No Words


Woozi was a mess and Hoshi loved him. 


HELLO ITS ME~ it's been SO long! I hope you all missed me bc I missed you! I've been super busy and this month is going to get even MORE busy with more tests to study for but I had a plan to post at least ONCE a month. I'll try my best to stay updated, for now enjoy this SoonHoon fic! 

PS it isn't a D; I wrote this last year after watching Project 17 and cried so hard writing this (this is my ty writing btw) so don't expect much but I still hope you all enjoy!




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Chapter 2: aaaawwwwwwww
so fluffy
Chapter 2: OMG I loved that! That was so sweeeeeeet ~~~ ^^
Chapter 2: omo this is so cute <3 I'm literally SoonHoon trash