Secret of the Past

My Love is Destiny with the Fox

It's been a tragic month after Sana and Tzuyu's passing. Tzuyu was shot by Jihyo as a fox and Sana decided to end her own life by killing herself being shot in her head.

Dahyun, Jeongyeon together with Jihyo visiting the gravestones of Sana and Tzuyu. Dahyun place the roses at Sana and Tzuyu's tomb.

Dahyun misses Sana and Tzuyu so much. Dahyun couldn't help herself in tears. "I missed you guys! You are my good friends! May rest in peace where you belong together in heaven! In the name of God, please protect them for me! Amen!"

They walk back to their vehicle.


After they left the cemetery, there was Soul and Jisoo paying respect. They pay respect to Tzuyu and Sana after the tragic death.

They placed the flowers at their gravestones. Soul pray for their happiness in heaven. Jisoo is feeling sorry for them after what she saw. Jisoo is traumatised by the event. Woollim Academy is closed due to the tragic event. Woollim Academy is closed until further notice.

"I couldn't save Tzuyu if it isn't for me being shot. I would have die. Tzuyu saved my life and sacrificed.", said Soul as she nearly got herself killed by the hunters.

"A human and a fox can be friends. This is love where those two belong together in heaven.", said Jisoo.

Soul and Jisoo decided to go back to the terrace.

By walking on their way back, Mina was concealed behind the gravestones just next to the statue. Mina was on the earpiece mode commanded by Jihyo, "Myoui-san, do me a favour! You're the spy! Captain Park is speaking to you! I want you to follow them! Lee Soojung aka Baby Soul and Seo Jisoo has something to do with the fox and human friendship thing. There is something weird about those two. They seem to know about foxes. I want you to find out what secrets do they have. That is especially Seo Jisoo! I wonder if that is the red fox we've been looking for! Nayeon with her detector has to confirm that."

Mina nods her head, "I'll keep my eyes peeled on them! I'll discover their secrets in no time."

Mina follows them but she make sure to hide carefully and not get spotted. She hid along the bush.

Soul is sensing that someone is watching them, "Jisoo yah, you better stay on my tail because we're being watched."

Jisoo can smell with her fox instincts, "Dae! My fox sense that I might have a feeling that someone is after me!"

"Could be worst! Fox hunters are going to eliminate foxes.", said Soul.

The coast was clear that Mina continue to follow them.

"Mina, this is Captain Nayeon! One more thing you should know! Mina, if you happen to see a blind girl the cousin of Lee Soojung, her name is Lee Mijoo. There's a connection about Mijoo being close to Jisoo. Just be cautious about it."

Mijoo was walking down the street and Mina bump into Mijoo. Mijoo fell down and trying to find her walking stick, "I can't find my walking stick."

Mina apologise to her and return the walking stick to Mijoo, "Mianhae! I didn't see you! Here's your walking stick."

"Gomawo! That's very nice of you!", said Mijoo.

Mina says in her thoughts, "That could be Lee Mijoo the blind girl!"

"Where are you going? I see you're blind!", Mina answers in a kind manner.

"I'm heading to the Seoul Dream Forest. Can you take me to the forest? I used to go there with my cousin all the time.", said Mijoo as Mina her.

"By the ways, my house is at the terrace! I live with my cousin who is tiny and my friend from Incheon who is living with me. My friend from Incheon lost her family. That's why we adopted her and regarded us as her family.", said Mijoo as she chichat with Mina.

Mina began to feel sorry, "Aigoo! I feel sorry about your friend."

With Mijoo being blind, she doesn't know that Mina is trying to figure out where Jisoo's whereabouts. It seems like Mina is pretending to be nice to Mijoo.

Mina placed the microchip located at Mijoo's collar of the coat. A microchip is a GPS tracking device which leads the hunters to track down Jisoo's whereabouts.


When Soul and Jisoo got back home, they discovered Mijoo is not home.

"Eh! Mijoo's not home! Where is she?", Jisoo began to worry about Mijoo.

"Eh! Did she tell you where she goes?, said Soul.

"She mentioned before we go to the cemetery! Where would she go?", Jisoo tried to recall. "I remembered she said about she wants to go to the forest. It's Seoul Dream Forest if I'm not wrong."

"That's it. Seoul Dream Forest is the place where the secret of the past is. We better find her or else something is about to happen.", said Soul as she was about to panic and worry about Mijoo.

They walk out of the house on their way to Seoul Dream Forest. "Soul unnie, my fox instincts is getting a feeling it's a trap. Mijoo is out to discover our secrets."

"Could be worst, Jisoo! The hunters can kill us anytime! They're trying to figure out where is your whereabouts." They transform into foxes.


Arriving at Seoul Dream Forest, Mina Mijoo and they had a great chit-chat.

"Thanks for escorting me to Seoul Dream Forest!", said Mijoo.

Before Mina walk out, Mijoo ask her for the name, "Anyways, what's your name? Don't leave me. Let's hang out."

"It's Mina!", Mina said her name.


When Mina goes back to Mijoo, a call from her earpiece mode and it's from Jihyo and had to talk in private, "Captain Park, it's Mina! I got you a surprise. I landed a microchip at the blind girl Mijoo and it's your chance to locate that red fox Jisoo's whereabouts. I'm heading back to the dorm now."

"Myoui, keep it up and make sure you don't miss anything. Keep the update!", said Jihyo as she hang up.

Jihyo turns on the screen of the GPS tracking device on Mijoo's location, "Lee Mijoo, you and Seo Jisoo will fall into our trap."


Meanwhile, Soul and Jisoo in their fox forms are on their way to Seoul Dream Forest. They might think it could be trap and Soul predicted inside her mind which shows that something is about to happen.

Her vision shows Mijoo in danger by leading her to the fox world. The hunters destroying nature and another fox dies. Not only that, the God of the Fox Sunggyu, Soul's stepbrother make an unexpected return.

Her vision goes blank. "Mijoo, please be safe and don't get hurt."


Mijoo P.O.V


Back at the forest, Mina and I are walking along the forest and I hear something approaching me.

"It's a *marble fox! It's very odd when it appears in the forest. Plus, it's spring time."

*Note: Dahyun in her marble fox form:

A fox make a cute approach to us and I can read her thoughts, "It feels good to get close to a human."

I'm feeling the telepathic aura and talks to the fox, "Who are you? Why are you out here? Don't you know the hunters can kill you anytime!"

The marble fox respond to me in my thoughts, "Listen here human! You can't be here! It's a trap! The hunters can kill us."

The marble fox is like telling me something, "The human next to you is one of them."

"What do you mean Mina is 'one of them'?", I respond to the marble fox with my telepathic aura.

"What's that Mijoo?" 

I have no choice but to speak the truth about my secret of the past, "Actually, it's a long story about this place Seoul Dream Forest! When I was young together with Soul unnie, I met a fox a long time ago. That fox was hurt and I gave her my ribbon. When the hunters comes in, the fox and I agree to meet each other in the future. Soul unnie calls me and run for our lives because the hunters are destroying nature. Not until when the hunters throw tear gas bombs, I was blinded by the tear gas bombs. Soul unnie come to my rescue by grabbing my hand. Due to my blindness, I somehow have the strange telepathic aura. The telepathic aura allows me to hear the surrounding and reading people's thoughts even the fox."

"That's amazing! You can communicate with the fox!", said Mina.

When I heard something by calling me, the sound wave I can hear that is coming from this area in the forest. It feels like the strange fox sound is coming this way. "Don't worry human! I'll guide you! Follow me!", said the marble fox and tell me to follow her. It's located at the dark path of the bamboo shoot and the marble fox tells me, "Get in the portal! Follow me!"

I feel like I have no choice but to follow the marble fox, "Well, let's go!"

I enter the fox world by hesitation and we fell into the hole. It feels like I'm in my fantasy. I landed safely and there's a voice calling for me, "Lee Mijoo."

"Mina, did you hear anything?" Then I realised Mina is not with me. "Mina, where are you?"

"Listen Mijoo! I'm Dahyun and that Mina is our enemy. One of the hunters Jihyo killed my best friends Tzuyu my fellow fox friend and her human friend Sana committed suicide to be with Tzuyu. Mina is one of the hunters." The marble fox is telling me.

When suddenly, I can hear the man's voice and I used my telepathic aura to sense, "It's coming from this path."

"Pali wah! Follow me!", there goes the marble fox who leads me.

Since Dahyun is with me, as long as I'm okay just to assure I don't get lost. It's great to be friends with a fox like Dahyun.

I wonder what the fox world is like but if only I could see. If it isn't for those hunters who blinded me, I could find the fox who I befriended. I seem to remember a thing and it looks like a red fox if I'm not wrong.

"This way human! I'm taking you to the Fox God!" , said the marble fox communicated inside my mind as she guided me.

"Are you saying a Fox God existed in the fox world!", I used my telepathic aura to sense the fox's direction.

"Yes! The Fox God is a kind fox. He's very kind to me."

I'm pretty surprised to meet the Fox God and this forest as I imagine is magical. Since when I can communicate with the fox? Maybe it was 10 years ago. I can remember but if only I could see with my vision.


No P.O.V


Before Mina enters the fox world, she give the location to where Mijoo is to Jihyo. She contact Jihyo, "Captain Jihyo! It seems like Mijoo is not alone! The strange thing about she talks to the marble fox."

"Eh! She can talk to the fox! How is that?", Jihyo asked and became curious.

"That blind girl said she had a telepathic power to communicate with the fox and have senses. Maybe something to do with my father's death. Your father told me the Fox God killed my father. I wonder if Mijoo will find out that my father is responsible for her blindness."

"Myoui Mina, I suspected that my father is forcing us to do this. He just wanted JYP Academy to destroy nature and rebuild the land for us. I gotta go. My father will make noise and kill me. Send me more information and track down Jisoo's whereabouts." Jihyo hang up.


Jisoo P.O.V


I hope we're not too late. Soul unnie and I managed to catch up to Mijoo as we saw the portal to the fox world, "Soul unnie, look! The portal to the fox world. Let's go! I think Mijoo is in the fox world." I was guessing that Mijoo must have entered the fox world. We jump through the hole and we changed into our human forms.

I hope Mijoo isn't hurt. As long as I'm concerned about Mijoo, she's safe. The thing I should be worried about is those hunters. Those hunters are trying to figure out where I am.

As long as Soul unnie is with me, I'm perfectly good being with Soul unnie. Soul unnie being my guide or I would say Soul unnie is my conscience. I already know Soul unnie is a half-fox because of her stepbrother. She once told me that her stepbrother Sunggyu is a kind-hearted human fox. Soul unnie thinks the Fox God Sunggyu is probably still alive.

We take a look at the fox world and when was the last time I saw Mijoo. Soul unnie brought me to the human world and introduced Mijoo to me. The last thing I remembered when I got hurt, I had a ribbon with me. When those hunters shows up, we agreed to meet each other in the future. That's why I'm looking for Mijoo and return her love. Just to be speaking the truth, I'm really afraid to tell Mijoo the truth and reveal my true identity to her.

I'm picking up my fox instincts that someone is watching us and I felt like we're being followed, "Soul unnie, we're being watched."

When I heard the rifle sound coming towards my direction and Soul unnie grab me by saving me, "Jisoo, look out!"

That was a close one. "Thanks Soul unnie for saving my back once again."

One of the hunters says as she ran to our direction, "Stop right there! We will slay you Jisoo!"

"This is Myoui! Come and assist me Captain Yoo Jeongyeon! Over and out!"

How can those hunters catch up to us?

We ran for our lives as fast as we can. We tried to lose them.

The moment we run from them, we step on a hole and we fell in. That lead us to our doom. It was dark and I cannot tell whether we live or die.

When we reached to the bottom, we're alive.

The thing is where are we. It seems like my sense of smell is picking up something. "It feels like human footprints and a fox footprints."

"It seems like Mijoo is not alone. She's with the fox. That means she safe with the fox.", Soul unnie sense with her smell and quickly follow the trail.

Soul unnie and I kept on going to find Mijoo before she discovers the secret of the past. If I tell her quickly, there's a chance I want to tell her I want to love her forever.

We stop for a while and Soul unnie has something to give me, "Jisoo yah, I was meant to give you and Mijoo. It's originally from my parents. Since my stepmother passed away before my father gets killed, my father gave me two rings. The rings engraved and represents "our hearts combined like a neutron star collision". He told me once that if a human can learn to love a fox like the two stars collide, they are permanently merged together. That means the two hearts cannot be split. When two stars merge together, it resembles the love and never be broken."

"Take the rings with you and don't lose it!", I accepted and took the rings.


How will the human and fox feudal end? Will Mijoo find out Jisoo's true identity and will the fox hunters succeed in their next move? What secret of the past does the fox world have? Will Jisoo be able to fulfill her wish? What secrets does Myoui Mina have? Stay tuned to find out. Anyways, sorry for the delay and I know my life is tough for me. Anyways, life must go on.

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I tried this story of tragedy about Mijoo the blind girl meets Jisoo the fox.


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IntelligentYou #1
Chapter 2: First fic I've read where Twice are the villains ^.^

Hopefully they don't catch the lovely desert fox