Within & Without


Hansol, better known as Vernon, is an 18 year old boy who suffers a life where he is consistently falling in and out of comas. It all started back when he was six, but it’s become a constant thing since he was ten. The past year has been the hardest for Vernon, having not even gotten a chance to leave to hospital.

Vernon is a young aspiring author, everytime he awakes from a dreamstate coma he writes out his experiences as stories in a journal. He writes them so that he can relive them, he is fully aware that the life he lives when dreaming is filled with more happiness than the rough reality he finds himself in when awake.

But one day, Vernon wakes from his dream with one thing on his mind. A girl.

Quickly he writes down every detail he can remember of the dream girl he spent his time out with. Little did he realize he’d meet her once again in his next comatosed state.

Vernon soon finds himself falling for this girl, this perfect girl. But she is a girl who doesn’t truly exist.



what will happen to this girl he dreams of? will doctors ever find a cure to stop his consistant comas? does he really want them to?



NOTE: through out the story, anything written in Ariel font is "reality" and anything Times New Roman is his "dreams/writing"


Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.

life is life, but life is nothing to someone unless they live.




hey guys, I'm so sorry~ my description writing absolutly ... hopefully you guys get a good enough view on this story that you'll want to read, I guarantee it'll be good~ :)


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can't wait for an update ;u;
Chapter 1: this is..GREAT. oh my go, I can't wait for another chapters.
Looking forward to this fic.