



Kim Hanbin - 18 yo

Clumsy af


Kim Donghyuk - 18 yo



Kim Jiwon - 19 yo

Hot annoying upperclass


Song Mino - 23 yo

The hot P.E teacher


Goo Junhoe - 18 yo

The cold handsome new student


Song Yunhyeong - 19 yo

The responsible one


Kim Jinhwan - 19 yo

The small sassy upperclass


Jung Chanwoo - 19 yo

The brat from upperclass




What should you do?

If the hottest guy in your school likes flirting with you?

What should you do?

If the athletic young teacher suddenly cares for you?

What should you do?

If the new handsome student becomes your tablemate?

What should you do?

Ah, what should Hanbin do?


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love__kjk76 #1
Chapter 4: Baru nemu ceritanya skrg, pengen d update dong plissss
Mudah2an akhirnya sama Jiwon hihihihi
Hoki37 #2
Chapter 4: Author, baru nemu fanfic in I, vhuhuhj, please update author :'(
okkysekar #3
Chapter 4: keren banget nih..penasaran siapa yang akhirnya bisa jadi pasangan hanbin nantinya..author, update please..T.T..
dark_tale #4
i really miss this story.... i hope you update it soon
Alice_K26 #5
Chapter 4: Tumben bgt ada ff bhs.indo yg bkin ak ktagihan bacanya...
Bgs bgt ini critanya...
Berharap bgt ini endingna doubleb...
Klo enggak, my heart gak kuattttt nantiiii.....
Chapter 4: astaga terima kasih atas updatenya! It made my day!

Aku suka karakter Mino disini duh. Second-male lead emang selalu menarik perhatian. I'm still waiting for more Mino's appearance because teacherxstudent relationship is always interesting /lel.

Semangat menulis ceritanya, author-nim and once again thanks for the update :D
Chapter 4: astaga terima kasih atas updatenya! It made my day!

Aku suka karakter Mino disini duh. Second-male lead emang selalu menarik perhatian. I'm still waiting for more Mino's appearance because teacherxstudent relationship is always interesting /lel.

Semangat menulis ceritanya, author-nim and once again thanks for the update :D
Chapter 4: astaga terima kasih atas updatenya! It made my day!

Aku suka karakter Mino disini duh. Second-male lead emang selalu menarik perhatian. I'm still waiting for more Mino's appearance because teacherxstudent relationship is always interesting /lel.

Semangat menulis ceritanya, author-nim and once again thanks for the update :D