Chapter 11 - I Love You

The watch you wanted to give me on March 14

Sakura POV


The next day, while in the midst of my midnight shift, I saw one customer coming in, he was wearing a cap and mask. I was troubling over Ryosuke’s matters so I didn’t take note of him much. When I left the counter trying to pack some stuffs onto the shelves, suddenly I was grabbed by the guy, he pointed a knife on my neck,


“GIVE ME MONEY!!!!” The guy spoked.


!!! A ROBBERY!!! happens at the worst time!!!


He dragged me to the cashier, and requested me to open it up so that he could take the cash. I followed as he said but I had something planned in my mind. After taking the cash, he dragged me towards the entrance, I took a chance to press the alarm bell hidden just below the counter.


Before we reach the entrance, I used my head to hit against his chin, and I gave him a somersault, he fell to the ground but was trying to get up and run away. I continue battling with him, banging here and there with the shelves.


During the assault, his knife cut across my arms a couple of times, I moved backwards to avoid him, while he was dashing towards me trying to stab me, the shelves on the left started moving down!




“AH!!” I sensed intense pain on my left leg.


The next moment I opened my eyes, I saw the shelves fallen and was pressing on both of us. We were both stuck under the fallen shelves, and this was when the police arrived, and ended all these .


I left the hospital after receiving treatments on my fractured leg and wounded arms,  and was asked to stay at home to rest till I fully recover before going back to work. This is bad. By staying at home, I’ll get more depressed thinking about Ryosuke…




Ryosuke POV


While on the way to school the day after Yuto scolded me, Naito came to find me.


“Master, how have you been?”


“Ah Naito, I’m… fine I guess…” Though I’m not really fine…


“Pardon me for being a busybody, but you’ve probably mistaken Sakura.”


“.....What? What do you know?”


“Trust your heart, you know Sakura isn’t that kind of person.”


“........ I don’t know! I can’t remember anything! How did my father died?”


“Master, your father did died from accident, and it wasn’t Sakura’s fault. Trust Sakura, she is true to you, for the past ten years.”


“......Ten years…?”


“Yes… I can only tell you so much. I will pray that you remember those things soon.”


“...What do you mean…?”


“One day you’ll understand… And also I need to inform you that Sakura’s store faced a robbery last night, according to the news, she was injured while fighting against the robber.”


“WHAT?!?!?! Is she alright?!?!?!”


“Master, if you’re concerned about her, you should visit her yourself.”




“I’ll take my leave then.”


What….. Is Sakura alright??? What kind of injuries has she sustained?? My heart is hurting so much, I need to see her, I need to ask her so many stuffs!!! Without control, my legs started running…


“Ryosuke! Where are you going? School’s at the other side!” Yuto who was just on the way to school, was shouting from behind, but I have no time to entertain him! I need to go find Sakura!




As much as I thought so, when I reached Sakura’s apartment, I stood still outside the entrance of the building. Thinking of what I should say when I see her. After getting reprimanded by both Yuto and Naito, I realized my foolishness. Why did I choose to trust someone like Miki instead of Sakura? Would Sakura be angry at me? I tried to practise what I should say to Sakura…




Sakura POV


“Ah…” I woke up with pains all over, my arms, my back, and my left leg.


I stood up using a lot effort as my left leg was fractured. But I need to bring down the rubbish today… I dragged my body down the apartment and walk towards the rubbish chute. After placing the rubbish, I turned around and walk back to my apartment. Suddenly I lost my step and fell on the ground hard.


“AH!!” happens again and again.


I felt the bones cracking in my left leg, and my face kissed the ground from the fall. I tried to stand up, but my left leg wasn’t giving face. After much struggle, I managed to place my left foot on the ground, and was using my hands to hold onto the wall beside me to try standing up. While I was almost fully stood up, my hands slided off the wall,


! I’m falling down again!


“AH!” I closed my eyes preparing for the fall.


……… Few seconds later, I felt something weird. I didn’t fall… Instead, I felt a warm pair of hands holding me on my arms.


I gradually opened my eyes, and I saw something I missed very much…






While still standing outside of Sakura’s apartment...


Ryosuke POV


What should I say? Should I start with apologies first? Or should I ask her if she’s alright?


ARRGHH I can’t think properly!! I find myself becoming a stone statue soon, I couldn’t find the courage to walk into her apartment.


Ryosuke, you’re such a coward like what Keito always scolded you.




While I was laughing at my own pathetic look, I saw someone walking out of Sakura’s apartment building. I took a closer look, that person is dragging her foot and walking really slowly. It’s Sakura!!! Her injuries seem serious! She has bandages around her arms, and her left leg. It seems she had a fractured left leg!! Is she feeling alright? Does she have any food to eat? I have so many questions to ask her!!!


While I was still in my thoughts,


“AH!!!” Sakura screamed.


She fell down!! Hard on the ground!! Her lips are bleeding from hitting the ground, and she was facing difficulties trying to stand up, her deeply frowned face shows how painful her injuries are.


I walked quickly towards her naturally without much thoughts, I couldn’t care about what she’ll think of me anymore!! I need to go help her!!!


“Ahh!!” Sakura screamed for a second time as she lost her balance again.


But this time round, I managed to catch hold of her. I decided from this moment, I won’t let go of her again.


“Ryosuke…?” Sakura said after opening her eyes.


She was looking really weak, it seems she hasn’t been sleeping and eating properly for days ever since our quarrel. It’s all my fault!!


“...Why...are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be in school?”


She’s still worrying for me! She’s such a silly girl…


“....... I need to settle something more important.” Which is to confirm Sakura’s feelings for me.


“........ What is it…?”


“Tell me, the real reason why you are treating me so nice.”


Although, my real question was, ‘Do you love me?’.






Sakura POV


Ryosuke is asking me why I am treating him so nice?


What does he mean? What should I say…?




I couldn’t say anything… As much as I wanted to let Ryosuke know my real feelings. I wasn’t able to bring it up.


“You should leave for school now…” Is my lame reply for Ryosuke.


“..............If that’s your reply… Alright...” Ryosuke said with a really disappointed face, he let go of me and started walking away from me.


“.................” My tears were rolling in my eyes, what have I done? Why did I make Ryosuke reveal such a face again…?


“Ryosuke… Sorry… I’m not pitying you… I’m not using you to clear my sins either… Ryosuke…” I only managed to gently squeeze my words out after Ryosuke walked away from me.


“Then what exactly it is?”


!!! This voice… Ryosuke?!?!


I looked up, it was Ryosuke!


“I……” Tears started falling off my eyes, non-stop.


Ryosuke’s hands moved to my cheeks, and wiped off the tears off my face, but I cried even harder. Why? I don’t deserve this! I don’t deserve Ryosuke’s concerns for me! I’m just a sinful person.


“Don’t cry…” Ryosuke hugged me in his arms.


Warm. It was warm… I continued crying while Ryosuke helped me back into the apartment.


“Ryosuke, thanks… I’m fine, you should go back to school.” I tried to stop my crying when I reached back home.


“........I’m coming in.” Ryosuke came in and closed the door behind him.


“What…? You should… Ahh!” Ryosuke carried me and placed me on the bed.


“What are you…” Ryosuke used his fingers and pressed against my lips to stop me from speaking.


“You have too many questions.”


The next moment, Ryosuke took the first aid kit and came to my side. He started cleaning the new wounds on my face, and replaced the bandages on my arms. I realized my wounds started bleeding again from the fall just now.


Why…? Why is Ryosuke being so nice to me…? He should hate me, isn’t it?


Tears started falling off my eyes again. And this time round, it was unstoppable.




Moments ago...


Ryosuke POV


When Sakura refused to answer my question and chased me to go to school, out of rashness, I walked away from her again.


What am I doing? Didn’t I come here to confirm her feelings for me?


Ryosuke, do you plan on leaving again? Didn’t you said you won’t let go of her again?


I walked back to Sakura’s side, I realized she was looking downwards, as I got nearer, I hear her speaking really gently.


“Ryosuke… Sorry… I’m not pitying you… I’m not using you to clear my sins either… Ryosuke…”


!!! She said it!! Then what is her real feelings?


“Then what exactly it is?” My question shocked Sakura, she looked up at me, and started tearing.


My hands naturally went up to wipe her tears away, it’s my fault, I made her so sad. Her crying became harder, out of instinct I embraced her in my arms. Tightly.


I helped her back into the apartment, she chased me away to go for school again. But this time round I refused to listen to her. I came into the apartment and started cleaning her wounds for her.


As I was changing her bandage, droplets of water started falling on my arms, I looked up, Sakura started crying again. I guess she was letting out all the emotions she had been feeling, she couldn’t stop crying. After I am done, I sat on her bed beside her, and hugged her again. I decided to let her vent all her sadness.


“It’s alright… Sakura, it’s alright…” I patted her head while hugging her.


She cried for quite some time, and gradually I felt her body getting heavier. Eventually, her head was lying flat on my shoulders. I think she has fallen asleep, I gently put her down on her bed and pillow, and watch her pale-looking face while she sleeps. From the looks of it, she probably didn’t had a good time the past few days.


“Sakura…” I her cheeks gently,


“Ryosuke… Sorry… I’m sorry…” Sakura started crying in her sleep again.


I felt burning sensations in my heart again, just how much is Sakura feeling?


“......I love you… Ryosuke…”


!!!!!!!!! What?!?! What did I just hear?!?!


“.......Sakura, what did you say?” I asked her despite knowing she’s in her sleep and probably won’t reply me.


“.......Ryosuke, I love you… I love you…”


…………….. So this is Sakura’s real feelings for me… Even though she wasn’t saying in her conscious self to me, but for the moment, I’m satisfied. I’ll ask for a proper answer from her after she is awake...




Sakura POV


“Ughh…” I woke up seeing my ceiling. When did I fell asleep?


“You’re awake? Come, I’ve prepared dinner, have some.”


“...Ryosuke… Why are you still here? Haven’t you… Ahh!” Ryosuke placed a piece of omelette in my mouth.


“I said I have something more important to settle, right?”


“... What is it…?” I said while munching the sweet omelette Ryosuke made.


“I want to know, your real feelings for me.”


“...... What…?” What is Ryosuke asking…?


“You said yesterday right, that you weren’t pitying me, nor were you using me to clear your sins. What is it? What are your thoughts for me?”


“I……….” Should I say it…?


“Sakura… Tell me the truth… Please…” Ryosuke looked straight into my eyes, he’s serious about this. He won’t settle for my silence anymore.


“.........I…… I….. Love…” I said ‘you’ but it was very very soft.


“What…? I can’t hear it…”


“I said… I love you. I did everything because I love you!” I used all the courage I had to confess to Ryosuke. I think I’m crazy, but I don’t want to make Ryosuke sad anymore.


“AH!” I got a shock, Ryosuke moved quickly towards me and hugged me.


“Sakura… I love you, I love you too!”


!!! Ryosuke… Loves me too??? The moment he said that, my tears came out again, I can’t believe this! I didn’t think I could receive love from Ryosuke, never had I thought about it. All I wanted for was his happiness. I didn’t want anything else…


Or maybe, deep inside my heart, I was wishing for this to happen…


“Don’t cry…” Ryosuke wiped off the tears off my face again.


I stopped crying, and Ryosuke was looking deeply into my eyes again,


“Sakura, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for misunderstanding you…”


“No, Ryosuke, it wasn’t your fault… It’s my fault for not telling you the truth…”




Ryosuke was moving towards me, nearer and nearer, out of natural instinct I moved slightly backwards, suddenly Ryosuke’s left hand moved behind my back and pushed me towards him, and his right hand moved to the back of my head…




My eyes were still opened widely while Ryosuke pressed his lips against mine…


Ryosuke didn’t let go of me, he continued kissing me, I closed my eyes and enjoy the warm from his lips.


I wonder how many minutes have gone… We gradually move away from each other.


“Sakura, I won’t let you leave me again.”




Ryosuke embraced me in his arms again.


I thanked God, I thank him for letting me enjoying such warm…




i love you - KinKi Kids


i love you 大切な人

I love you, the person I cherish

隠せない想いを 今ここで言うよ 愛してると

The feelings that couldn’t be hidden, I’ll say it right here, I love you


初めて会ったときから 夢見てた

Since the day I met you, I’ve been dreaming

いつかこの日が来ると 信じてた

That this day will come, I truly believed

いつもと違う恋 so don't let me down

This love would be something different, so don’t let me down


あなたが欲しい あなたが欲しい

I want you, I want you


Even if I may get lost in love

つなぎあったこの手を離さないで won't you please......

Please don’t let go of this hand you’ve been holding, won’t you please...


i love you 美しい人

I love you, the beautiful you

海よりも青く 空よりも遠く yes

Even clearer than the sea, further than the sky, yes

i love you

もっとそばに来て わかりあえるほどに

Come closer to me, for us to understand each other

愛しさあふれて 永遠を想う

The overflowing love, longing for eternity



Writer’s note: A slightly longer chapter where Ryosuke finally gets to confirm Sakura’s feelings for him. I like how they opened their hearts to each other, and the first kiss they had. XD


And I need more ideas for my third fanfic!! Waiting for ideas to come into my mind...


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Chapter 13: You just let them do that!! I was like, 'Do I really need to finish reading this story or not?' I was totally confused. But in the end, I just finish it. I can't even control my feelings while reading this story... This story is one of my favorite..
Chapter 11: I'm blushing hard right now!! WAHH! I can't believe it... He just did 'THAT' to her.... I am proud of you, Ryosuke
Chapter 30: Ah~ I finally finished reading! This was such a cute story! Glad that there's a happy ending and whoa, eight children, haha.
Good job, good job~ ^^
natsumikan_luv #4
I love it so much
moemoeayarin #5
Chapter 19: I really love this story ^_^ keep it going ! :D
Shida1110 #6
Chapter 2: Nice story..I'm waiting.;D