The Wheels Are Turning

MEOWch its short sorry!!!!but i promise you the next one will be long!!!!this is just a filler chapter!!!!and guess what!!!!im off from school for 4 days!!!!yay!!!!...happy dance...the only good thing about exams!!!!so expect more updates!!!!also,there should be another one up later tonight!!!!...fingers crossed...anyways...enjoy reading!!!!

Jaejoong had already been gone for a month and his birthday was just in two weeks. The two of you called each other everyday, more Jaejoong than you because you didn’t know what his schedule was like and you didn’t want to interrupt anything important. Your day was literally spent indoors, afraid that if you left the house for too long, you would miss a chance to talk to him. That’s not to say you didn’t go out, you still had to walk Vick, and you still met up with family friends, though most times, you invited them over. At first you would talk for about an hour every time he called, but now that the busyness that came with holding a concert had caught up to him, the calls were progressively getting shorter and shorter.

That day you had absolutely nothing to do, no one was free for a meeting and because it had started snowing, it was too cold for you to take Vick out for his morning walk. You lay in bed thinking about Jaejoong, trapped between Vick and Jiji on either side of you. His birthdays coming up, I wonder how he’ll celebrate? I hope he gets a day off that day, he deserves it. Suddenly you sit up straight, startling both animals and earning an annoyed hiss from Jiji. Why didn’t I think of this before? I’ll go to him for his birthday! Now to only find out where he will be.

You climb out of bed, filled with happiness and excitement at your plan and the anticipation of seeing Jaejoong again. I wonder how he’ll feel? Ah, I have to start planning! I don’t have too much time! You quickly get ready and made breakfast. You brought it over to the sofa, switching on the fireplace as you did, where you sat with a notebook and pen in your hands. You start to jot down ideas, your breakfast forgotten on the table. Finally you set the pad down, stretching your fingers and smiling in satisfaction. If all goes as planned, this will be a birthday he’ll never be able to forget! That was when you noticed the now cold breakfast, but you still ate it happily, the gears of your mind turning.

You snuggled up close with Vick and Jiji in front of the tv, waiting for Jaejoong to call. The day passed and still the phone had stayed silent, the excitement in you died a little as each hour passed. Finally, as you were settling down into your bed, the phone rang at 11.

You quickly grab it off the night table, “Hello?”

“What have you been doing? Waiting for me to call all this time? The phone barely even finished ringing once!” Jaejoong’s laugh greeted your ears.

“Well, not totally…”, your voice trails off, embarrassed at the truth behind his words. Just then, Vick decided to bark loudly, sticking his nose between the phone and you. Laughing, you say to Jaejoong, “I think Vick and Jiji want to say hi to you”, before putting the phone on speaker and holding it up for the dog and cat to talk into it.

You sat listening to the exchange for about 5 minutes, laughing at the scene of the pets both fighting to be closer to the phone. Jaejoong was also enjoying himself, and, if you weren’t mistaken, then he had also put on the speaker because you could hear “ue kyang kyang” in the background. They soon became tired of barking and meowing and you were able to finally talk to him. You chat about the normal, everyday things for a bit, before you surreptitiously attempted to get the wheels on your plan turning.

“So, it’s your manager’s birthday right?” You fiddled with your fingers as you leaned back against the headboard.

“Yeah, why?”

“Hmm, no particular reason.” You pause before continuing, “Can I talk to him? I want to wish him happy birthday.”

“Sure…hold on.”

You hear the phone pass hands and Jaejoong’s manager finally came on, “Hello?”

“Hi! Happy birthday!”, you say brightly, sitting up straight, nervous.

“Um…thank you. I’ll give Jaejoong the phone now then.”

“No, wait!” There was silence on the other line, so you assumed that it was safe to proceed with what you had wanted to actually talk about. “I was wondering, um, do you know where you will be for Jaejoong’s birthday?” You still got no reply. “Um, hello?”

“Uh…I’m not sure actually.”

You hold out the phone out and stare at it in disbelief, before slowly repeating, “You aren’t sure?”


“How do you not know where you will be in 2 weeks time? I thought the manager knew everything?” The disappointment at your plan seemingly falling apart started to make your voice sharper. There was no answer. “Ugh, fine, can you give the phone to Junsu then?”

Once again you heard the static through the phone of it changing hands, before you heard Junsu’s unique voice greet, “Hello!”

“Hey Junsu!” You talk for a bit, missing the quirky member a lot. “Um…I was wondering, do you know which city you’ll be in for Jaejoong’s birthday?” You heard nothing for awhile, and when someone finally bothered replying to you, it was Yoochun who spoke.

“Hey ____!”

“Hey right back at cha!” This time, you didn’t bother with the pleasantries and just jumped right in, suspicious of the weird behaviour. “I was wondering, do you maybe know where you will be on the 27th or the 4th?”

“Um…no, the managers should know that.”

You heave a sigh, “Thanks anyway, can you put Jaejoong back on the line?”

“Hey babe, what was that all about? Rather talk to the others then me huh? I see how it is.” Jaejoong teased you when he finally got back on.

“Yeah, of course I missed them more! Me and Junsu have an understanding between us.” You half heartedly joke back.

You talk a bit more before finally hanging up. You crawl under the covers and think about the strange behaviour of all the men. How do they all not know where they’re going to be? Now I have to think of a plan B, and there’s only 2 weeks left until the 27th! Well, I guess 3 weeks until the 4th, which would be fine too…But still! How frustrating…it’s like they knew what I was thinking and just didn’t want me there.

Jaejoong’s POV

I wonder why she kept asking about where I would be on my birthday…don’t tell me she’s going to ruin my surprise!

He quickly sat up at that thought. She can’t! I have to do something… was it????you liked????please comment and let me know what you think!!!!thnx!!!!

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 61: Omg this story is seriously so amazing!!!
Chapter 2: OMG OMG OMG! You know what!? I've been looking for this story for ages! It's been on my mind for ages now and I freaking finally found it! You wanna know the reason I was looking for this story? Because it is one of my favourites! Ugh! You don't understand how long I've been searching! By chance I clicked on the story and as I started reading the 1st chapter I told myself "please let this be the one that has been killing me ever since reading it a while ago!" and finally my search is finished! I'm freaking saving this story! <3<3 much love ^^

My heart was actually beefing so fast :) I might have a heart attack XD
Chapter 61: AWWW MY GOD! It's the end already. And kyaaa JaeJoong is so sweet :'D Congrats author-nim for completing this story! It's a long journey, isn't it?
Chapter 61: hey...congrats...still wandering the time that i came accross this's ending already...
Chapter 61: Wow, I remember when I found this story... Good job :)

Congrats on finishing it.
Chapter 59: OMG!!!you finally update the story ...anyways keep updating this story since your in your break...hu3
Mo0onyDolls #7
Chapter 50: OMG OTL I have so much to catch >_< let the race start!! I think I will spam you with my comments lol remind me of how I first read this story hehe ...missed aff <33