Far Too Close


I know it's impossible. Supercalifragelisticexpialidocious impossible. He's a star while I'm a dust. I'm happy, but not that contented watching him from afar.

I'm just a normal fan of a man who then became my world.

I follow him. I took pictures of him. I buy him gifts. I am that head over heels for him. I am just one of those fans who's dreaming of him 24/7. Praying that he will be mine one day, that I will marry him and have a happy life with him and our kids. But when reality hits you real hard you will just come to a point, thinking that we will never be together because we're FAR TOO CLOSE.


Creating stories are not that easy. Please appreciate and anticipate. This is every fangirl's life and struggles. Kudos to us. xx


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