This Day


I’ll be there, one step behind
As if I’m just going my way, I’ll slowly walk
I’m not trying or waiting
I can’t help it, I was placed here

Dreams of looking at you, locking eyes with you
Laughing at corny jokes and talking of love
For being able to dream a dream called you
For being in my heart
Thank you

(From : Kyuhyun - One Confession)


Hai, apa kabar? Maaf karena saya belum bisa update tentang cerita lain (JessBer) , karena banyaknya kendala. Tapi karena hari ini Kryber shipper banyak yang sedih karena Krystal dan Kai konfimasi mereka dating. saya tergerak menulis sedikit.

But please cheer up guys, keep strong, keep protect Kryber's & f(x)'s beautiful friendship until the end! ^^ 


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neo2this #1
Chapter 1: amber , llama yg kuat....stay strong for us llama...trima kasih dear author
Winduwidi #2
Chapter 1: I feel your heart amber, please be okay ...
liabont #3
Stay strong amber. Kamu pasti akan menemukan seseorang yg tepat suatu hari nanti. Saranghae illama
liabont #4
Chapter 1: