One Way



Time will reveal all...

New writer, First Story, No hate please



"After 9 years of being together you want to kick me out of the group now, Why? TELL ME!"



"Enough Jessica! You are out of the group and thats it, now if you excuse me i have a schedule that i have to intend too and One more thing, from this day forth dont ever come an see me again, goodbye Jessica"

What did i do to make you hate me so much? Dont you know know how much I love you Taeyeon

Hey, just to inform you guys that the first chapter should be up by Sunday, Hopefully nobody will call me into work and a thank you to all the subcribers


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Parelo #1
Chapter 2: Yay! New update! Haha i'm actually a little confused but this make more interesting the history .
I'm still waiting for more 7u7
Chapter 1: please update soon
Parelo #3
Im waiting for a new chapter. :D
Please, don't leave this fic :(