Chapter 1

Our Bad Romance



Will place names in ( )’s to save time on a long intro to characters

and for those who don’t recognize their descriptions right away, it’ll be for the non main characters only, main characters will get a more detailed intro depending on writer’s mood lol


Happy Reading~!



It was a bright and warm sunny day, the birds were singing and…


“Is it leaking?” The brunette complained when a few drops of rain fell onto their perfectly curled hair extension. “Damn cheap umbrella.” So, it wasn’t a bright and warm sunny day, the birds weren’t singing and it was raining like cats and dogs instead. Oh yeah, it was cold, too. “Why’d it have to rain today?”


Choi Minki, also known by his friends as Ren, was on his way to Ouran College Academy in this horrible rainy weather. He had just transferred from his previous academy by his grandparents when his grandmother landed a position at a more expensive and elite school closer to their estate. He wasn’t too keen on the idea despite he’d get to see his grandmother often, but when he found out his friends were also transferring because they can’t live a day without him-not really they didn’t really like their old academy to be honest-he made peace with it right away, just glad he’d at least have his friends with him.


If transferring schools during the first week of fall semester wasn’t bad enough, apparently he has to attend this school as a girl. The reason behind it, he’s sure it isn’t as ridiculous as the transfer and easily accepted it. His grandmother unfortunately suffered a earlier in the year, it was a really difficult time since it happened out of the blue. Everyone was so scared she wouldn’t make it but she pulled through miraculously. But when she recovered she somehow only recognized Ren as her granddaughter because he was just so pretty despite his short brown hair. There wasn’t really an answer the doctors they could give Ren and his family, not exactly sure how the elder could only remember Ren as a girl, even past memories too, but it did.


When Ren told her that he wasn’t a girl, she got really upset and didn’t want to talk to him, suddenly feeling like he was a stranger because she could only remember him as her granddaughter. She worried if he was someone trying to pose as her granddaughter, outrageous assumptions and whatnot until her husband managed to calm her down. Ren eventually had to accept the situation and agree that he was her granddaughter who was just playing a prank on her. He got scolded by her but it didn’t last long before she opened her arms and welcomed him into her loving embrace.


Since then he’s played as the granddaughter for her because they were close and he’d hate for their bond to vanish simply because he’s a boy. Because his parents work overseas and his older brother left to study abroad with them he stays with his grandparents at the estate, he basically had no choice but to pretend for the sake of his grandmother. He didn’t know if he’d get kicked out if he tried to claim he was a boy again and that made him wonder if the elder only having one son and no daughter was the issue, and the fact that even her son also only had two son’s and no daughter… she must’ve really longed for a daughter, let alone, a granddaughter! That desire must’ve messed with her head after the .


Only over time did his grandmother start complaining that her granddaughter needed to dress more like a girl and grow his hair out longer, he looked like a boy! No kidding… he is a boy. But he came to a decision that if he was going to play the granddaughter, he should at least look the part. He told himself it’d probably only be for a while since he planned to finish college and hopefully move out of the estate to pursue his own life. He was only staying with his grandparents since he cherishes them and wanted to be around for them. But after this whole gender mix up, he felt like he’ll have to get away at some point as he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life living a lie(he swears his grandparents are immortal, still alive and kicking at full power).


A few months had passed and his hair reaches his shoulders by now, but today he was wearing extensions to make his disguise more believable at the school. He had to admit he was kind of nervous about others at school finding out that he’s not a girl and worried about the bullying that might come with it… but his friends assured him it would be impossible, they almost forgot he was a guy a couple of times already. He wasn’t sure if he should be offended or flattered?


For a split second he didn’t understand why he had to dress like a girl at school, but then remembered his grandmother would be around the campus a lot since she basically works at the campus he’ll be attending. If he was caught ‘dressing like a boy’ the elder surely would be upset. Why me? He sometimes wondered.


Suddenly, someone came around the corner he was coming up to and bumped into him, knocking him back on his rear with a loud ‘ouf!’. His umbrella was naturally knocked out of his hand since he needed his hands to break his fall.


“What the-?!” Ren complained as he was now getting rained on, it was definitely not a great feeling, the raindrops were so cold!

“Oh crap! Sorry!” The rather pretty boy exclaimed in a soft voice, looking down at Ren in horror. There was a short pause as Ren stared up at the attractive boy, unable to comprehend his beauty until, “Uh… you might wanna close your legs…” the boy gave an embarrassed chuckle, pointing at Ren’s indecent pose on the ground.


Ren quickly, closed his legs tight together while sitting up, pulling at the red plaid skirt to cover his bare legs as much as he could. I knew I should have wore leggings! He thought as he felt his face heat up from the embarrassment, but he also couldn’t help worry… Did he see?


“Are you okay?” The boy asked, offering a hand down to help the androgynous male up. Such a kind gesture, one of a well mannered boy, a gentlemen but...


“Does it look like I’m okay?” Ren smacked his hand away while getting up on his own, making sure to use his woman voice. “Thanks to you, my clothes are all wet! Watch where you’re going next time!” Regardless of how kind this boy was, it was his fault that Ren’s clothes were nearly drenched from the cold rain. I better not catch a cold!


“Jeez, no need to get mad… it was an accident.” The boy stepped back holding his hands up in defense, only then did Ren realise he didn’t have an umbrella and his navy blue hoodie was also drenched from the rain, his hair almost dripping and sticking to his forehead.


“Where’s your umbrella?” He asked a little too harshly, inwardly cringing, he didn’t mean for it to come out like that.


“I gave it to a mother and her child who were stuck in the rain earlier.”


Ren just stared at him, conflicted. How could he be mad at him now when he’s such a good person?! “Eugh, fine.” He sighed, grabbing his cheap umbrella and shook off the excess water before holding it up above his head. “I think there’s enough room for you. Are we heading the same way?”


“Oh, I was heading to Ouran College Academy.” The boy answered, stepping over to stand unders Ren’s umbrella. *Cue Rihanna Umbrella song LOL*




“I’m heading there, too, so let’s go.” With that, Ren started to lead the way after signalling to start walking. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous about sharing his umbrella with this cute guy. Why am I getting worked up about this? He was thinking to himself, getting lost in thoughts.


On the other hand, the boy tried his best to keep up with him the best he could, but he kept falling behind. “Why are you so slow?” Ren muttered, slightly annoyed when he snapped back to reality, sensing the boy wasn’t by his side anymore.


“You have longer legs!” The boy sighed almost falling behind again. “Are you a model?” He asked, tone full of curiosity as his eyes were staring at Ren’s legs.


“Maybe.” Ren snickered, sort of taking that as a compliment.


“I’m Jin, by the way, Lee Jin.” He said returning his eyes up to him in a super friendly tone, it surprised Ren since he was acting like… well a to him earlier.


“Choi Rin.” Ren replied a bit awkward, he was still curious if Jin saw anything when he fell earlier. He was wearing black mini shorts under his skirt at least but still, Jin could have noticed well… you know. Let’s pray to god he doesn’t spend his free time looking up a girl’s skirt...


“Rin? ” Jin smiled. “How pretty, just like you.”


Ren stopped walking almost instantly when those words left Jin’s mouth, shocked. Was he already being flirted with before he even reached school grounds?! Why… me? He frowned watching Jin stop and turn around with a worried look, the rain pouring down on him again since he walked out of the shelter of Ren’s umbrella.


Something about it made Ren’s heart start to race. He actually found Jin beautiful standing in the rain like that just now. What… the hell?! Why am I thinking something like that?! He’s a guy, just like me!


“What’s wrong?” Jin asked, about to come forward to escape the rain.


“Uh! Nothing!” Ren snapped out of it and started running off without him instead. He totally ditched him. No way… there’s no way I’m gay! He thought as he ran. No way!




“Hey, Beautiful!”


“Shut up.” Ren muttered, passing by his friend Minhyun who chuckled at the rude greeting.


“Someone having a bad hair day?” He asked, following after the moody guy into their empty classroom. There was about 10 minutes before their class meeting time and the room was already opened.


“What’s wrong with my hair?!” Ren spun around looking panicked before quickly pulling out his phone to look in the reflection of the screen. Did an extension come loose during his encounter with that Jin guy?


“It was just a figure of speech…” Minhyun held in his laughter while Ren just glared at him before taking a seat and proceeded to pull out his compact mirror to check his nicely done makeup. He was glad he invested in waterproof makeup recently. “You’re getting really good at makeup lately. How do you do it?” His friend asked, sitting on the table next to Ren’s with a curious look on his handsome face.


“Youtube.” Ren flashed a pretty smile before his face scrunched up in annoyance when their other friends showed up. Two of them came rushing up to his table looking excited, as if they hadn’t seen each other for months.

“Oh my god, you’re so pretty today, Rin!” His English speaking friend exclaimed, obviously teasing Ren. (Aron)


“I really like your eyeshadow, Rin!” His baby faced friend beamed next, though he actually meant his words, he did like pretty things after all. But they all knew he didn’t mean it in a flirtatious way as he already has a girlfriend who let’s say is the opposite of girly and dislikes makeup. (Baekho)


“Guys, you don’t have to flatter him like that when no one is around.” Their mean faced friend came up to their table, glancing at Ren. (JR)


“What if I like being flattered?” Ren pouted with a hint of laughter.


“Eyeliner on point today, Rin.” JR flashed a dazzling smile that made Ren roll his eyes with another small laugh. “And those pink luscious lips-”


“Okay, stop.” Ren held up his hand with a warning look, just because he laughed didn’t mean it was okay to keep teasing him. His friends could be jerks sometimes. Before anything else could happen, they heard a pair of footsteps coming into the classroom.


“This is it?” There was that familiar voice from earlier and Ren froze in his seat when he saw the pretty boy from earlier walk in holding hands with a cute girl. For some odd reason there was a weird pang in his chest when he saw their conjoined hands. Their fingers aren’t interlocked, must just be a friendly gesture… Ren quickly turned away, hitting his forehead with his closed fist. And why does that matter?!


“Where do you wanna sit?” Jin’s female companion asked quietly.


“Let’s sit in the back!” He grinned before landing eyes on Ren and his small group of friends. “Oh, it’s you!” He pointed, looking surprised before making his way over to the table. Something Ren wish didn’t happen but it wasn’t like he could run away and hide now!


“You two have met?” Minhyun asked curiously, looking from Jin, to Ren, and back to Jin.


“We bumped into each other in the rain a few blocks from here… she sorta ditched me after I complimented her.” Jin chuckled as he and his friend reached the table.


“And you say you like being flattered?” JR muttered with a stifled laugh, earning a glare from his pretty friend.


“Maybe she’s shy?” Jin shot a wink at Ren and even though he tried not to show it, he blushed! “That’s okay, LiNa here is shy, too!” He pulled her close by the waist.


“Jin! Stop!” The girl blushed, hitting him on the chest with a cute laugh.


“What?! Shy girls are cute!” He teased, giving her a hug now. “If you’ll excuse us, we’re going to cuddle in the back.” Jin said before dragging LiNa away from their table.


“Whoa… what a bold character.” Aron grinned, watching the two take their seats in the back. “Do you think they’re dating?”


“No, they seem more like friends.” Ren said almost instantly.


“Quick answer.” Minhyun smirked, watching his friend pause. He was being obvious and his friends were amused how Ren was acting around that pretty boy.

“Whatever!” He rolled his eyes, returning back to checking his makeup,


“Awh, Rin crushing on a guy already?” Aron teased, poking Ren’s cheek while cooing.


“I will stab you with my eyeliner, no one will miss you…” Ren glared at him with a threat.




Class started shortly after their little encounter with Jin and LiNa. The classroom was pretty full and Ren could feel about 15 pairs of eyes glued to him during the whole thing. He tried to not let it bother him but he also couldn’t help wonder… was Jin one of them? He didn’t really want to look over his shoulder and get caught, so he nudged Minhyun sitting next to him. His friend leaned over to hear Ren’s low whisper asking him if the boy from earlier was looking at him or not, because he definitely could feel all the other guys eyes on him…


“He’s totally staring.” Minhyun laughed quietly.


“Really?” Ren seemed a little too surprised.


“Are you happy?”


“No, I’d rather no one be staring at me.” Ren rolled his eyes facing forward to pay attention to their teacher’s introduction lecture. But it was still on his mind as class played through. Halfway into class, he was tempted to look… he didn’t see a clock on the wall at the front of the room and safely assumed maybe it was behind him for the teacher to keep track of time. Perfect! I’m just gonna look for the time!


Feeling a little more confident at looking over his shoulder to check who was staring at him, he shifted in his seat a bit. Instantly, he could see most of the guys behind him staring at him and the moment he glanced their way, some winked, some waved and he refrained from rolling his eyes. His goal was to check if Jin was looking at him, that was the priority right now. Since the lights were off in the classroom for their teacher’s lecture as she was using a projector to display the topics she would be teaching this semester, it was hard for him to spot Jin in the dark at first. But when his eyes finally adjusted, he spotted who he was looking for and stared.


Jin looked so focused right now, actually paying attention in class unlike everyone else, even his friend LiNa was secretly browsing on her phone beside him. The dim blue glow on Jin’s face just fascinated Ren that he just couldn’t look away, his eyes were glued on him now. Am I seriously staring at a boy during class? Ren eventually snapped out of it and faced forward, cursing under his breath. Halmoni, what have you done to me? He sighed.


Once class was over, Ren left with his friends almost immediately, ignoring any of the guys who tried to stop him to talk since he unfortunately glanced at them earlier, perhaps they thought Rin was trying to get their attention or something... but no, he left with his friends to get something to eat at the cafe in the main building as it was lunch time now.


Things were going fine, or so he thought when he and his friends suddenly got separated among a group of students who just got out of class as well and were heading to the cafe like a pack of hungry lions.


“Damn it.” Ren muttered as he looked around for his friends, but there was no use, there were too many students swarming around. He managed to make his way towards a hallway just to get out of the crowd so he could pull out his phone and text Minhyun when just then, he smelt the sweet aroma of desserts tickle his nose from a cracked door nearby. He was hungry and naturally walked over to check it out. When he opened the door a bit more, he was suddenly blinded by a bright light.  


“V!” An energetic voice called out. (Ken)


“I...” Another said in a somewhat flat tone. (Leo)


“Double!” Two voices chorused this time… (Hongbin & Ravi)


“X!” This voice did their best to hold in a laugh. (Hyuk)


“Welcomes you to the number one host club of Ouran College Academy!” (N)


By now Ren could see 6 tall male figures standing in a perfect line in nice poses, the one in the middle looked to be the leader as he stood there looking proud and confident.


“Was it a coincidence, or was it fate?” That familiar voice, Jin’s voice, suddenly said to Ren’s right, almost startling him. “Either way, won’t you stay?” A rose was suddenly offered to him.

Ren stared in complete surprise and shock. Host Club?! And how did he get here so fast, class just ended a few minutes ago!


“Oh, hey, it’s you!” Jin laughed, breaking out of his charming character. “We just keep bumping into each other today, don’t we?!”


“Uh… I…” Ren was so stunned he couldn’t form words. It was true, they’ve bumped into each other so many times today!


“Oh my, perhaps this really was fate, wasn’t it?” Jin suddenly went back to his charming persona, giving a dashing smile while offering Ren the rose again. “My dear Rin…” he got down on one knee and held the rose up with a hand over his chest like he was about to pour his soul out in a touching poem. “Won’t you please accept this rose, for I… have no where to put it. Besides, this beautiful flower suits you better.”


Ren’s cheeks were burning bright red right about now as he stared down at Jin, in awe. Why is he making me feel like this?! He thought while reaching a shaky hand out to take the rose, he was so nervous now. Once the rose was accepted, Jin jumped up with a bright smile. “Perhaps you can place it in your hair, you’d be 100x gorgeous, if that’s possible.”


Ren was about to shove the rose back into Jin’s hand and leave but realized… It’s a ing Host Club, it’s what they do! Flirt with girls! And for some reason that disappointed him just a little… All day… was it because he’s one of the Hosts?


“Is something wrong?” Jin asked, noticing the flicker of emotion in Ren’s eyes. “Ah, perhaps some cake will help, yes?!” He said quickly before sprinting off to fetch him a slice of white cake with strawberries. The other hosts were watching the entire time and that made Ren feel a little uncomfortable, but he supposed they were just so stunned by his beauty… that or they saw right through his disguise?!


“Here you go! Eat up!” Jin presented Ren the small slice of cake with a small fork. All Ren could do was stare, he was still in so much shock. “Oh, would you like me to feed it to you?”


“No, I’m fine. Actually…” Ren tooked the small plate from him. “I have to go. Thanks for the cake. Goodbye.” And he left out the door as quick as he could.


“Whoa, that was so… interesting!” One of the hosts exclaimed holding his Tony Chopper plush tight to his chest. “I’ve never seen a girl like that before…” (Ken)


“You know that beautiful maiden?” Their leader asked, extremely curious now. How did Jin manage to attract such beautiful girls all the time?! He was honestly a bit jealous. (N)


“We have Art History together.” Jin replied looking at them innocently.


“No wonder he knew her name.” One muttered. “But she’s so beautiful… I wanna take her picture.” A smile spread across his face, his cute dimples making an appearance. (Hongbin)


“She’s so tall for a girl, though.” Their youngest member pointed out, his tone suspicious. (Hyuk)


“Got a problem with tall girls?” Jin asked with a raised brow.


“No, I just… don’t see a lot of them around is all.” He quickly added with a sheepish laugh.


“Well, get used to it,” Jin grinned, “‘cause I’m gonna make her my mine, aka, my client before those lame Mounteen boys snatch her up.”


“It’s Seventeen…” the member who hadn’t spoken yet, corrected. (Ravi)


“Whatever.” Jin laughed. “So, can I have some cake now?” He looked over at them with a bright smile.


“No,” their quiet yet strict member answered. “The cake is for the clients.” (Leo)


“Awhhh…” Jin frowned, looking at the table full of cake with sad puppy eyes.


“... just one piece.” Leo caved.




“Chopper and I can have some too, right?!” Ken asked quickly, his expression full of excitement.






“Nom, nom, nom…” they heard Jin say in delight as he ate the slice of chocolate cake.


“Awhhh, just adorable! Leo, get the camera! We can add this to Jin’s fanpage!”


“Why are you asking him for the camera when I’m the photographer student around here!” Hongbin complained, camera already in his hand.




“Crap. Crap. Crap…” Ren muttered, standing at the end of an empty hallway. His heart was still racing after that encounter with Jin in the Host Club. “I must be getting sick… that’s it.” He tried to convince himself. Sure he’s been acting like a girl for a few months now but… had he literally turned into a girl now that he was blushing over some pretty boy who complimented him?! He gets compliments all the time, but why was this different now? “Eugh! What the hell?!” He sighed, shoving bites of cake into his mouth, trying to calm down.


“There you are!” Minhyun came running up to him from the other side of the hallway. “Gosh, what happened? How’d we get separated?” He asked, watching Ren stuffing his face with cake. He could only assume something was bothering him now since that was a habit of his to do when under stress or bothered.


“I don’t know.” Ren mumbled, still eating his cake.


“Where’d you get that fro-”


“Don’t ask!” The brunette exclaimed with his mouth full, cheeks completely red.


“Jeez, what’s gotten into you?!” Minhyun laughed. “That pretty boy from earlier still making you flustered?”


“Shut up. Don’t mention him!”


“You’re being so obvious.”


“I’m going home.” Ren shoved the empty plate into the taller guy’s chest and marched off down the hallway.


“Gosh, what a chick.” Minhyun said amused.


“I heard that!” Ren shouted at the end of the hallway, totally no pleased.

Chapter one!



Lol, Flustered Ren is adorable!




LOL He’s so meaaaaaan! I like it aha!


Chapter one down

Chapter two coming soooooon


Until next time~!


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06/12/18: if anyone sees this post, I will try to update this story soon. I'm currently recovering from knee surgery so it's taking time to get back into the swing of things. Please be patient, I'll make it worth it, hopefully! ^^


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Kpop___Lover #1
Chapter 7: wait is jin a girl
i am so confused
Chapter 7: Omg! This is so good ♡! I think JinRen will make a cute couple since they both had such a pretty face xD
ckossi #4
Chapter 4: Ooo~ something interesting! Ren is getting suspicious of Jin. I hope my hunch in my mind is correct (not wanting to write it just in case) because that would be very interesting! Hehehe.
ckossi #5
Chapter 3: "This is some messed up storyline." <-- I laughed so hard when I read that part!
Ren is awesome! This story is awesome too! I can totally see this as a Kdrama! I would be so up to watching it if it was.
ckossi #6
This plot is genius! Loved the first chapter!
Update soon please ^^
Madhatter95 #8
REN ♡.♡
OTL ...