! Eunhyuk has straight friends?!


S-Min:...i don't know...he might do...either way i'm not one of them haha. No this guy he's like...buff...well not he's built like a wall but not in a good way.


Kyu-Star-Lord: A meat head? Works out all the time, loves himself, possibility of steroids?


S-Min: Not even a possibility, he does. Seen it a few times. Not exactly an attractive trait to have haha.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Don't blame you then. So what is an attractive trait?


S-Min: I don't know really, i haven't dated much just had crushes on people i barely know.


Kyu-Star-Lord: There must be something. Like your ideal type? Would you want them to be creative like you?


S-Min: No...most artist i know are really full of themselves and too philosophical for me. It just annoys me. I guess ideally haha he would have the following:



Eats more food than me

Can handle their alcohol better than me

Doesn't care what they look like too much

Makes friends easily

Likes roller coasters

Likes animals

Not vegetarian or Vegan

Not too into exercising

Has ambition. But realistic

I guess it would be a bonus if he's cute too. It's not the be all and and end all but hey it helps with certain things haha


Kyu-Star-Lord: Don't ask for much do you haha.


S-Min: Hey i can be swayed on most of these things! What about you then?


Kyu-Star-Lord: I just want them to be a half decent person, also with the bonus of good looking haha.


S-Min: Then there is you. Who will take whatever will have him haha


Kyu-Star-Lord: Pretty much!


S-Min: Haha


S-Min: You're quite a bit younger have you dated before if you didn't go to school?


Kyu-Star-Lord: Barely. I dated a few girls, enough to realise i wasn't a fan. Dated one guy for 6 months and that was about it.


S-Min: I dated mostly in school. All girls. It's through college and university i dated guys. I dated one for the year and the rest didn't really go past the first date.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Were they that bad?


S-Min: ...i just kinda got what i needed from them…


Kyu-Star-Lord: ohhhhhhhhh...Harsh?


S-Min: Na they were doing the same. It’s all cool.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Not too bad then.


S-Min: Have you ever had a one night stand?


Kyu-Star-Lord: Nope.


S-Min: Wow...i figured everyone had.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Nope.


S-Min: Hmm...i guess there is still time for you yet.


Kyu-Star-Lord: You're making it sound like an offer haha!


S-Min: Nononononono haha not intended! I only just found a normal person! I will not make it weird!”


Kyu-Star-Lord: Hahaha




Weeks passed and Sungmin continued to talk to Kyuhyun every night. To say he rarely left his room he never felt lonely like before. He was relieved to have someone to talk to on a regular basis and as a result he felt himself growing closer to Kyuhyun.


His new friend had helped him solve his own problems and he had done the same. Even helping with some minor artwork needed for a new app that Kyuhyun had to make for a project. After Kyuhyun showed him his many failed attempts of drawing he had to help. They had grown more comfortable with each other. Moving from joking conversations to serious ones through each night. As a result Sungmin began to look forward to long night spent in front of his computer. He started to feel more attached to Kyuhyun than he had any of his friends in real life. It was strange but he enjoyed every minute he spent talking to Kyuhyun


Eunhyuk had come over and was sat watching Sungmin work as he spoke about his most recent date with Donghae. Apparently the pair were trying to spice up their relationship and unfortunately Sungmin had to hear the gory details of them both in a bathroom stall. He was relieved when a beep sounded from his computer indicating a message from Kyuhyun.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Afternoon! I got a great grade on my app! Thanks for your help!


Sungmin quickly replied.


S-Min: You’re welcome. Just tomorrows to hand in now!


Kyu-Star-Lord: I’m feeling confident! Right now i am feeling like the next Tony Stark.


S-Min: Character crush. Would totally sleep with him.


Kyu-Star-Lord: I don’t know if i want to sleep with him or if i want to BE him.


S-Min: i think it’s the intelligence. I wish i was that smart but then...Robert Downey Jr is getting on a bit and still...still i would sleep with him.


Kyu-Star-Lord: I mean if it was offered on a plate for free i wouldn’t say no but i wouldn’t pay for it.


S-Min: if it was offered to you on a plate for free i would expect you to hand him over to me.


Kyu-Star-Lord: alright but only if you hand me Jude law if the occasion arises.


S-Min: Deal!


Kyu-Star-Lord: Awesome. Brb need foooooooooooooood


Sungmin turned back to his work and blocking out Eunhyuk’s disgusting details as he waited for Kyuhyun to come back. His mind set on thinking of other celebrities he would happily sleep with when he hears Eunhyuk behind him. He turns to see Eunhyuk scrolling up his ongoing conversation with Kyuhyun.


“Step away from the screen. You know it’s rude to read other people's conversations.” He jabbed his friend with his stylus who fliched away from the screen for a moment.


“You’ve been talking to Kyuhyun non-stop for weeks. This guy barely makes time for anyone. Never mind on a daily basis.” His friend almost whined.


“It’s not a big deal. We just get on.” Sungmin replied.


“I tried to talk to him last night. He totally ignored me yet he was talking to you for like eight hours straight. This kid. I swear. I’m going to write him a message.” Eunhyuk began typing.


“No. Hyuk. Stop.” Sungmin tried to pull his friend away to no avail. When the message was sent he no longer saw the point.


S-Min: So you ignore my message last night but you're sat here talking to Sungmin?!


Kyu-Star-Lord: Ugh, hi Eunhyuk.


S-Min: Don't ing hi Eunhyuk me you ignorant .


Sungmin hit his best friend for insulting Kyuhyun. Ordering him to be nice which got him a scowl in return.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Then don't talk too me haha.


S-Min: You’re such a brat. Why are you ignoring me? You got the hots for my Sungmin? Is that what this is?


Kyu-Star-Lord: Sungmin keeps better conversation and doesn't talk about Donghae 24/7


S-Min: I'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks this -sungmin


Kyu-Star-Lord: It's fine at first but it gets irritating when you hear it from both of them constantly.


S-Min: Were in love! You should be good friends and support us!


Kyu-Star-Lord: We do, we just don't need to hear about it all the time.


S-Min: You're just jealous because you both have nobody in your sad single, constantly working non existent love lives. Your gunna die alone! Maybe you should start dating and having and get married since you love talking to each other so much!


Kyu-Star-Lord: Not a bad idea. At least then we won't die alone lol


Sungmin looked to his silent friend who seemed to have stopped his constant typing.


“Run out of things to say?” He teased his friend.


“No, it’s just that Kyuhyun will venomously deny anything to do with dating anyone usually. I didn’t expect that reply.” His friend voiced and Sungmin shrugged his shoulders.


“He’s probably saying it to annoy you more.” He chuckled which made Eunhyuk scowl again. Sungmin took the chance to reply himself.


S-Min: I agree, don’t want to die alone haha - sungmin.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Marriage it is then


S-Min: Pfft, at least i've seen the face of the person i'm obsessed with.


Sungmin watched his friend walk out the door. Slamming it behind him hissing a goodbye. He couldn't help the chuckle that left him. Knowing his friend wouldn’t be angry for too long and Donghae would soon sort him out.


S-Min: He’s gone - Sungmin


Kyu-Star-Lord: Did we make him angry?


S-Min: Yes, it was hilarious! Slammed my door and everything


Kyu-Star-Lord: I already have a text off donghae asking what i've done XD


S-Min: Oh oh you're in trouble now.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Correction! We’re in trouble.


S-Min: Hey, you haven't put a ring on it yet! Don't drag me into your !


Kyu-Star-Lord: Hahaha damn.




Sungmin was excited as he returned home after classes. In his final class he was asked on a date. Usually he would pass up a date in favour of working and talking to Kyuhyun, but when he realised it was Siwon he couldn’t pass up the opportunity. The man was known for dating many people and was seriously good looking. Sungmin couldn’t believe his luck and couldn’t wait to tell Kyuhyun the news of where he was going. Upon arriving to his room, Sungmin noticed Kyuhyun had already messaged him while he was offline.


Kyu-Star-Lord: What the hell does ‘Bae’ mean?


He grinned at his friend's lack of knowledge on slang.


S-Min: Bae? Before Absolutely Everyone. Some people use it for their other half, why?


Kyu-Star-Lord: Apparently you are my bae, according to Donghae and Eunhyuk. They are here harassing me.


S-Min: Haha are you being bullied?


Kyu-Star-Lord: Pretty much.


S-Min: Is it about not talking to Eunhyuk?


Kyu-Star-Lord: It was, they seemed to have moved on now.


S-Min: To?


Kyu-Star-Lord: I’d really rather not say.


Sungmin didn’t want to push his friend. He wondered what Eunhyuk and Donghae could be harassing him over. He wondered if it had anything to do with how much they were talking but then it was Eunhyuk’s plan all along to find Sungmin someone to talk to, why would he have a problem with it all of a sudden.


He decided to change the subject to curb his curiosity and tell Kyuhyun the good news.


S-Min: So i got asked out on a date today. One i’m really excited to go on.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Well that’s good. This one not known for wetting himself?


S-Min: No lol. He’s known for dating quite a lot but he’s gorgeous sooooooo


Kyu-Star-Lord: Say no more haha


S-Min: So I’m afraid I’ll be leaving you pretty soon. Once i can decide on what to wear. I’m so nervous.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Whatever will i do lol. I’m sure It’ll go fine. Don’t worry about it.




Sungmin laid on his bed with a groan. He had never made such a mess getting ready. He was stuck between two outfits and couldn't decide if the one that made him look better, was a little too much for going to a bar in the early evening. He had already asked Eunhyuk over to help him who had simply stated he couldn’t since he was on his own date with Donghae plus he didn’t deserve his friends help. Even after multiple apologies on Sungmin’s part he wouldn’t help. He was at a loss. He looked to his computer noticing a message had come through from Kyuhyun that he hadn’t read yet.


Kyu-Star-Lord: How’s it going?


S-Min: Terrible. I’m having a break down. I can’t decide on something to wear and Eunhyuk won’t come and help me and i'm losing my mind because this person is already miles better looking than me. What am i supposed to do?


Kyu-Star-Lord: I’m sure whatever you wear will be fine. They obviously already like you if they have asked you out on a date.


S-Min: But i have to look good. I’m between two outfits. But i need someone to make this decision for me. I’m useless.


Kyu-Star-Lord: Why don’t you show me? I’m not a fashion guru or anything like Eunhyuk claims to be but i could tell you which one looks better in my opinion.


Sungmin looked to the outfit he was currently wearing. It was outfit number one and number two was laid on his bed. He wondered if taking Kyuhyun up on the offer would be a good idea. He had never seen Kyuhyun and Kyuhyun had never seen him. He decided he had nothing to lose especially if Kyuhyun could solve his problem.


S-Min: Ok, I’ll call you.


A minute later and Kyuhyun’s face appeared on the screen. Sungmin momentarily felt guilty at presuming Kyuhyun to have the typical nerd look he expected from a computer technology student. He was surprised to find Kyuhyun was handsome with hair messed in a devil may care way.


“Hi.” Kyuhyun greeted him and Sungmin was surprised he didn’t feel awkward even though they were seeing each other for the first time.


“Hey” He grinned back, not missing the light embarrassed chuckle leave Kyuhyun. He tried to push his thoughts of Kyuhyun’s cuteness from his mind.


“Alright, I’m ready for the fashion show.” Kyuhyun leaned his head on his hand and Sungmin nodded, remembering his original troubles with a pout.


“Alright first there is this.” He stood back from the screen so Kyuhyun could see the full outfit. It was a simple t-shirt and jeans with a baseball jacket. It made him look young and cute.


“Alright and the second?” Kyuhyun asked and Sungmin held his finger up before picking up his clothes and changing away from his camera view. It took him a few minutes to get into the much tighter clothes. Dak tight jeans with a black t-shirt and leather jacket and boots that made his blond hair stand out.


He walked back into Kyuhyun’s view.


“This is the second.” He mumbled. Feeling a little bit more insecure in the outfit to be judged by Kyuhyun. He watched his friend turn to the screen and his eyes widen.


“Woah, Ok. That one.” He chuckled and Sungmin smiled.


“Really? Is it not too much for a normal bar date?” He questioned.


“Depends what you’re going for. The first made you look cute and casual which is good for possible dating and this one makes you look...really good...if you want them to think you look hot then wear that.” He laughed again. Still scanning Sungmin’s outfit.


“So it’s not too much?” Sungmin continued to threat even though he believed Kyuhyun’s honest judgement.


“I don’t think anyone will pay attention to if you should be wearing it. I think they will be thinking more on the lines of wishing they could take it off you.” His friend laughed again and Sungmin sat back in front of his computer covering his face at a light blush.


“Ok. alright. I'm wearing this.” He sighed into his chair. Letting it rock side to side idly.


“When do you have to go?” Kyuhyun asked.


“Half an hour.”


“And you're ready already?” His friends shocked face made him chuckle.


“I was nervous, ok.”


“Why, if he's asked you on a date he obviously likes you already.” Kyuhyun explained again.


“I know, it's just that this guy dates a lot, and i mean a lot, and i'm wondering why on earth he wants to date me.” Sungmin shrugged his shoulders.


“Why wouldn't he?!” The reply made Sungmin blush.


“Who is it anyway?” Kyuhyun quickly moved on.


“His name is Siwon.”


“Siwon? Siwon who does software in class with me?” Kyuhyun suddenly looked worried.


“I don't know, he’s tall, dark hair, big eyes, smiles a lot, seems like a really nice guy but he was fixing the computer next to me when he asked me out so he could be.”


“Yeah that's him…” Kyuhyun seemed to go off in deep thought which started to worry Sungmin.


“What…Seriously if something's not right you need to tell me before i go on this date.” He waited for his friend to reply. Watching his eyes go from worried to regret.


“Siwon has this thing...Him and the other guys in class, well most of them ain't good looking at all, they're all great guys, don't get me wrong and not all of them are in on this but they got sick of being let down by guys and girls because of the way they look. Siwon being the best looking guy in the class got roped into the plan. Pretty much if one of the guys has a crush, Siwon asks them out, he then stands them up to give their confidence a huge drop. Then the guy who really likes you saves the day. It’s wrong, but sadly it seems to be working for them.” Kyuhyun sounded apologetic through the whole explanation and Sungmin thought through it.


“So you’re saying i could get stood up.” Sungmin wondered if it was true. He didn’t doubt his friend but he hadn’t got the impression that Siwon wasn’t interested in him.


“Possibly, yes.”


Sungmin stayed silent. Not knowing how to take the news. Part of him wanted to cancel. He hadn’t been stood up before and certainly wasn’t going to start now.


“I could be wrong. This might just be Siwon genuinely wanting to date you. I don't really listen in on the gossip too much so i don't know if any of the guys are crushing on you.”


“So what should i do?” Sungmin once again needed help with his problem.


“I don’t know.” Kyuhyun replied apologetically.


“I want to go on a date with Siwon but i seriously do not want to be stood up and have some creepy stalker, who's a part of this horrid plan, come over and start chatting to me. What would you do?” Sungmin whined.


“Me? I would cancel. I'm terrible with embarrassment. Turn into a tomato. Looks terrible on me.” His friend tried to make a joke of the situation.


“So i cancel?” Sungmin felt immediate disappointment. He had been so excited earlier.


“Its entirely up to you.” Kyuhyun replied. Sungmin looked to his face to see pity and worry.


“This has become so much more stressful than before.” Sungmin whined again. Stamping his foot for a moment.




“No its really ok. Thank you for telling me.” Sungmin reassured his friend. He was once again thankful to Kyuhyun. He would have been angry if he had been stood up and Kyuhyun hadn’t told him.


“Look why don't we make a fail safe? Where are you meeting him?” Kyuhyun’s voice seemed more hopeful catching Sungmin’s attention.


“Fail safe? Student union at 7.” He confirmed.


“Ok. I'll go to the student union at 7, If it looks like Siwon isn't coming at say 7:15 or if i see someone from my class there, i'll step in so, to people that don't know you had a date, it'll just look like you waited for me. Then to whoever is waiting for you to be stood up, it'll look like you got a friend there so it didn't bother you that you got stood up.” Kyuhyun pitched his plan.


“Ok but what if they approach anyway. And even if a friend shows up they will still know i'm disappointed.” Sungmin pointed out the flaws that worried him.


“Trust me if they don't have the guts to ask you out themselves they are not going to have the guts to do it while i'm there to laugh at them on a daily basis for the rest of the year. We could always act like it's going better than friends. All it takes is smiles, giggles and hand touching.” Kyuhyun shrugged. He seemed to be an expert of how the people in his course acted. Sungmin couldn’t believe his new friend of only a few weeks was willing to follow him on a date to make sure he wasn’t embarrassed in the process.


“You’re really putting yourself out for me.” He both smiled and sulked to his friend. Feeling guilty but not wanting to deny Kyuhyun’s offer.


“Na, i'm happy to help. I told them from the start it was a stupid idea. Anyway if i look like i'm dating you, imagine what that will do to my street cred.” His friend joked and Sungmin laughed.


“No one says street cred.”


“Exactly i need this.” Kyuhyun grinned and Sungmin once again laughed. He really should hang out with Kyuhyun on a regular basis. The man had made him feel miles better in the space of a view minutes.


“Ok, what if you can't find me?” He realised another flaw in the plan. The student union was huge with multiple floors and was often busy.


“I'll give you my number and text you when i'm there. Ill text you when i see you or ask where you are. Then you have nothing to worry about. You can just sit back and relax. Ok?” Kyuhyun reassured and Sungmin nodded.


“Right. Ok.”


“Alright i need to make myself look like i'm worthy of that thing you're wearing. Type me your number and i'll text you.” Sungmin chuckled and nodded again.




“Alright. Maybe i'll see you soon.” Kyuhyun gave him a small slanted smile.


“Bye. Thankyou.”


“I got your back bae.” Sungmin laughed as Kyuhyun turned off his webcam. Turning off his own and giving himself a moment to be thankful for the new friend he had managed to make.




Sungmin had made it to the bar five minutes early. He had bought himself a drink, hoping it would calm his nerves. As he took a seat near the bar he looked around. The place was surprisingly empty give or take a few groups of friends and the bar staff. So far there was no sign of his date or Kyuhyun. He checked his phone as he took another gulp and noticed an unknown number had texted him.


Checking the message showed him an eyes emoji. He knew it was Kyuhyun and quickly saved his number. It must have meant he could see Sungmin. It both settled his nerves and made him feel uncomfortable since he couldn’t see Kyuhyun in the room or on the balcony above him.


He eyed every person that entered the bar with caution. Wondering if it could be someone who knows Siwon and Kyuhyun. Someone who could be playing a sick joke to try and gain his affection towards them. His drink went further down with each minute that passed. As the clock ticked past his meeting time with Siwon, the reality of the situation set in and he had to admit he wasn’t feeling especially great about himself.


As he ended his drink, trying to force himself to be uncaring of his situation, another was set on the table next to him. His eyes travelled up the dark shirt and blazer combo of his tall friend. Kyuhyun giving him a sweet smile. Sungmin couldn’t help to smile back, his friend was looking better than he had on the webcam. Yet it all seemed very effortless in a way Sungmin liked.


“Can i sit down?” Kyuhyun’s voice was deep and smooth. Sungmin hadn’t noticed it from their earlier conversation.


“Sure.” He smiled up at his friend with a small laugh. Seeing a cheekiness in Kyuhyun’s eyes at their fake first meeting, thought to some extent it was real.


“I have to warn you, i'm supposed to be on a date tonight.” He added.


“Oh dear when does he get here?” Kyuhyun sat across from him, his height still obvious as he was sitting.


“Five minutes ago.” Sungmin gave a pitying smile to himself.


“Who in their right mind shows up late and misses this sight.” Sungmin could feel himself go bright red and tried to cool down his cheeks with his palms as he fought back a girl like giggle. Blaming the alcohol he had quickly consumed for making him giddy.


“You never know he might not show up at all.” He finally replied.


“Good. More for me. I’ve never met you yet i seem to be right on time. Kyuhyun” He held out his hand and Sungmin took it.


“Sungmin.” It seemed like a silly joke between them. Kyuhyun took his hand and looked over it for a moment before letting go.


“Even your hands are beautiful. I really hope this jerk doesn't show up” Sungmin smiled. He couldn't help but enjoy the fluttering feeling he was getting with Kyuhyun’s attention on him. He couldn't remember if it always felt that way when someone showed an interest in him.


Kyuhyun gestured him forward and Sungmin complied. Leaning on the table between them and feeling a slight shiver as Kyuhyun took his hand, rubbing a thumb over his knuckles as he leaned in to whisper in his ear.


“The guy directly behind me in the blue shirt and blue jeans with the blue jean jacket is someone from my class. He came in and only stopped moving around when he found you.” Sungmin discreetly looked to the guy who was now on his phone texting frantically.


“I think he could be texting Siwon. He seems quite irate.” Sungmin chuckles still leaning into Kyuhyun. Enjoying the man's torment. He watched the guy put his phone away and pick up his drink and start moving towards them.


“Oh god i think he's coming over. Oh god he is.” Sungmin forced a smile as he spoke to hide his panic from the oncoming man. Kyuhyun leaned back slightly and Sungmin looked to him, hoping his friend had some plan to deal with the stranger. He was surprised when a hand went to the back of his neck and he was pulled into a kiss.


His mind instantly went fuzzy, forgetting about the man approaching them as he moved his lips against Kyuhyun’s. Wanting more of the shivers that erupted over his body. Kyuhyun’s lips felt soft but firm and a mild peppermint tone reached his tongue. He felt Kyuhyun pull away and resisted the urge to pull him back. His friends face was flushed in the same way he could feel his own. He watched Kyuhyun’s eyes travel from his lips to behind Sungmin.


Sungmin remembered suddenly why Kyuhyun had kissed him. He slowly turned to see the stranger put his drink on the bar before leaving. A sense of relief coming over him.


“He’s gone.” Kyuhyun grinned. Sungmin looked to him with confusion. His mind not fully understanding the series of events.


“Nerds hate public displays of affection. Makes us feel uncomfortable.” Kyuhyun shrugged his shoulders and Sungmin finally shook his head with a laugh.


“I can't believe you just did that.”


“Neither can i if i'm honest.” Kyuhyun grinned at him. A new wave of red coming over his face.




They had stayed in the bar, having a few drinks and enjoying each others company which felt as comfortable as it did each night they spent talking for hours. The only difference was the reminder of the kiss they shared earlier. Something Sungmin wasn’t eager to forget any time soon.


As more people rolled into the bar, they made their way out. Sungmin’s dorm was on the way to Kyuhyun’s so they walked together. Enjoying easy conversation. As they reached Sungmin’s dorm building the sky was turning dark. The area was surprisingly quiet for the time, most people having settled in their rooms or out in the nightlife. Kyuhyun was walking him to the building door.


“You don't have to walk me to the door you know.” Sungmin chuckled.


“Course i do, i'm your backup date, it's my job to show you how you should have been treated.” Kyuhyun replied smoothly. Sungmin felt in bliss with the evening.


“You know, Eunhyuk said you would die alone and i just don't believe that at all.” He smiled up at his friend.


“Hey you get asked out all the time. I'm just the guy who helped you out of a bad one. I never have real dates.” Kyuhyun held up his hands in surrender.


“If i get asked out it's usually for one night stands, not for relationships. When you get asked out they'll be begging you to marry them after the first date.” Sungmin believed the words he spoke. It wouldn't surprise him if the situation did arise.


“Well i can't marry them, i'm already engaged to you apparently. You’re my bae.” Kyuhyun smirked down at him.


“Never say that again.” Sungmin laughed, cringing at the tacky use of words that never failed to make him laugh.


“Noted, can i be honest with you?” The tallers voice took a serious tone and Sungmin shrugged his shoulders.




“You deserve so much better than one night stands. I thought it when you said you had a date and you expected it to only go that far and it kind of disappointed me. Not that you do it, that's your choice. I guess i see it as like a waste. They are taking one thing and leaving the rest, but the rest is good too.” His friend gestured to him.


“You really are a nerd.” Sungmin spoke with endearment. Feeling that same floating he felt whenever Kyuhyun complimented him. He looked up to his friend and knew from this point on he would be holding an intense crush on him. The way he had come to Sungmin’s rescue, not just on one occasion, and the way he was so effortlessly handsome. The way he joked and complimented him. Everything about Kyuhyun made him feel good. He decided, if he was going to start forming a crush, he might as well do something about it now rather than let it run on.


Making a bold decision and a risky move he stepped close to Kyuhyun. Leaning up on his toes and pressed his lips to Kyuhyun’s. The same pleasant feeling coming over him as he did. The feeling changed however when Kyuhyun responded. Kissing him back with softness and hands landed on his waist, pushing him back slowly until Sungmin’s back was against the door.


Hands slid down his sides and rested on his hips. Sungmin wrapped his own arms around Kyuhyun’s neck, wanting to deepen the kiss. Pleased when Kyuhyun let him. He nipped at the tallers lower lip, feeling heat spread through his body at the hands tightening on his hips, fingers sliding slightly under his shirt and against his skin.


Suddenly Kyuhyun pulled away, before Sungmin could complain lips landed on his neck. He pulled at Kyuhyun’s jacket, pulling the taller closer with a pleased hum. The kisses travelling further up his neck and under his ear.


“I’m going to go now.” Kyuhyun whispered against his skin. Sungmin gripped the jacket tighter. Unwilling to let Kyuhyun move away and more than willing to take Kyuhyun up to his room.


“You deserve better than this remember.” Another whisper and soft peck below his ear.


“So do you.” Sungmin whined. Finally allowing Kyuhyun to move away from him.


“No i don't. I did exactly what is expected of me.” Kyuhyun smiled down at him, his flushed face and dark eyes telling Sungmin he wasn’t unaffected by him. A final peck landed on his lips before Kyuhyun walked away. Sungmin watched him with a mixture of appreciation and annoyance.


Making his way to his room he could only think of his relationship with Kyuhyun. How they had met and how they had grown closer. Now they were undoubtedly more than friends. As he made it inside he went to his computer. The conversation with Kyuhyun still up on his screen. He quickly typed a message for when Kyuhyun’s got back to his room before getting changed.


S-Min: I take back the first thing i said to you.



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Almost half way there now! 2 stories to post and 7 to write!


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nirvana #1
Chapter 10: Oh I realllllly love I missed these!thank you for updating. I miss you so was amazing as always if not more.hope to see you soon again here.thank you so much.
Chapter 10: I did not expect that. I was thinking differently when I read the title... You forewarned us but still... This is great!
kyuminempire #3
Chapter 10: This made my day. I love sci-fi! This is my breather for today's superrrr tiring day.
Chapter 10: srsly this needs to made into a movie
Chapter 10: I'm... THAT was amazing!!! I loved that so much! I almost cried as Sungmin ran from Kyuhyun and the latter was slowly dying TT_TT
But damn... that end made it totally worth it XD
Mery89 #6
Chapter 10: My lovely Sallyyyyy!!! <3 <3 <3

I'm in love and i think i will re read it later :D
KyuminFanFish #7
Chapter 10: Wow this was just wow!I love it.It was beautiful Omg... <3
Gyaaaa #8
Chapter 10: How are you???

Haven't read this chapter yet, but i'm excited just look at the length of this chapter. Hahaha...
Chapter 10: This was so beautiful and full of emotion. Happiness, sadness, and iness.
You never fail me :) I love it all!
Chapter 10: You've been a very naughty busy little girl I see. Don't think I'll ever look at Kyu and Bunny the same way ever again