On Cloud Nine

On Cloud Nine

 PART 10


A/N: sorry I had to leave it at that (T0T) well, Here’s part 10, I hope you guys are enjoying it J my net so Its taking ages to even upload a page .


“In the end, people should be judged by their actions, since in the end, it was actions that defined everyone”

       -Nicholas Sparks

As it continues…

“But you were secretly wishing” he smirked

I scoffed at the brown haired man’s remark, but it was partly true not that I would ever admit it to him.

“Come here you” he chuckles and pulls himself into my embrace. And tip toes to kiss me as I pull away

I would have returned the gesture if it wasn’t for the little girl who sat at one of the seats yelling “Mooom!!!  Mooom” as she scrunches her face in seeing us and started crying.

Oh how people just seem to love us

Baek seemed to look disappointed until he hears the crying and starts laughing like a mad man. And I would seem to have joined him soon after.

For that mere moment. The airport would have been mistaken for an Asylum and I can gladly say Me and Baek would be the main patients there. Sadly for us the girl’s mother came back and gave us each her signature death glare (which was quite scary to be honest XD Moms are very scary) Baek and I shot a death glare at the little girl (mature, very mature XD)  Looking back to those days it’s a wonder we’re parents now.

“You didn’t actually have to come Baek” I whisper as I embrace him in my arms

I can feel his smile on the crook of my neck “ I wanted to” he pulls out of the hug

“ and besides  I would never  stop making fun of you if you did spend Christmas eve alone, cold, shivering, hungry ,crying, lonely….”

I cut him off “Now you’re just being dramatic”

“Oh shut up” he rests his head on my chest now.

“I’m  loving this whole strawberry time but….” GRRRRrrrrrrr~~  I like it how my tummy finishes my sentences I think it’s cute haha

He shoves me off with an  offended face.

“What?” I asked

“Manners young man!” oh there he goes again with that sass tone.

“I’ll tell my stomach not to Growl when you give up that sassy flamboyant tone you got” I mentally patted myself, good comeback Chan, good comeback. But something tells me no food for me anymore.

“Aw, aren’t you just smart? Go seat down Channie and watch me eat now” I knew this was coming.

Let me fast forward the parts including a lot  of Aegyo  from me (not  that I was bad at it but I’m telling this to my daughter so XD) and Baekhyung giving in, he always does   because I’m just that lovable and cute and cuddly and…

“DAD!!” Hana hits me

“okay okay ” I  lauged “ as I was saying..”

 BUT The Front door opens and a dripping Baek walks in.

“ what the? Dad? Don’t move!” Hana runs upstairs to bring a towel.

“I forgot my umbrella he he” Baek sheepishly laughs.

I walk up to him now taking off his coat “you could’ve  called me, you know”

He  just laughs again “didn’t want to bother”

I pull him into a  passionate kiss which lingered on for quite long until we hear Hana yelling “ make way, Towel coming through” as she rushes up to Baek pushing me away.

So once we got Baek all dried up and put in warm clothes we set him down by the fireplace and Hana headed to the kitchen to make us Chamomile tea.

“How  was work honey?” I pull him close to my sides as he rests his head on the side of my neck.

“oh the usual, it wasn’t so bad today because the boss wasn’t in town” he chuckled.

“Tell me if he bothers you okay? Yoda here will teach him a lesson” I smirk proudly ,my thumb pointing at myself

Now he was laughing “ We never got over that nickname did we?” he chokes.

“ It was kinda mean of you to make fun of my ears back then” I scoff

“ But you loved me anyway” he smiles.

“ I guess I did” I whisper, just enough for  him to hear. As I place my lips on his forehead.

“Tea is served!” Hana pops in with three large coffee mugs of Chamomile tea.

“Thanks honey” we both say in tune as Baek pulls her into his side.

 “So what were you guys doing when I was at work?”  Baek mutters eyeing us suspiciously.

I wouldn’t question his curiosity because the last time he left us alone we ended up making funny videos of ourselves with disfigured faces.  IM NOT DONE YET! Disfigured faces with his phone, of course he was mad.( Baek forgot to take his phone)

“Dad was telling the story of how you spent Christmas  together on the airport” she laughs

“ah that old timer” he scoff  “ Did he tell you about his stupidity which resulted in a man threatening to sue him for stealing?”

“I was getting there, spoiler alert!” I mutter through gritted teeth.

“What? Daddy Chan a criminal?” oh how she looked so excited which was so wrong

“Not a criminal! I was just trying to be a good boyfriend” I yell in defense.

“Shush now I’ll tell the story” Baek shuts me up. And he starts off

A/N:  hello again.. i hope your enjoying  ^^ its finally gtting a littl exciting. i wonder what daddy chan did haha.  please stay with me for more ^^

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