CLOSED, and read me?

INSTRUCTIONLESS (a graphic shop)
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Thank you guys! Honestly, I never thought I'd open this shop again. After having collaborations with amazing and talented people here, something I realize is that I have an intense time management lmao. I just want to get things done as quickly as possible. I’m patient with other people, but I am not with myself lol. 

Also the reason why I don’t take a lot of requests is because my creative energy is easily exhausted. Unfortunately, I cannot take a huge batch of requests unlike other designers and still give consistent output; it’s just too obvious at the output of my work when I’m in the mood or not. So I still find it so amazing how we reached 900 subs when I don't take a lot requests. 😭  We’re one of the most subscribed graphic shops! Thank you so much! 😭  (But it’s 90% bc of the layout honestly lol.) With that said, I’m back in hibernation mode. See you… indefinitely? You might see me more on my layout threads (or trolling around AFF).

Can I also mention both requesters of this batch are using layouts from paperback for their stories? Hehehe thank you so much! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ And good luck to your stories!

Since we're talking about stories, I hope you read and support my babies!

The Imaginary One - JonginxOC, Dream!au, soulmate!au, drama, romance, thriller-ish

Skinny Dip - BaekhyunxOC, College!au, mature fluff


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Chapter 45: I missed this but I saw it displayed on the aff's gallery!! Omg 😭😭 I love it? No wonder you've got like +900 subbies, you deserve it! I would never dream of having THIS talent! 😫 I will be here to witness this shop getting +1000 subscribers 😌😌
Chapter 46: Congratulations on the 900 subs, Jae. I think I just sub here recently and now you're closing but that's alright, thank you for sharing all your creative works here and getting all people like me to get inspired by your work. For me, every poster you made is considered a masterpiece. You're really something. Well-deserved! 😊👍
Chapter 45: . . . i've been staring at this for like an hour now and i- i have no words omg i didn't think that a retro style poster would fit the story concept so bad like this?? bc it looks SO MUCH FUN - it gives the fun vibe idk but i can feel it by the first glance!!! i love how you make the color of the oc different from both sebaek too - dang she's the main character right there <333 the roller coaster detail at the back too 😭😭😭 i really can't get enough how y this is, thank u so much jae for this very pretty poster!!! you indeed have a pair of magic hands and y brain - and im very jealous 😩😩❤❤❤❤
Chapter 45: Wow! This one is so cool.
Chapter 44: Girl, I am loving this poster and the layout. <3
And wow, your two awesome forms came so quickly. Saves you the time and energy to choose. :')
Chapter 45: Wow this looks like a movie poster... awesome dear!
Chapter 44: I didn't realize it when did you update this poster?? It's awesome, girl. thumbs up
Chapter 43: congratulation Jae for the 900+ subs. you deserve it.