Serpents of Seoul


Two gangs in Seoul fight for power over the streets, but a new challenger on the scene quickly wrecks havoc on both groups. Will they survive the endless onslaught of this killer vigilante?



Two gangs dominate the darkened bloody streets for power, but it will only be a certain amount of time before their borders cross, and blood is spilled.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol are best friends. They've always watched each other's backs and cared for each other in times of distress. As they get drawn into this street war, their friendship will be put to the test. Through shootings, fights, and bloodshed, it is uncertain whether or not they will come out alive together. Will they stick together, or will they join opposing gangs as a representation of their values?

Sehun is a lone wolf. He's been engaged in this gang war since the birth of the rivalry. As a high-ranked member of the JSK gang, his experiences have wittled down the humanity he has left. The only friend he's ever had, Luhan, is gone. Throughout this war, he fights for answers, seeking out the reasons on why Luhan was killed, but he lets vengeance cloud his judgment and his actions, vengeance for him. Will he find them, or will he find himself six feet under with his old friend?

Kai has been living in Incheon, but completely aware of the distress unfolding within Seoul. As the Serpent, he rises over the city of Seoul and casts his unrelenting strength on both sides of the battle. However, there is only so much that one human can do to two armies. Will he rise out of these bloody streets as victorious, or will he be the one to cover them in his blood?

Suho and Kyungsoo dominate the JSK gang. Together, they bring stability, wealth, and power into their army. Long has Suho been a leader for this gang, but Kyungsoo has seen a fair share of warfare as well. Today, they rule together at the throne of their massive following, with money, power, and influence at their disposal. Will they make the right decisions and end their rival gang where they stand, claiming Seoul for themselves?

Not much is known of the rival gang, but they appear to stem from Beijing. Many of its members are Chinese, but there are some Korean gangsters involved in its operations as well. How they stack up to JSK, time will tell. 

Blood will spill in this neverending war, and there can only be one victor


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