The Little Prince


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To gain someone's heart is the hardest thing to do.

So what should I do?


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okkysekar #1
chapter 3: salah satu fanfic junbin terkeren yg pernah sy baca..penasaran bgt kelanjutan dari kisah mereka..kira2 apa yg terjadi ketika mereka ketemu lg..

please author..continue this story..i will always waiting for this..fighting author..!!!
happyviruses92 #2
Chapter 3: Please continue this story :(
Kinda curious what's relationship between hanbin and kimbab :3
chanyeolstagram #3
Chapter 3: Im waitinggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
rocketrochers #4
Chapter 2: Suka pemilihan kata2nya. Ini salah satu dr segelintir ff berbahasa Indonesia yg pernah gue baca, yang enak dibaca (?) lol

Waiting for the next update ~
I can't wait for the next update.. The plot interest me a great deal hehehehehe