Smitten With You


What happens when a bunch of dropouts are really desperate for a place to stay as their parents kicked them out? Mr. Seo (Seo Ji Sub) thought it would be a great idea to offer these type of kids a place to stay by letting them rent some rooms in his apartments. Of course it is not for free, so the six of them will 'pay' back their rent by working for Mr. Seo's beloved restaurant, which is downstairs at the bottom of the apartments. The six youngsters all get assigned different jobs. The girls (Bomi and Chorong) are waitresses and also do some cleaning, Junmyeon is a bartender and the remaining two guys (Baekhyun and Jinyoung) work in the kitchen to deliver the tasty food. Are they ready to work for the rest of their lives or will they go back to school?


!! This fan fiction is interactive and the readers get to decide which girl will end up with which guy !!



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yoonlovebomi #1
Chapter 1: I like it so much!!!please update ASAP! i'll read and support you.Thankz for remaind me