Alien Perfection: Chronicle from the United Federation of Earth


Archon has been a soldier for the United Federation of Earth (UFE) since the day the first race of aliens invaded. He was one of the first volunteers for the robotic enhancements and has been on the front lines of the war every day since. Being on the front line, also meant he was one of the first ones effected when the spell was cast that tore his and every other living creature on earth’s life force in two. Archon has learned to despise all the Aliens; even those in the UFE. So what happens we discovers half of his life force in a Venusian? Will he chose to continue to live as half a man or will he chose to accept an alien for a life mate?


Glossary of Races & Worlds

Andromedains – aka Ghosts – Alien life forms made of energy with flowing incorporeal forms. Their home planet is Methuselah. Andromedains are a formidable race with top notch technology. They also have several abilities such as mind control, weather modification and they can make themselves invisible.

Zeta Graylings – aka Grays – Aliens from the planet Epsilon Eridani. One of the first invaders on Earth. They are hairless, dark grey-skinned humanoids that lack external human organs such as noses, ears or organs. They are longer, thinner and their limbs are proportionally different from a human's. They have large heads in comparison to their bodies.

Venusians – aka Beauties - Considered the most beautiful of all Aliens. Appear to be perfect humanoids but are actually a sulfur-based lifeform from the planet Aquarii. Took to living deep underground in cooled lava tubes coming topside only for necessities. Venusians consider themselves lovers, not fighters and many Venusian’s have been hiding on Earth since the dark ages in an attempt to stay out of the Galactic War.

Reptilians – aka Time Trekkers – Combative alien race from the planet Cancri. They are similarly shaped with humans but are actually cold blooded. They are tall, with green scaly skin, three long fingers and an opposable thumb with talons on the ends, holes for ears, muscular legs and arms, and large eyes. Reptilians reportedly have the ability to time travel. Due to their cold blood, Reptilians have settled in rainforests, deserts and other warm climate areas.

Sirian – aka Blues – Sirian’s started visiting Earth thousands of years ago. They originate from the planet Gliese. They are humanoid in shape and size but have pale almost translucent blue skin in their natural form. They are water based lifeforms and prefer to live in water whenever possible. Sirians are natural masters of magic.

Anunnaki - aka shapeshifters – Anunnaki like the Sirians also started visiting Earth thousands of years ago during the time of the Babylonians. They are humanoid in shape and size but are typically dark skin toned and have the ability to shapeshift. They are from the planet Anunna one of the first ones destroyed in the Galactic War.

Termaritans - aka Greens – Small green aliens from the planet Serpentis. Highly aggressive with most advance warfare technology. Termaritans are parthenogenesis and can reproduce without a mate.

Earthlings – aka Humans – Aggressive, adaptive and creative beings, native humanoids born to the planet Earth. Most Earthlings have been technologically enhanced with robotic or semi-robotic arms, legs, heart etc. The average lifespan for a human averages between two hundred and three hundred years.

Halfling – aka Mutts – Mixed species humanoids of any combination.


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