Room For Two

Room For A Few

Seungwan’s not terribly independent. Her life has been a sheltered, well-bred dawdle of following a teacher or following her parents or skipping after her big sister. Being alone isn’t her strong point. But she somehow managed to convince her family she’d be just fine, doing this.


She waits on the train platform as a little gust of wind flirts with the hair by her ears.


Seoul’s awfully far from Toronto. Awfully different; people act in different ways, do different things, go to different places and bounce completely different vibes off each other, and Seungwan’s brain right now is a cultural mish-mash.


The train pulls into the station, and she darts on board, careful to skip over the gap between the platform and the train since she sometimes feels tiny enough to fall through. She’s not all that sure where she’s going. There’s no agenda - she just wants to create new memories, bring a stronger colour to the fading recollections of Korea she had from when she was little.


Seungwan thought she was pretty athletic and pretty speedy, but it seems every seat in this train already has a person attached to it. So she’ll have to stand. It’s not as if she’s pregnant or somewhat out of shape so she should be fine with this, but Seungwan’s ability to balance is mediocre at best. She grinds her heels against the floor to combat gravity’s taunting ways, and reaches to wrap her hand around one of the bars over her head.


Her fingers latch onto what feels like another hand, so she flinches and gushes out an apology before even looking at the person.


“Oh, sorry.” the person also says just a beat behind. The voice is thin to the same extent that it is smooth and rich. Seungwan takes her focus off from this little boy on the seat in front flicking mini marshmallows at his baby sister to look at the voice’s owner and instantly feels her knees start to buck.


She blames it on the train starting up again.


The girl holding onto the bar is perhaps half a head taller than her, and is indescribably pretty. Her skin has a tanned glow to it, her lips slightly parted and her eyes sharp yet warm and inviting and intriguing and looking right at her. Seungwan almost audibly sighs. She’s doting. The girl’s eyes motion towards the bar she’s holding.


“It’s okay, sharing is caring.”


Seungwan snaps out of it. Oh, right. She’ll be flying down the carriage if she doesn’t give herself a chance of keeping herself upright.



A/N: Based a little bit on this prompt, idk where I was going with this

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Chapter 2: I demand a continuation for chapter 2!!!!! Lol i'm only kidding (unless if you want to) my heart almost exploded at the end lol
Chapter 3: I hope you'll write more! In need of some fluff lately :'))
Kw2857 #3
Chapter 2: How does this have no comments! I love both the stories! I really like Wenseul/Seuldy and I love this Seulgixyou story! I hope you'll write more (: Good job author! :D