My Refuge


You know that no matter what life throws your direction, there is always one person you can count on. Your escape, your safety, your refuge.


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Chapter 1: Wow! How lucky if Brian has into my life. :') thankyou author-nim.
Chapter 1: I love your story! That's so cute, I think I need Brian with me too x)
Your story just make me love him more (if it's possible XD)
yurachannnn #3
Chapter 1: I want a Brian
Chapter 1: So much fluff i is dead my hearteu cannot take this
Chapter 1: every girls' dream : find someone like brian for the love of your life
leebona101 #6
Chapter 1: DANG! this is too sweet please cut off the amount of sugar you had added lol
okeyes #7
Chapter 1: ㅠㅠㅠ can this be real life please!!! lol thanks for this~~♡
fifiiioo #8
Chapter 1: Too good ♡_♡