|| Chapter #19 ||


No one's POV:

Mikey was stressed out, he didn't understand how he could not have heard Gahi came in the hideout when he was right downstairs. Yet he couldn't hear a thing, not even the door closing shut, the alarm never came on also. 

Gahi didn't have his dog tag, Sehun had it. So how did he? 

Before Mikey can think of grabbing his computer and throwing it on the ground. He got out with his skateboard and skateboard around. 

He didn't know where he was going, he just knew he had to get out of there. He went to the park first, then he suddenly found himself in an open area, where there was just an open field and no one there. He flopped on the grassy field. 

He was angry at no one but himself. He couldn't even hack into Gahi's company files to locate where the hell the latter went, and now this? Gahi had gone to the damn hideout forget that it could have been the other personality, it was still Gahi! 

And Mikey could hear a damn thing. Gahi wasn't a ghost he was a human. So then... 

Mikey groaned. He put his head in his arms as he signed. 

He was so lost in thought he couldn't hear his walkie talkie beeping, couldn't hear the messages from his crew members. He didn't even know how much time passed with him just laying on the grass. 

He felt useless, heck he was useless. Gahi was so close, yet so far. And Mikey felt useless. He couldn't do anything to help. He just a waste of space. 

"God damnt.," Mikey mumbled. Tears rolled down his cheeks like rivers. 

He didn't even notice another figure looking at him with worry, he was called up here by Jayden, actually, it was Jackson who told him what happened, since after all, Jayden, who was Jackson's little brother had called him to ask Mark to look for his brother. 

And Mark knew where his brother was on the top of his head and didn't waste time. Mark was kind of worried that he guessed wrong but that vanished when he saw the familiar figure of his younger twin brother laying on the hill. Mark may not have known what his brother was going through. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to try at all. 

Gahi's POV: 

I looked at my phone, I didn't know what to do, I had my phone but what do I do now? How the hell did I even get this? I couldn't possibly have slept walk could I? 

I felt sick to my stomach and I tried to think of what in the hell was going on with me. This isn't the first time something happened and I didn't remember a damn thing about it. 

With shaking hands I dialed my best friends number, I stood there with my thumb over the call and I didn't press it. I was shaking and I didn't know why. Koda was my best friend. 

Yet part of me was scared, part of me knew that if I called Koda he would demand to know everything, why I avoided him, outside of training and missions the past month, what happened to me, why I got the apartment and everything that I didn't talk about with him before. 

Part of me wanted to yell it out to him. But the other half was scared half to death that he wouldn't take it likely if I told him about my dreams, about the visions and the feeling that I  have that someone else or another person was in his mind. Yet he didn't know about it. 

I didn't know what was happening to me, I had no damn clue what's so ever. So how could I even explain it to someone I know needs an explanation on everything. I felt like Koda would hate me. So I ended up not calling him. 

I felt like someone was inside or my mind pounding at a cage he was trapped in, yelling at me to let him out because something was going to happen. The voice of the other being was like mine, yet he wasn't, he was so different. 

It took about 3 hours of me trying to pound my head too, not literally but you get the point. 

I was trying to figure out why this happening and why I always feel like there is another being in me a darker, yet more protective one. It was like the memories in my head where sometimes cut or rewritten internally and I didn't know how or why. 

I can tell Youngji Hyung was trying to figure out what was wrong with me, what was happening and how the hell I got here in the first place. But I didn't know myself, I wish I knew the answer though. 

When I fell asleep it was 2 am in the morning. I let myself finally close my eyes. I was mentally and physically exhausted. 

When I opened my eyes again I was in a room, with a bed, it was empty, at first I thought the room was, yet when I looked to the window I saw a figure I couldn't see the face of, yet I can see the sadness in the figures eyes. The figure looked up at me, tears streaming the figures face. I wish I knew what he looked like but something else in my heart was wishing and hoping I never would. 

The figure with shaky hands took off his breathing mask and with a weak voice, he warned me. "Beware. The storm is coming" 

I didn't know what that dream or whatever it was but it got me scared, anxious and panicked. 

But yet, the next morning I left, no matter my condition I left. Not wanting to not be a  burden to Youngji Hyung. But also, to figure out something. 

When I left the place I didn't miss the screams from in my head from the Being crouched in the corner of the cage, with his head in his arms. I couldn't see his face. Yet I wasn't scared. 

I saw him about to look up but I couldn't but I could hear him telling me to stay. Telling me to not to on. 

"You don't know what your doing go back!!"  

Was what I heard in my head as I walked out in the cold yet sunny morning, without looking back to the house. With the backpack of stuff, I brought my phone in my pocket. I clenched on to the backpack strap a little as I blindly let my feet move on its own. 


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So its set! :))


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Chapter 32: OMG Sehun and Gahi (Soohyun) saw eachother! OMG. I'm fangirling here!
Can't wait for the Finale!
Omg this looks awesome!! Can't wait to read this!!! :D
Finally, an update --"
Chapter 22: imagine Marco looks like Mark,, and then imagine him cry.. T.T
i know how Koda felt, it hurts but you still care your best friend... hope they'll meet soon
Chapter 2: Also your writinf is great
Chapter 1: The poster is hella cool
Chapter 19: someone really need to help Gahi soon... or else,, he will develop another personality,, poor Sehun... T.T

jayjay looks cute and nice.. *^.^*
Chapter 18: Wow Unnie Rebel (Hongmin) Sounds cool
hope he is okay, and that's cool the other members of nineteen agreed to Sehun's idea.
I wonder what would happen next.