In the end


What do you do when the world ends? 


A very simple short piece which doesn't really belong in my drabbles.

It was in my mind the whole day and it took only a while for me to finish. I hope you will like it.


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LoneShiba #1
Chapter 1: This reminds me of Armageddon and Deep Impact in which I cried a lot during movies and this story had mad me teared up again T.T
Thank you for writing such a heart breaking and wonderful one shot :3
pikachu79 #2
Chapter 1: Woowow end-of-the-world story...short and sweet...Like. :)
Spunky3012 #3
Chapter 1: I hate & Love this story... hate it cos it is so sad, i always cried when i read sad ToDae story & i love it cos how ToDae remain in love & together until the end..
Sorry i just read your story... love it anyway.. : )