In an Alternate World


Haru is a Japanese college student and when she's not doing college work, she's with her friend that she's known since her first year of high school. Haru and her are really good friends, because if Haru wasn't there, her friend would have been killed. Enough of that, she and her friend were walking from Haru's apartment.

"Hey, Haru?"  The friend said.


"So guess what my dad told me today~  He told me a very interesting story!"  Her friend said as they sat down in a park.

"What is it?"  Haru asked with much happiness.

"So it goes like this," Haru's friend began, "he knew this guy who said he wasn't from that time, or place. He had the knowledge of knowing, that he went forewards in time and was a different person." She continued, making Haru interested in this story. "The guy said he was back in the 1800's, and his name was different, and he was different too. At first, my dad didn't believe him because you know what the military does to people, but once he saw the tad bit of gun smoke that only came from those guns, he knew this guy was legit.  I don't know why he had the same markings as his other self, but one thing's certain, he was different.  And he said the night before, he had slept, and the morning, he slept in twelve hours ."  The friend told the whole story.

Haru was very interested to see if this would work, but she's too busy to sleep in twelve hours. She wouldn't let herself, though that night she kept thinking about it, and after three in the morning, Haru finally drifted into sleep.  She hadn't even noticed her alarm going off three hours later.  She was so tired, and so she slept in the whole twelve hours.



Hey all!  So I am here with a new story, that a couple of my friends help me write!!  xXxmani923xXx  and  Xingmyhubby  !  It will be a chaptered story!

So please
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Thank you Chae for the poster!


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