Thrill Of The Chase



Sehun wasn't sure why the time stood still when Kai looked into his eyes and flashed him a blinding smile.




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ishipsnonun #1
Chapter 1: Thank you. I really love your stories gdhsjdmdn
Baozisaur #2
Chapter 1: Awww... This is really good.. The thrill of reading short fics, everything is there including the "why it's so short?!?!" kinda feeling ≧∇≦
Chapter 1: Oh that was so nice!
Chapter 1: I love what you write ! :')
Chapter 1: And now you majestically became one of my favorite authors *stands and starts clapping*
aa66our #6
Chapter 1: This needs a sequel
hadia88 #7
Chapter 1: What.....The. ....hell!
Oh no you can make this a one shot
this needs to be a chaptered fic it's too good
god I don't know what to say just please consider writing a chaptered fic with this